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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Yes Nicole, such brilliant strategy to go to the final 4 with two comp beasts who will never turn on each other. Ha ha ha.
  2. I wish James would go this week just because he's so terrible at this game. Nicole was struggling on the wall comp before James started giving her pointers on how to squat. He's such a dumbass.
  3. The alliance is over if James or Natalie win the next HOH. Paul and Vic will drive a bus over Nicole and Corey.
  4. Nicole is hated in online communities like here and Jokers, but she does have some fans if you read the #bb18 hashtag on Twitter. But she doesn't seem all that popular. And Corey is such a non-entity that I have a hard time buying it. I dunno. I don't mean to go all tin foil hat but I've had my doubts about votes on this show ever since Frank won AFP.
  5. That because Victor knows they are floating to the power next week. Himself and Paul are loyal to no one but each other. LOL.
  6. Not really. I expect Meech and James to be the next two boots. Then you're at F5, and I expect Paul/Vic to scoop up Natalie. I don't think Nicole sees final 4. Meech going ahead of James is a good move for Nicole. Her using her HOH to get James out would be a fatal move.
  7. If she wants to hold to the deal then she's better off putting up Michelle/Vic and re-assessing after the veto. If somehow Michelle comes off she could backdoor James. Those nominations would also eliminate the possibility of Natalie or James using it on Michelle (because the other would go up as the replacement). Nicole is shallow. I believe part of the reason she wants to honor the deal is because she knows James is popular. There's nothing worse for her than being hated by America.
  8. Natalie is better off with James going this week over Michelle anyway. At least Meech has a chance to win a mental comp. Also, Natalie's target shrinks with James gone. If Paul or Victor win the next HOH they would likely target Michelle and Nicole. Natalie as a single is best for her game. She stands a decent chance of sneaking into the F2.
  9. That was the last comp James could win. Even if you don't trust him it makes no sense to take him out right now. Nicole later said she wants James and Paul in the house to go after each other. So she's not totally clueless. But if she puts James on the block and he stays up after the veto he's definitely toast.
  10. Paul playing Nicole and Corey like a fiddle is hilarious. Nicole putting James would be colossally stupid for her game.
  11. Paul is playing the perfect floater game, in the traditional sense. Floats and aligns with the power every week. It's really remarkable. He had Nicole on the verge of tears a few days ago now she's vowing to keep him safe. The guy is annoying as fuck but he's playing a fantastic game.
  12. Nicole is going to whine all night about James not giving it to her.
  13. Nicole is a jealous hag who hates women and would likely target Nat. James is right not to drop.
  14. James is good at wall comps. He can put that on his resume when he's applying at Toys R Us later this year.
  15. There's some hope with the care package bribe. James is easily bought.
  16. James is definitely winning. The intrigue is which jury member gets back in.
  17. Probably the first time in his life anyone has ever said this to him.
  18. James to Nat: "I can tell you *they* (production) want us to win. They want the couples to come to the end." Natalie: "Oh! Yeah! That's never happened before." Gag me with a spoon.
  19. Nicole didn't know Hawaii was in the United States. Degrees do not equal educated.
  20. That's correct. Natalie can't backtrack now. She's gotta send Victor home. Once she put him on the block it was over. She choose her path (or let James choose it for her). Whether putting Victor up at the start was the best move for her game is debatable.
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