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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Especially after she talked such a big game.
  2. What if production lets Bay will her power to someone? She's such a fucking moron she'd probably leave it to Tyler.
  3. Actually wouldn't be surprised if next week is a reset. Kaitlyn not solving the puzzle really messed up their schedule. No one in production had planned for it.
  4. Another aspect of her charmed life. Not easy to become a flight attendant these days.
  5. Bayeligh is so delusional and gullible that I won't be surprised if she believes she has the votes to stay.
  6. Scottie has gotten accusations from both sides all season when in reality he's just a clueless dumbass.
  7. F3 of Tyler/Sam/KC might be worse than Paul/Josh/Christmas. I think that's Tyler's ideal F3 because they would both take him.
  8. Bayleigh and Angela are cut from the same cloth. They would have been a pretty tight F2 with KC being close to them both. But instead she threw that away for a few weeks in bed with the babysitter. By tonight Tyler will be comforting Bayleigh and working on her jury vote. You can bet money on it. His game is so transparent and so obvious. Utterly fucking bonkers that no one sees it.
  9. When's the last time we had a legitimate post veto blowup? Prepare to be disappointed. If Angela goes through with the speech she's dumber than I thought. Bay has said she's going to vote for a female. You're at the jury phase, work the votes. "Sorry Bay, I like you personally but your power is too dangerous and I have to put you up."
  10. So the only person who thinks Haleigh is the hacker is Sam. Tyler said no way, that Haleigh is not smart enough. They like him now that he's on their side. For the majority of the season they've tried to pin everything on him.
  11. Not for nothing but I'm gonna guess actual geniuses don't apply to be on Big Brother.
  12. I don't think Tyler wants Brett anywhere near the endgame though, and I don't quite understand why as I don't think he is particularly good. His social game is one of the worst in the house. Tyler would absolutely crush him in a jury vote. But that's neither here nor there. I'd be willing to wager that Brett is the next Level 6er that gets let go, but ideally not for a few more weeks. If Scottie wins HOH I'd be shocked if he didn't take another shot at Brett, regardless how he's behaving right now towards Tyler. The more intriguing thing for me is if/when Tyler realizes he can't control JC any longer.
  13. I could see Bayleigh get blindsided out, then win the battle back in 3 weeks, and come back into the house saying Tyler is the only one she can trust.
  14. Brett is an idiot. Tyler could piss on his chest and Brett would take it with joy. Mmm that piss is nice and warm. That you, Tyler. It's kinda amazing how quickly Bayleigh's fortune turned bad. Most of it self-inflicted.
  15. Last night JC and Fessy were talking and Fessy said maybe Haleigh is the hacker. JC said that would be fucked up of her to do that to you after you just saved her with the veto. Seems like JC thinks everyone shoud be playing the game to protect Tyler because reasons.
  16. "I know this stranger I was on a reality show with for a month is an amazing person" is so corny and so Rachel.
  17. Daily reminder that Brett sucks ass at this game and is dumb as a sack of hammers.
  18. Bayleigh is a bitch but JC is a fucktard of the highest magnitude. They both can't get off my screen soon enough.
  19. I like that Tyler and his minions don't suspect anyone besides Bayleigh could possibly put him up. How dare someone make a move on poor innocent Tyler. The audacity. The gall.
  20. Yeah, I think Ted Bundy said the same thing.
  21. They really take liberties with the blurbs. "Cyber security expert" Brett is actually a telemarketer who peddles overpiced antivirus software to unsuspecting rubes. I respect BB15's Jessie the most. Her blurb pulled no punches. Simply, "Unemployed." God bless her.
  22. This encapsulates why I'm not a huge fan of this season. I have a hard time crediting Tyler and his side because their lies are so transparent and obvious. It's not even good gameplay, it's just the same group of idiots believing the very obvious lies from the other side. The idea that anyone in their right mind would believe that Brett is in a secret alliance with Rockpile is so utterly preposterous and moronic that it makes me question whether the show is entirely scripted.
  23. I'm sure it's harder than it looks. As much as I bag on these people I would be a trainwreck too.
  24. I don't think so. Only reason he would use it is because he thinks Bayleigh was gonna use hers and put him up, which lol. Tyler gives her way too much credit
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