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Posts posted by Gummo

  1. Hester was right, Bishme should have won. His outfit was lovely, simple yet sophisticated, and his model looked stunning from top to bottom. A bottom with no fabric creeping up the crack, Hester!

    I think one of the reasons the judges are all about Heather is that PR is supposed to be about originality and most of the others are playing it so safe & boring! Even when they make nice clothes, that's all they're doing -- making nice clothes, not designing. It's why Sonia was sent home (and the designs she's done in the past that we saw were so much better than what she was turning out on the show, I can only conclude that the game show format is just not her "thing"). Hester's been pretty successful so far turning her Raggedy Ann-meets-Godspell style into 'fashion' and she's actually surprised me a couple of times when I thought she wouldn't be able to pull it off within the parameters of the challenge. So I don't hate her like some of you do. But even so, I do agree it's obvious the fix is in. Why, I have no idea. Just let the damn game play out, producers!

    Renee's outfit was awful. I don't know what the hell happened to her, but that was a spectacular fall from grace.

    • Useful 1
    • Love 3
  2. Very quickly --

    We too only had the music channel on our broadcast. Had to wait for it On Demand and had to sit thru all the effing commercials. Ugh.

    I've blown hot & cold on Rick but he owned that Tribal. Obviously had it all planned out and pulled it off perfectly. Called out Ron & Julie in front of everybody, an excellent end-game move.

    Am I the only one feeling more & more anger on behalf of the jury every episode? That they are stuck living like shit when other juries got hot showers, beds, food, clean clothes ... it's ridiculous and even though I know they ostensibly have a choice, I'm just very offended on their behalf. They really got the short end of the Survivor stick this season, thru no fault of their own. EoE is perhaps the worst Survivor twist ever anyway, and this just makes me hate it more.

    This cast would have been so much more enjoyable without EoE -- it just taints every moment of the game. I almost wish we could have the whole cast back for a "normal" Survivor season, just to see how they would really play. 'Cause EoE is a black hole of suck and it distorts everything around it.

    Can't wait for this season to be over but of course I can't stop watching either. I think I need Survivor-anon.

    • Love 6
  3. I kind of get where Hester was coming from this week - she had immunity, she had a longstanding idea she's wanted to try -- an evening gown featuring pasties -- that gibed with the theme of this challenge so she took advantage of her immunity to try to make it work. Even she admitted it was an epic fail of both conception and execution, but isn't that what the judges are always asking of designers with immunity? "You have immunity, try something new, take a chance, blahblahblah"? I mean, it was horrible from head to toe, but from the beginning it sounded like she knew it might not -- probably would not -- work, but that this was the time to try.

    In other news....

    Glad Jamal won, his design was simple yet clever, different but relatable, and attractive. I doubt he has the experience and maturity to go all the way, but at 23 he's damn impressive. Hope he doesn't fall back into making safe clothes.

    Garo should have been in the top 3 just for showing all the other designers that they were full of shit for blaming Kate for their fashion fails. She looked stunning in his gown, even if it was nothing groundbreaking. And I agree with others who say she's probably primarily a print model, since her walk is very heavy and she doesn't look especially comfortable on the runway but oh my, her photo!

    What was "elegant" about Renee's outfit? It looked well-made but it looked pretty casual to me.

    I don't get the exaggerated hips thing either. What woman wants to go out to an elegant event looking like a wide-ass?

    Tessa should have been eliminated, IMHO. What's elegant about a big shapeless coat? Liked her clothes in the beginning, but I'm over her & her aesthetic.

    Sonia's past clothes that they showed in a quick flashback were so much better than the work she's done on the show, it's a damn shame she couldn't figure out how to translate what she does to the quick-and-dirty game show mode. Elegance, it appears, is her middle name yet she went home on the elegance challenge. Sad.

    I love the moment of Brandon looking over at Nina's notes and going, "WHAAAT?" and her telling him to mind his own business! Also love that they've continued having the judges do close-up examinations of the clothes. This is when so much of the real judging is done. And it's the only chance for the judges -- and us -- to get a really good take on construction.

