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Everything posted by JMO

  1. The wording makes it sound like this has been a long awaited, and much desired, thing. So I'm very happy for her, and her family. Finally, Mekhai gets a sibling. As Henry would say--Yay!
  2. JMO

    The Bullpen

    You fall in love when you fall in love. It sounds like a lot of us are reading through the old TWOP comments and seeing the protests when the cast began to change. Having come late to the dance (Season 6), I didn't have to experience the loss of the familiar, original cast members, so Emily Prentiss was just fine with me. I'm sure the same thing is happening now. Newcomers to the fandom, those who've discovered the show over the past couple of years, probably don't understand why people bemoan the changes in JJ, and the prominence of both JJ and Garcia. They fell in love with the show as they found it. Totally different note, but Minimal Loss is on right now. I think it was the first episode I ever saw. Like Cyrus (Luke Perry), I had no idea who the FBI agent was---but I was 100% sure it wasn't the skinny, geeky, guy. The next episode I stumbled upon was "The Instincts", after which I went out of my way to find "Memoriam." And I was in love.
  3. JMO

    The Bullpen

    I see Reid as intensely private and, when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex, self-protective. He's been hurt by the pretty girls of his past, and I think he is wary about the same thing happening in the present. I think a woman needs to show him her integrity and trustworthiness before he'll let her into his heart. That's what happened with Maeve and, whether in a romantic or platonic way, with JJ. I don't really think he fell in love with Maeve's mind. I think he fell in love with her core. But he also has hormones, and curiosity, and I suspect that's why he responded to Lila as he did. And I agree that the brief flirtation with Austin was just that---a flirtation, an ego boost, because, as Droogie said, he tried something and it worked. I couldn't really call either of those episodes a romance, nor even a crush. They were brief little encounters that sated his curiosity and stroked his ego, but they remained entirely in the realm of superficial.
  4. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Was that your post, CoStar?
  5. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Slowly working my way through the early days of CM on TWOP. It's interesting to see the evolution of both the show and the fandom. This was the point at which the writers told the fans who the characters were. I'll be equally interested to discover the turning point---i.e., the point at which the fans feel like they know the characters well enough to tell the writers if they are writing 'in character' or not. As of mid-season two, the writers are safe. It's also interesting to see that some savvy fans noted their enjoyment of the slow release of character detail, and its integration into the story line, early on. They applauded the show for not devoting full episodes to any one character's personal development, well before it began to happen. As a major Reid fan, I'm also tickled to see the evolution from calling him 'the geek' to 'hot'-----or, more correctly, 'the hot geek'.
  6. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Every negotation is a back-and-forth, whether it's for salary, or buying a house, or haggling over something in retail. You either low-ball or high-ball, depending on your position (payor or payee), and expect things to fall in the middle. So I wouldn't be at all surprised if their agents asked for more than expected, and settled for something less, in terms of dollars. But that would have absolutely nothing to do with screen time.
  7. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Fact? Or your personal speculation?
  8. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Finding ways to put off working on something today, I found the original TWOP thread on CM. As someone who came on board late (the summer between seasons 6 and 7), I found the early reactions to the show very interesting. Some are completely consistent with the complaints we see about changes in recent years, and some indicate that the complaints of today are very similar to the complaints of ten years ago. Here's a link, if you're interested. Hope it works. http://web.archive.org/web/20140329232532/http://forums.televisionwithoutpity.com/topic/3128465-criminal-minds-you-are-not-tired-of-serial-killers-are-you/
  9. JMO

