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Everything posted by JMO

  1. And one of Reid's 'take downs' was done with a slipper and a kiss. That's my boy!
  2. Found this on the AMA website, part of an ethics case discussion. An OPO is an organ procurement organization. There are far too many people who think like the one you quoted from the other site, Normasm. They think that, if they identify themselves as potential organ donors, they won't receive good medical care, because someone will want their organs. I've had people verbalize that to me. I think they all read (and watch) too many conspiracy stories!
  3. I had the same question, so I googled it the other night. Apparently, there are a few companies that make them, and anyone can order one. But I've never seen anyone actually wearing one, and I've been at this a long time. Apart from being asked when you are admitted to the hospital or ED (which is not exactly the time that most people want to announce that they're organ donors), the usual source of info is the driver's license. I guess, if you didn't have one, you could make your wishes known with a bracelet. Or, if you were an unsub, and you worked for a blood bank, and you had an AB+ daughter who needed a liver transplant, you could find all the AB+ blood donors, kill them, and put bracelets on their arms.
  4. I had chalked it up to the father behaving irrationally. But maybe it was just the writers. :)
  5. They did the same thing with 'Fear and Loathing' after Reid's trauma in Revelations. There was no plan to play out his addiction. Hence the outtake on the DVD. I think it would have been possible to write one of the scenes that included JJ in last night's episode such that it gave a nod to her PTSD, without placing undue emphasis on the character. I just don't think it's possible to have 'no JJ' and 'consistent JJ' at the same time. For me, I will interpret her more subdued role last night as fallout from her PTSD. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it. I can't seem to find it again, but I saw something that broke down the numbers with the usual 18-49 demo, and then a 25-49 demo. From that, it seemed that the big drop was in the 18-25 group, which didn't surprise me, considering the advertised subject matter of the episode. Not that they shouldn't relate to it, but I don't think they do.
  6. I agree. It's got to be one way, or the other. I have no idea if anyone from the show bothers to look at sites like this. If they don't, we can complain all we want, in both directions at the same time. But, if there's any chance that they do, and if we hope to be taken seriously, there is a need to make sense.
  7. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Moving this, because I think we went off topic..and, yes, you are a poet! You're right. I've seen and read a few different things where AJC is asked if she'd like to do what some of the others do, and I've always had the sense that she thinks she is supposed to say 'yes'. But I would be very surprised if she actually wanted to do any of those things. To me, she never, ever, looks comfortable in an interview, which is why I don't think anyone should put stock in what comes out of them. I think she is an athlete, a dancer, an actress and a wife and mother, and I think that is how she channels her creativity. In a similar way, I'd be surprised to hear that SM wanted to write or direct. That doesn't seem like it would be his interest, nor his forte. But my guess is that he's more comfortable saying so.
  8. I actually thought TG did a pretty good job directing. I remember thinking that one of his episodes stood out over the others, but I honestly couldn't tell you which it was, right now. Last night I was underwhelmed. MGG has real talent for it. And, although he loves the oddball episodes, I actually think he's done a great job directing in the straightforward. I thought 'Lauren' was excellently put together, loved,loved, loved the family/team scenes of 'Mosley Lane' (but not the unsub scenes), I loved most of 'Alchemy'. 'Heathcliff Manor'?---no. But that may have had more to do with a bad storyline. What's the saying? You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. As to AJC and her having 'always' wanted to direct? That was from an interview at the convention in Canada, which you can find on line. If you see it in context, you can tell that directing is far from her mind. She even said 'maybe in season 20'. So, no worries there.
  9. Just watched this AM. It was ..... clunky, by which I mean that pretty much all of it felt heavy-handed. The case---they had Hotch, and later Morgan and JJ, asking the kinds of questions I would have expected the LEOs to have asked. In another episode, this would have been the kind of information that was offered as exposition while they were on the plane, or when they arrived at the police station. It felt a little like they were trying to stretch thin material. Who else was screaming "the DMV!" at their TV? My guess is that the local hospital doesn't have a very successful transplantation rate if they take their donors off life support before they recover their organs. It's not just Reid (although I always miss him the most---and he's the least likely to show up again), but each of the characters disappears mysteriously these days. In the past, it seemed like we always knew where everyone was, even if they weren't onscreen. Now, they're just---gone. It feels like lazy writing. I have no idea why it's so irksome to me (except for Reid), but it is. To join the shallow---I didn't think JJ looked older, just softer. The white sweater and side part did that for her. On the other hand, the lighting did nothing for anyone. Even TG didn't look quite himself. Which was sad, since we actually had some scenes with him. Rossi. For me, the whole Meshach Taylor story arc, across several seasons, has been.....nice, but out of context. It's nice that Joe wants to honor the military and that the show supports him in it. And I say this as someone who comes from a family full of military types (and LEOs, and other service professions), and I have great respect and gratitude. But this story arc always feels disjointed to me. It's like I'm learning something about Rossi's past, but it still doesn't inform his present. What was it about his Vietnam experience that led him to the FBI? To the BAU? If he founded the profiling unit, tell me why and how. That's the backstory I want to see for him.