    • Love 8
  4. 24 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    Reem strikes me as someone who (a) is profoundly dissatisfied with life at this point in time - no surprise there - and (b) feels the need to vent her dissatisfaction in the belief that such venting will keep her resentment from festering inside her - a strategy which, by all appearances, is a total fucking failure lying in collapsed ruins on a desolate beach by a mast with a single tattered sail.  Kinda representative of Reem’s entire game, that.

    One significant facet Reem does not appear inclined in any way to consider is (c): why, exactly, should anybody else give a flying fuck at a rolling donut WHAT she thinks?  ;>

    I think I love you.

    • LOL 1
  5. Elephants! Tuk-tuk racing! Mad dashes to the finish! Rupert gone!


    In other news...

    Rachel Reilly has grown on me over the years -- loud and cringeworthy, yes, but she is a fierce competitor and generally understands that a game is a game. Her sister, on the other hand ... the doctor who agreed to replace her lips with two pieces of raw liver should be sued into bankruptcy.

    I wonder what the Vegas odds are on Colin's first meltdown?...

    The sheer joy everyone took in the elephant challenge was a vicarious delight. Without having to say anything, it felt they all put the game on hold so everyone could enjoy that wonderful, unique experience. Victor beaming with joy as Nicole rode her elephant was the cherry on that sundae.

    The Afghanimals continue to be more obnoxious than they have to be, but damn, they're good.

    • Love 17
  6. For me this will definitely go down as a bottom Survivor season (along with any season featuring the name "Hantz"). So much wrong with this season, no matter what Probst says. With everyone still hanging around, there's no tension, no drama, no interest. We don't get to enjoy seeing newly cleaned-up jurors marching in to Tribal. We don't get enough time with the actual players (any show time spent on EoE Island is show time wasted). And Reem has to be one of the most vile, abusive, repugnant, un-self-aware people to ever play this game and I don't find that entertaining. Not one fucking iota entertaining. The immaturity, the selfishness, the childish "if I can't have a good time, NOBODY's gonna have a good time" attitude -- it's very tempting to just tune out (which I did for the reappearances by the psychotic sadist Hantz) but we're deep enough into the season that I'll let inertia take me to the end.

    Coming after one of the best casts and best seasons in years, this is an utter disaster in just about every way.

    • Love 11
  7. 6 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

    Yeah I get the feeling like they chose him after a big military victory but don't actually respect him.The way they talked to him,I just can't imagine any other ruler sitting by while a kid calls him nothing and the rest basically cheer behind her.Maybe it's because he's a bastard and that stigma still stayed even when he was named king.

    They have good reason to nor respect or trust Jon, he's got a lousy track record as a  leader:

    His first leadership role was Leader of the Night's Watch -- some of his men murdered him, that's how much they trusted his leadership.

    His near-disastrous leadership in the Battle of the Bastards has already been discussed at length.

    When the Northmen acclaimed Jon King of the North, he immediately left for months, then returned having given up his title to follow a foreigner who was a descendant of the hated Mad King ... without consulting anyone.

    He comes back and just expects everyone to accept and support his actions, including Sansa, who's been working hard at keeping the North in line during his absence. I don't blame her for being pissed, she was holding Winterfell for the King of the North, not for the Consort to the Queen. 

    In other words, every time Jon's been in charge, he's either failed or had to be saved by someone else (sometimes by magical means). Jon's a noble warrior and a good man, but he's a LOUSY leader.

    • Love 4
  8. Not going to get too hung up on the costume/fashion divide because this challenge was designed to straddle that very line, and the line is going to be different for each person.

    Agreed generally with the top and bottom, except I thought Renee should have been in the top, too. Her concept was clear and it translated nicely to her outfit. I thought Hester's outfit walked the line between fashion, costume and kitsch with a nice sense of humor, but I can see how it would't be to everyone's taste. At first I thought Tessa totally didn't get the challenge until I remembered some of the designers talking about the Sims, then I realized that she was possibly the most original, going in a completely different direction than the rest. I appreciate her intent and she came really close to realizing it, but the final result was just a bit drab.

