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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Damn, Haleigh telling Scottie everything.
  2. He runs interference for Tyler when Tyler will drop him in a nanosecond when it suits him. At least Kaycee has a F2 with Tyler. Honestly, JC is arguably the shittiest player left in the house.
  3. He has an exaggerated sense of his position in the game. He thinks he controls everyone when in reality no one cares what the little fucking troll says.
  4. I think I hate him worse than Frankie, which I didn't think was possible.
  5. Fessy ain't buying what JC is selling. So he's like everyone else in the house. JC sucks so much ass.
  6. This board is actually less of a Lv4 circle jerk than other BB online communities. Reddit and Jokers are absolutely unreadable. Well, Jokers is unreadable every season.
  7. Furniture stuck to furniture. It's like Inception.
  8. Like 1%? Both of them are all talk.
  9. I agree with Peech on this one. Angela has a nice body but that face is pretty average. However, I give her props for doing some DRs without makeup. Also she needs to stay out of the sun. She’s gonna look like a catchers mitt by the time she’s 35.
  10. I think Liz was more than a little delusional. I remember that last week when Liz didn’t even bother pitching Steve to take her because...she thought she was the power player of the season not Vanessa. She was absolutely floored when he evicted Vanessa.
  11. Steve won because he took out Vanessa, who most of the jury couldn't stand. That was basically the deciding factor.
  12. I think Scottie would go for JC. Faysal might try to get rid of Angela or Kaycee. Or he might target Brett/Scottie because he's jealous that they talk to Haleigh.
  13. I don't even get the sense Tyler is into Angela romantically.
  14. Well they had three votes, with one canceled. So they needed Sam and Scottie. JC/Angela would’ve been interesting, but Scottie probably sends JC out. Then it comes down to what mood Sam is in that day. Too bad as I would’ve loved to see JC go up and out.
  15. Scottie floated it last night but it was quickly shot down by Haleigh. I think they did a good job hiding it earlier in the season but the last 2 weeks its been painfully obvious that Tyler/KC/Angela are in an alliance. I mean, forget that they spend a lot of time together but does Footy never wonder why Tyler and Angela have vetoed each other in consecutive weeks? It’s truly mind boggling.
  16. I don’t deny that Lv4 are by far the better alliance but I don’t really think the last two weeks had any stellar gameplay. They just won the comps they needed. The stupiest thing Footy did was Bayleigh not using her power. And that was probably doomed to fail too.
  17. You can have the greatest alliance that ever allianced but you still need to win a competition. Footy needed either the hacker or veto this week and couldn’t win either. That’s why they’re losing a number. Not because of anything Lv4 did.
  18. She got out of it because she won veto. Tyler was gone had he remained on the block.
  19. Tyler might not have gotten picked for veto though. He played because the hacker picked him not because he was drawn.
  20. Footy’s confidence in things going the way they think despite all evidence to the contrary is pretty astounding to me. Haleigh got dealt a bad hand with the hacker twist but my goodness take your head out of the sand. Some of the worst gameplay I’ve ever seen on this show. It’s not like Lv4 is even that sneaky anymore. It’s painfully obvious they spend a lot of time together.
  21. By Thursday the vote will be 6-0.
  22. Does JC know that? He’s pretty arrogant. He thinks he’s running the house even though literally no one listens to him. I don’t think he’s in much danger next week unless Scottie wins. Lv4 will target Haleigh and Fessy.
  23. Angela has no shot at winning so she might as well go full heel and hope she can get that next Big Brother spot on The Challenge. Now that I think about it she would be perfect for that show.
  24. The funny part will be when she beats him.
  25. Didn’t Kaycee just say this week “no one fucks with my clique?” It’s easy to have a level head when you don’t face much adversity. But I agree, Alex was uniquely awful. And again I don’t see why Tyler would ever go against her. Seems like Angela will be the one he backstabs.
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