    The Bullpen

    I think you're spot on in your analysis, Normasm. And, whether or not the fans are excited about the spinoff, it sounds like the network is. With that in the mix, and knowing the original is long in the tooth, the network may not be all that motivated to get into heavy negotiations with the cast. My guess is that they'll make a one year offer, and the cast will get one opportunity to say 'yea' or nay'. What is less clear to me is what they might do if certain of the cast (TG, JM and MGG, in particular) declined, since they (foolishly) seem to think the others can carry the show. I know it's been widely speculated, but I just can't see AJC having the pull to demand a specific amount of screen time, nor does it seem consistent with the actress' personality. I doubt it's happened before, and I really can't see it playing a role in the future.
  10. Droogie said: "But how much time is left?! Therein lies my problem. If the series ends and he is still alone, I am going to hate it so much." I sympathize, Droogie. But the only way they can send Reid happily off into the sunset with a character like, say, Einstein, is to write an out-of-character Reid. Not that some of the writers aren't expert in making our favorite genius look OOC----but I wouldn't want to give them permission to do so. If I had to, I'd rather end the series thinking that his perfect match was just beyond the horizon.
  11. I figured it had to be a modeling gig. His hair is combed, his jacket is new and..... whose soles look so pristine?
  12. Moving this discussion so we can all find it again. I would never think to look under 'Hero Worship'. Or would I? Reid and romance is a complicated topic. Here is a man who grew up as a complete outsider, always younger, smarter and more ostracized than anyone else among his so-called peers. His mother's illness made her displays of affection stilted at best. He was abandoned by his father, victimized by his crushes, belittled, from time to time, by his teammates. All of that does something to one's self-esteem, genius IQ notwithstanding. For Reid, the very notion that someone could be genuinely interested in him, without any ulterior motive, would be a heady thing. I think that's probably what drew him to Maeve in the first place. Not her intelligence------that became a 'plus' after the fact. But her interest in him, specifically. Even if it began as a consultation, and then grew. We've seen evidence that he appreciates a beautiful woman as well as any man might. But more in the way of an appreciation of fine art, than anything else. As it did with Maeve, I think appearance would take a back seat to investment. I do think someone like Reid needs an intelligent mate. One can't spend a lifetime having to explain everything. And I think he would be bored with someone who was, virtually, a clone (like Einstein). Reid's genius desires stimulation by differences, by things that are complementary. So I like the idea of him hooking up with an artist of some sort. Not a college professor, or a linguist. Not even a scientist, like Maeve. He needs to be drawn out, challenged intellectually and emotionally. An artist would be the right brain to his left. I think it would work well. Watching '500 Days of Summer' in the background as I write this. Wish MGG had the lead.
  13. I read it to mean that she waited as long as she could to show the unsub's face, since the story was already written that he would appear at the opening. And I interpreted her comments about the upcoming 10X17 the same way---unsub-heavy, but she's made some kind of attempt to prolong the time before the he or she is visible. For me, it's not enough, but I understand that her hands are tied. I thought it was interesting (and encouraging) that she's obviously read feedback from more than the 'official' sites, as she would probably not have seen many complaints about the inequity of screen time between unsub/victim and the team. And I join you in wishing the writers would do the same. And that they would care.
  14. Interesting interview with the director of the episode. Reveals something about the overall process, as well as particulars to 'Scream'. Her comments indicate that she's seen the feedback on line. I felt kind of bad for her, because most of the negatives she seems to have read about were not things over which she had control. http://criminalmindsfans.com/exclusive-10x15-director-hanelle-culpepper-talks-scream/
  15. I took a look at that other quiz, but had to quit at the 'teen pop star'. Can't tell one from another. Does that make me Rossi?