    Rakan checked out of this competition at least one challenge ago, and maybe longer, so it was way past his time to go. Jamal can go next, he's another one who ignores the challenge parameters and ignores Christian's advice, which bugs the hell out of me. 

    Was it Venny who just made a black tux suit? How innovative. Yawn. And yes, there's nothing wrong with cleavage, even boobage, but as the judges pointed out, one quick turn at the waist and she'd be out of her top completely. In some circumstances I'd enjoy seeing that, but this wasn't it.

    And the less said about Bishme's Church Lady, the better. He's so lucky Rakan was there, his outfit was HIDEOUS, so tasteless it was embarrassing.

    Loving the return of regular 2-day challenges, though! By the end of the Lifetime run and endless 1-day challenges, all the garments were ragged and unfinished and you had no idea if anyone actually had any technical skills at all.

    • Love 4
  9. Slowpoked, I'd take Rob & Amber over the Bonehams! Like a savvy commenter said upthread somewhere, I liked Rupert a lot in his very first Survivor appearance, then each time he came back his appeal diminished until now when I just roll my eyes every time he's on screen.

    • Love 7
  10. 20 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    Can Bran see the future?

    Damn good question -- I really don't know.

    Okay, experts (I'm just a fan): can Bran see the future?

    I thought the "3" in "3-eyed raven" referred to the past, present and future, though.

    • Useful 1
  11. A lot of people are giving Bran shit for not just telling everyone exactly what's going to happen, but what if his foresight doesn't work like that?

    What if he sees ALL possible futures and is metaphorically tiptoeing his way through each moment because he's not sure how what he says or does will affect getting from A to B? Or if he sees THE future but not every step on the path there? Again he would have to be very careful about his words & actions because he doesn't know for sure that his revelations wouldn't make people act differently than they did in his visions; heck, their foreknowledge might create a new timeline altogether.

    Or (and this is more likely storytelling-wise) Bran is on such a cosmic, mystical plain now, he THINKS he's being simple and clear but to others his pronouncements are mysterious and gnomic.



    ... or it's just sloppy, rushed writing. 

    • Love 5
  12. TAR is back! 

    I usually don't like stunt casting, but since I watch all 3 CBS shows, I'm more or less okay with it this season. Zen Colin = Boring Colin, so I hope THAT doesn't last. I've had enough Rupert to last me several lifetimes, so he can go anytime. Corinne & Eliza = trying way too hard to be reality show cartoon villains, glad they were humbled, they can leave right after Rupie. Glad the border agents are gone.

    Can't stand the Reilly sisters but Rachel is one hella fierce competitor, so she always gets respect for that. Janelle - can't even look at her. Ugh, I'll never understand people who do that to themselves, but her luck is downright diabolical. Leo & Jamal = great players, both a bit of a shit, but smart - that fake fight worked perfectly! Nicole & Victor = like'em both as they're portrayed on TV but their choice of friends makes me wonder about who they really are. Nicole is another fierce competitor who will surprise the others who probably see her as just a blond ditz. 

    Flying all the way to Tokyo to play on a slip-and-slide? Really? What's the non-travel budget per episode now, $20?

    • Love 4
  13. Yes, the episode was shorter than I would have liked.

    Yes, there were many awkward moments.

    Yes, the credits are different.


    There, I said it.

    Some random observations:

    This show kills off beloved characters so gleefully I was truly surprised & delighted that Tormund and Dolorous Edd are alive! 

    Cersei's been Queen for a couple of years now, correct? Where are the courtiers, the functionaries, the palace bustle? It still looks like Kings Landing is deserted, that all the battles were just a week ago, instead of years. She should have a functioning court by now, is what I'm saying. Instead it looks like it's just her and Qlyburn (or however you spell his name) wandering around looking pensive.