  10. So he does own a comb! There has to be a happy medium between the hairstyles, no? You definitely do have to wonder, since the stated change in focus came relatively close to the airing of the episode. If so, I hope we get to see them some day. Hotch has been equally as underused as Reid. The dynamic would have been very different, had he been JJ's confidant.
  11. I know he drank in New Orleans (Jones) and, of course, on the 'wedding video' on the season 8 DVD. MGG plays a good drunk, if there is such a thing. If you don't have the set, I think you can find the video on line.
  12. Reid was at the bar, drowning his sorrow about how his best friend had lost her mind.
  13. Oh, how I wish that had happened! It's funny----I ended up finding the show because I was too lazy to get up and change the channel. Now I've seen some episodes more times than I care to count, but 'Hit', 'Run' and '200' get me right up and looking for the remote.
  14. So, if I'm interpreting things correctly, it sounds like this will not be a BAU-equivalent working internationally, but, rather, another type of branch of the FBI altogether. Do others read it the same way? Assuming, in the CM episode that launches it, we'll see the BAU team up with this other branch. It would have seemed a good opportunity to see a bit more of Emily, but it doesn't sound like that will happen. I've liked Gary Sinise in films, but have never seen him in CSI:NY. I couldn't make it through a full season of the original CSI, so have never watched any of its offspring.
  15. Thanks, Old Dog and Droogie. Glad you liked it. The relationship between Hotch and Reid is one of the things I miss the most about the old days.
  16. Ah, a true artist! How wonderful---I'm always in awe, as I haven't an artistic bone in my body. Unless, maybe, you could draw me one. ;-)
  17. Not that I would consider myself an artist. But you have me curious, Normasm. What's your area of art? And, while I wasn't kidding about not wanting to disappoint, I was kidding about the pressure. Any pressure I feel is completely self-imposed. Once I start a story, I feel a certain level of commitment to it, and the readers, to keep things going at some kind of pace. Plus, it's more fun than paperwork (for which we need a new name).
  18. Jeez, now I'm worried I'll disappoint. The pressure! Worked on it a bit this AM, will probably get something up tonight or tomorrow AM.
  19. No arrogance at all, Droogie. You were probably right. As I told you, I do my best to stay out of the ICU!
  20. Back in April, I read on some (obviously unreliable) source that there was to be an immediately upcoming episode dealing with JJ's PTSD. Since I didn't quite trust TPTB to involve Reid, I preemptively did it for them. It addresses one or two of the criticisms launched at the actual episode. So, for what it's worth: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10242212/1/Anesthesia
  21. This will probably be my favorite scene of the season (sadly). It also reminded me of when Morgan and Garcia returned from London and Reid turned Morgan's attempted fist-bump into a fist-shake. He's come a long way in two years!
  22. Just for clarification----I don't know if by 'lazy eye' you meant that JM's lid was droopy. If so, that can be caused by a Bell's Palsy that doesn't quite resolve. But, if you were using the term as it's usually used, to indicate eyes that don't quite align with each other----that cannot be caused by Bell's Palsy.
  23. If I squint at things just right, I actually think there was build up to the PTSD, and I think JJ's blatant denial was a part of it. Intermittently throughout last season, both when she was acting odd regarding Cruz, and after (the awful) '200', there were scenes of Reid giving her looks, taking measure of her, etc. I'd chalked it up to acting choices by MGG until logic kicked in, and I realized that whoever edited the episodes decided to keep those throwaway few seconds, multiple times. So, there was either a plan, or they were just keeping their options open. Regarding the seeming suddenness of symptoms in yesterday's episode: people react when they react, and it often doesn't make sense, because it has very little to do with logic. I see it a lot through work, and, often enough, it looks similar to what I saw on my TV screen last night. CoStar, I saw that scene differently. She was pent up, and beginning to unravel. He penetrated her defenses, both with his analysis and by showing how much he cared, and she feared she wouldn't be able to hold it in any longer. She needed him to stop, so she wouldn't fall apart. It wasn't an insult. It was a plea.
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