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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Meh. Kevin is an idiot who has played an awful game. He would also send Josh home, which would basically guarantee Paul is in the F2.
  2. Survivor got rid of favorite player somewhat recently. Wouldn't surprise me if BB followed suit.
  3. I don't think so. Pretty sure the jury members all said Paul would've won over James. No one respected James' game.
  4. Maybe but he really didn't like James. He voiced his disdain for him on the feeds rather often. Paul thought he had the win in the bag against either one. He still hasn't gotten over Davonne voting for Nicole.
  5. F4 veto is usually the days comp. 98% chance Paul wins that too. I'm afraid the rest of the season is going to be very anticlimactic.
  6. Elena is a phony. Wouldn't surprise me if she was playing up her affection for Mark in jury because the cameras were on.
  7. Spencer Clawson? That guy sucks. Paul steamrolling the house isn't why he's unpopular. It's the tactics he's used. The herd mentality. The bullying. Started all the way back when Dominique was evicted.
  8. The fact that she doesn't have a car and Paul comes from money is irrelevant. This is a gameshow not a charity.
  9. For the people who think Paul has played a flawless game. He wants to take Josh to F2. Josh is the only player remaining in the house who wouldn't take Paul to F2. Paul will probably win both competitions at F4 and boot Kevin, even though Kevin would take him to F2.
  10. Jessica said she's rooting for Josh. Kinda funny.
  11. I could be wrong but I think feeds usually come back after the Wednesday (taped eviction) episode airs. We will likely know what is going on thanks to the guy who leaks everything on Reddit.
  12. I think the temptation challenge was an attempt to give Cody a chance. Of course the first week Jessica convinced him not to play. Taran Armstrong on RHAP seems to believe Josh is pushing for a tie vote so he can keep Alex. But Alex refuses to tell Paul she wants his vote. LOL. She really is one of the worst players ever.
  13. Also, Paul looks just like her ex.
  14. I think certain jury members could be bitter but I don't see the entire jury being bitter. Potentially bitter against Paul: Jason, Alex, Kevin Probably not bitter against Paul: Mark, Elena Still up Paul's butt: Matt, Raven Doesn't care: Cody Josh would vote for Paul. If Paul cuts Christmas at F3 she might be hurt...Oh who am I kidding. She still votes for Paul.
  15. Could Josh be trying to bait Paul into splitting the vote then keeping Alex?
  16. I think he could beat Christmas, if he boots Paul. That would gain him a lot of credibility with the jury.
  17. Christmas saying she's gonna go off on Kevin and call him out for being an old man pervert. She is such a bitch.
  18. Uh, Cody tried the first week. The fact is you had to give him a stupid twist to make sure they couldn't get him out right away. Is she really this dense?
  19. This is the biggest problem with backdooring Paul. Josh is absolutely right. Alex is too stupid for this to work.
  20. I just rewatched Micronesia. The players weren't this mean or stupid but the gameplay was really bad. I can't believe people think that is an all-time great season. Pretty overrated.
  21. Paul is such a terrible actor, only a complete idiot would buy that fight. Lucky for him that's who he was selling it to.
  22. Taking Kevin seems unnecessarily risky to me. He hasn't really offended anyone, like Josh has. Paul would still probably beat him but he has a better story to tell than Josh or even Christmas. I also think Kevin has a tough road to even make it that far. He goes this week if Alex wins veto. If he survives this week he goes at F4 if Josh/Christmas win veto. If Paul gets the chance he might cut Josh or Christmas to take Kevin though. But will he get that shot?
  23. He did the same thing in his goodbye message to Davonne last season. And her vote ended up being the deciding one. It's a stupid move. Even without Josh's goodbye, Jason would have figured it out. Everyone pieces things together in the jury. I'm gonna die laughing if Paul makes it to the end and loses again because he doesn't know how to properly manage a jury.
  24. Josh would just need one vote to force a tie. Unfortunately none of these idiots will vote the bearded douche off. Alex won't. Kevin won't. Bitchmas won't. How fucking sad is that? Didn't see much discussion about this last night but pretty sure Alex wanted/thought everyone was voting Kevin out. Josh told her he voted Kevin and Paul actually admitted he voted Raven out because she was more of a competition threat than Kevin. Alex didn't seem to push it farther than that. She really is the worst.
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