    (Which leads me to another point -- I wonder how the people of Kings Landing are faring under her Queenship. It would be a typical Martinesque irony if the maddest, most ruthless ruler since the Targaryens was actually a good administrator.)

    I don't see either Dany or Jon ending up as ruler of the 7 Kingdoms: first, every time Jon's been put in charge of something, he's blown it bigtime. He was chosen as leader of the Night Watch and was murdered for his actions. He became King of the North and immediately left and ceded his authority to a stranger. He may inspire others to follow him with his nobility and courage, but sooner or later they turn on him because frankly he's a terrible leader.

    Nobody in the Kingdoms knows Dany. Nobody in the Kingdom is dreaming of a return to Targaryen rule. The way the Northerners "welcomed" her is the way she would be received anywhere in Westeros. She can only ever rule the 7 Kingdoms with unending force. That can only work for so long.

    BUT there is one son of a king hanging around Winterfell, a man who's good-hearted and wise beyond his years. Gendry hasn't been kept around all these seasons for nothing. He will be king of the 7 Kingdoms, with Arya by his side as either wife, consort or bodyguard (or some combination thereof). That would leave Sansa where she's meant to be, Lady of Winterfell and Warden of the North, tied to the king through ties of marriage and blood and so ending the tension between Kings Landing and Winterfell once and for all. 

    But who could melt Sansa's stony heart? After all she's been through, why would she ever trust another man? Well, there's one man she's known who never used her, who always treated her gently and with respect -- yes, I would really like to see Sansa end up with Tyrion, by her own choice, romantically and every other way. It would be a different type of fairy tale ending to have the hideous, misshapen dwarf (well, he's supposed to be) married to the most beautiful woman in the kingdom.

    That just leaves Tormund and Jaime dueling for the hand of Lady Brienne. (LOL, I can dream, can't I?)

    Just like with Ygritte, that sweet scene with Dany by the waterfall will be the last peaceful interlude for Dany and Jon. The revelation of his heritage will necessarily drive a wedge between them.

    Well, these thoughts are all jumbled and out of order, and I feel like I left out tons, but WELCOME BACK GAME OF THRONES!

    • Love 8
  14. Nashville, good point!

    I was assuming way too much, based on what WE know, not what the players know.

    You might be right that they still don't know what's going on; heck, for the most part, WE still don't know what's going on!

    • Love 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

    Julia's goodbye struck me as really fake

    Now that everyone knows about Extinction, I expect every bootee to be gracious, unless they've already decided to leave the game.

    • Love 12
  16. Well, this morning I typed up a whole freakin' essay about that tribal but one wrong keystroke and I lost the whole damn thing! (Primetimers everywhere go "Yay!")


    C'mon, Probst & Burnette, don't be such sissies - we all know the real title of the episode was, "I Might Be the Poop."

    As of last night, I've done a 180 on "live" tribals -- I used to hate'em as a violation of the game, but last night was so much fun to watch that I have to toss all my objections aside. Hey, Julia, did it even occur to you that a tribal where the vote is literally changing every second might not be the best time to insult people right to their faces? Especially since it looked like her insulting Rick was what prompted him to point out that most obvious fact, that 5 + 2 = 7. As soon as he said that, you could see the light bulbs appearing over the heads of nearly everyone there.

    Even then Julia couldn't stop, laughing at Julie's anguish and telling Wardog to "shut up" -- damn, she made it easy for everybody! 

    And I love David & Kelly's relationship -- yeah, you were the vote tonight, but since that didn't work out, wanna work together? Sure! Contrast that with Julie taking everything so friggin' personally -- she's exhausting and definitely shaping up as a third-place goat. 

    And Kelly's got ovaries of steel not playing that idol.

    And yeah, Aubrey's over the top with her jury reactions, but while I thought Eliza was putting it on, I don't get that from Aubrey. I just think she's a superfan having a grand ol' time watching shit unfold as she tries to get back in the game. 