  16. So, a re-watch still yields Reid's lovely visage as the bright spot in this episode. I think his hair finally got so heavy that it fell in closer to his face, making it look almost like he'd combed it. Can't wait for the new 'do in upcoming episodes. Other thoughts, in random order: Speaking of hair, re: the JJ ponytail: she seems to always pull it back when she's going to a potential confrontation, so it won't get in her way. No particular conferral of ninja powers there. I did like Kate's husband. He seemed so 'normal'. Clueless, maybe, but normal. No, parents, it is not okay for your 13 year old daughter to go to the mall with her friend at night. Not unless you are right behind them, the whole way. As far as that storyline goes, I could potentially be interested if the niece and her friend were kidnapped and trafficked, leading to the Beyond Borders episode. But a lot of those meet-ups happen at airports, not the mall. I liked the relationship between Kate and Chris. It looked comfortable, and familiar, and held more chemistry than that of JJ/Will. Still think it's odd that they adopted Meg as an infant, yet aren't 'Mom' and 'Dad' to her. Maybe she recently found out about the adoption and is rebelling? Honey, salt water, ginger and tea----it took 187 IQ points to figure out they were for a sore throat? Doesn't every grandmother in the world know that? I thought JJ's rear end took more of a beating than did her head. I was surprised she was able to sit down on the plane. I don't know how she was able to interpret Kate's 'worried mom' face from Kate's 'I just shot somebody in the back' face. Please, anyone who thinks they learned anything about domestic violence from this episode----no, you didn't. It's important, and scary, and a lot more prevalent than many think. But this episode was, in no way, a public service message about it. When I saw the plot summary, about the unsub collecting screams, all I could think of was Mike Wazowski. Re: the placement of the episode. My logic may not hold, but it seems like the following episode would pay the price for a sub-par one. As in, 'I didn't like it, so I'm not tuning in again next week'. If so, it doesn't cost them anything during sweeps, because there are no more episodes in February. It may have cost them in viewership mid-episode, but I think most of us stay tuned, waiting anxiously, for the story to improve.
  17. Joining Normasm---I'm Spencer Reid. And then, because I'm Spencer Reid, I went back and took it again, using the same answers, to be sure the 'characters' weren't just randomly generated.
  18. Reid looked yummy. That was pretty much it.
  19. Is it odd for them to skip several sweeps weeks? I don't usually pay attention to the schedule.
  20. There actually is a story that looks at the team coming back together after disbanding, written by Willowy: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9171448/1/Forget-Me-Not
  21. I like those ideas, Normasm. But, if the team disbands, I think I'd like to see Hotch get out of the FBI altogether. He needs to leave his demons behind. Maybe he can take a position with The Innocence Project, or something of that sort. Something of a crusade, but without all the unsubs. Reid as an instructor---I can see it. I'd definitely love to see him happy. I'd especially love to see him become a father. Kate and JJ can remain with the team, as long as JJ has a spectacular breakup with Will first. Rossi to retirement, Morgan to NYC---all good. It would be fitting (and bizarre) if Garcia decided to move to NYC with Sam, wouldn't it? Now I'm beginning to wonder if it might be interesting to have the final episode take place from the point of view of a reunion of sorts, maybe a decade or so down the road. But, if the past few years are any indication, I fear the series will actually end in some sort of 'spectacular, fiery, explosion' (in the dark).
  22. Not sure this belongs here, but it seems as good a place as any. Waiting on another foot of snow, and another snow day, and looking for distraction. So---assuming we'll come to a series finale some day (and hoping it's not this year), how would you like to see it go out? Just another case? Some sort of disbanding, or farewell, among the team? Happiness? Angst? Or just business as usual?
  23. Judging from the CM FB site, it looks like you have plenty of company, Droogie. Lots of people already have Einstein and Reid already hooked up. I always wonder if some of those comments are planted as test balloons to see if the idea carries weight. Because we really didn't see much interaction between Reid and Einstein in the episode, so all of the buzz about 'romance' is coming from the commentary. If we were meant to go in that direction, I'm disappointed. In that respect, it felt like the writers don't know what to do with Reid romantically (because they don't understand him), so they came up with 'someone almost exactly like him'. And, I agree with you, a big part of their problem is that they killed off a much more likely romantic prospect. Personally, If I thought the show was capable of portraying it (which I do not), I would like to see Reid with someone who is mature and real. I didn't get either vibe from Einstein. To me, she came across as exactly what she was---a character. If, on the other hand, they were to insert an 'Einstein' into an episode for the purpose of giving Reid a dose of his own genius-ramble medicine, I might have found it amusing. But she didn't interact with him enough for that. So, I surmise that we were meant to jump to the romance conclusion. Or the character was, indeed, auditioning for a part in another CBS show.
  24. Agreed on both counts. It felt like she was supposed to be some cross between Reid and Garcia. More than that, it felt like an audition for 'quirky character' in a show. If they hadn't already cast their quirky character for the spinoff, I'd have thought this was she. She was cute, and if we'd never met Maeve, I might have been able to entertain a flirtation (but not a relationship) between her and Reid. But....no. She can stay in Indianapolis. They have a nice children's museum there.
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