    So many seasons have developed with 2 solid blocs of allied players going back and forth until the end. I love that that's completely blown up this season and instead we have constantly shifting groups of twos and threes. 

    This season is finally getting better.

    • Love 17
  17. 3 hours ago, Frost said:

    This is a great send off for Stuart the artist/comic book store owner as well.  Good job by the writer's to come up with an organic way for Stuart to end up successful by the finale.

    Yes! It seems like the writers and production team are working hard to give all the characters good but believable endings to their stories (unlike some other sitcoms cough*ModernFamily* cough). I would not be surprised to see The Frightened Little Astronaut actually get published IRL (the closest parallel I can think of offhand is Where's My Cow?, a children's book repeatedly mentioned in Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, actually getting published as a standalone book of its own). And it would be wonderfully appropriate for Mike Massimo to do an introduction.

    Too often in longstanding series, character growth or change comes at the expense of believability, but the way BBT has handled Sheldon's growth as a person over the years has been remarkably well-done too. He'll always be a self-centered ass, but having a wife and loving friends have slowly but surely brought him a measure of compassion and empathy. Original Sheldon would never have thought about how his actions hurt another person -- Original Sheldon wasn't even capable of such leaps.

    I've loved this show since episode one; I'm actually really enjoying the wind-down too.

    • Love 13
  18. I always enjoy the UCM challenge but forcing the designers to live and work in the woods in 40 degree weather for 3 days? Complete and utter bullshit that had nothing to do with design and took away from the fun of this episode. If they're looking to restore the class & luster of the PR franchise, this episode was a giant step backwards into arbitrary reality game show gimmickry.

    That said, I'm in the minority in that I thought Renee's look was clever, an almost tongue-in-cheek take on 'survivalist glam' which nonetheless wouldn't have won if her model hadn't looked so damn fierce while wearing it. IMO, her model won the week for her.

    Had no problem with the other 2 winners but a LOT of problems with the bottom 3:

    1. Sonia should be gone. Her dress unraveled on the runway and almost took out her model, fer crissakes. There shouldn't be any excuse for that.

    2. Kovid's designs make Hester's look conservative & mainstream by comparison. This is NOT a compliment. I like him personally and don't blame him for the show dragging his sob story out for us in every confessional, but if you're going to use lots and lots of bright color, you need a lot more taste & sense than he's shown so far. 

    3. Afa was so robbed! I thought his design was adorable and it fulfilled the requirements of the challenge, but on his terms. There are other climates in the world and there was nothing in their brief that said they had to design for a North American northeast fall/winter. 

    • Love 19
  19. Re Aubrey and the advantage:

    If EoE is a small island (as the inhabitants have intimated), then the only thing I can figure is that once someone found the clue and the location of the advantage, Production must have physically barred the path or indicated in some other way that that part of the beach was off limits temporarily.

    Though with Aubrey gone for however long, it would hardly be a secret advantage at that point.

    • Love 4
  20. Bravo: Thank you, thank you, thank you. THIS is Project Runway.

    In the minority here: I think Hester deserved her win. She took a picnic table tablecloth and turned it into a stylish head to toe ensemble. I thought the addition of the garter was playful and kind of brilliant -- it added just a touch of old-fashioned naughty to a deliberately retro 'innocent' outfit.

    I thought all the top 3 deserved to be there. Sebastian is the one to beat this season, though. He's a monster.

    Still finding Hester herself a bit tiresome. Did anyone look at Marni sitting next to Hester on the couch and think:  ah, real quirky versus fake quirky? It looked like Marni was the big sister with the effortless sense of style and Hester was the little sister clumsily imitating her sister's cool.

    Bye bye, Nadine. It's a poor workwoman who blames her tools. Rude, mean, selfish, snotty -- you were all that and a bag of rancid chips.

    Christian continues to kill it as the mentor.

    I'm warming up to Karlie but no one can say, "One day you're in ... and the next day you're out" like Heidi Klum. 

    Nina seems much happier than she has in years.

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