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Posts posted by Gummo

  1. This was the first episode in 2 seasons where something so unrealistic happened that it took me out of the show completely (condom-ing Frederica's house without getting arrested or any other immediate consequences almost did it but not quite).

    It's 1990. There's NO WAY (1) our ladies would have been allowed in to that tony whiter-than-white country club-style restaurant; (2) if they did get seated, they most likely would have been deliberately ignored and not served; (3) none of the patrons would have confronted our ladies; they would have gone to the manager and insisted the police be called to remove our gals for whatever spurious reason they could concoct -- "disturbing the peace" most likely, or else they, the whitey white patrons, would never go there again. And management, grateful for an excuse, would call the police and our ladies would have spent the night in jail for being black and trans on Long Island in 1990.

    So while it was fun watching Elektra do her Elektra thing all over some snotty Long Island hausfrau, it could never have happened.

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  2. I get the feeling that his whole life Ricky has only been valued for his looks and sexuality, so that is the only way he knows how to relate to others, as a seducer, whether emotionally or physically or both.

    So when he felt gratitude to Pray Tell for helping him thru the clinic visit and everything that came after, the only way he knew how to express it was as a sexual feeling. When we've seen him get in trouble with Damon or Blanca, he does the same thing - turns on that smile and tries to charm/seduce them out of their anger. Because his whole life, Ricky's been told that's all he has to offer.

    IOW, he's a mess. Add to that a deadly medical diagnosis, and his decisions are not to be trusted. 

    So I blame Pray. He knew what was right. And if he was feeling weak, he had plenty of support to call on to talk it out. Instead, he took the easy way out.

    I mean, we've found the line even Elektra won't cross! Break Damon's foot, destroy his career, all for a ball trophy? No problem! But crossing that divide and sleeping with one of the "children" was too much even for her.

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  3. 19 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    Sure, he was weak and succumbed to that "medicinal" bullshit, but if Angel hadn't insisted, I do think they would have gotten away from the drugs.

    Papi is head over heels in love. When Angel turns that sweet, sad, wistful expression on full force, he's helpless. And will do anything to make her smile again. They're so young, so damaged, and yet trying so hard to be happy.

    Alas, I fear it is not to be....

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  4. LR, thanks for your thoughtful reply to my post.

    I've lived in New York (Brooklyn) since the late '70s. I lost my best friend (we went all the way back to junior high) to AIDS in '86. He had a series of 'unexplained' illnesses in the early 80s, then contracted full-blown AIDS in 1984. It was still so mysterious I had to don what looked like a hazmat suit to visit him in the hospital. So I'm not trying to make light of the plague.

    But no matter how serious the central situation is, I think the way the show shamelessly manipulates our emotions definitely places it in the realm of soap opera.  That's not necessarily a bad thing -- there's only so many ways you can go when trying to tell a story about this time & place & community -- straight ahead serious drama; very dark comedy; melodrama; or soap opera. Pose uses all these elements but as a serialized story that concentrates on relationships between a core group of characters I just think 'soap opera' covers it best. No matter, it's just a label and if Pose teaches us anything, it's that labels are ultimately reductive.

    1 hour ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

    How many tablecloths can Elektra pull before it becomes tiresome (It already is, to me)?  How many back and forths of ally to blood enemy before it becomes boring?  How many medical scares for a given character(s) before it's unfortunately cliche?  Most certainly, Murphy could squeeze out more seasons.  However, they would not have nearly the impact to date.  Lord knows he stretched out Glee beyond all recognition.  

    I think all of this is possible, given enough seasons. I just don't think we're there yet, though season 2 is relying much more heavily on fantasy and music than season 1. I happen to like it (when you have singers and dancers of this caliber, by all means find an excuse for them to sing and dance!) but like every other storytelling choice, it can quickly go to cliche and repetition. Some on this board are fed up with the fantasy and musical numbers already; I'm not, but who knows? Maybe Murphy's metier is the limited series? I didn't watch his Gianni Versace series, but my spouse raved about it.

    So we'll see. 

    • Love 4
  5. 18 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

    TPTB really has no choice, imo, but to take things to alternate realities as they have done recently. 

    I disagree. As a high-gloss period soap opera (which ultimately is what Pose is), there are many directions they can go. There are loads of different characters to follow outside the core circle; and even the characters of the core circle can keep growing and changing (if the writing is good).

    Not every gay person in New York in 1990 got AIDS and died. To say that fantasy is the only alternative because reality is going to go badly for everyone just doesn't have to be. It wasn't that way in real life.

    As we've already seen, there's been love & loss, hope & despair, some characters planning a future, others giving up. Relationships change (how many times have we seen Blanca and Electra cross back & forth from I love you to I hate you). There's so much yet to show.

    2 more notes: 

    - I used to think NO ONE could or should every attempt the song "The Man That Got Away" again. Billy Porter proved me wrong.

    - Even though I remember it winning tons of awards when it came out, I never saw the doc "Paris Is Burning" until last weekend. It's practically a must if you love Pose. Not only individual characters, there are actual plot points in the show taken from the documentary.

    • Love 15
  6. 53 minutes ago, Slider said:

    why is no one talking about the fact that they were sharing it?! Who just randomly decides to eat a cucumber with another dude and pass it back and forth?!

    Sublimated desire. Obvious symbolism. 

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  7. I just want to thank you all -- I watch the show, more or less, but don't do After Dark anymore or the live feeds ... but reading this board is so much more entertaining than all of them put together! And even watching the live feeds 24/7 wouldn't provide all the damning and/or incriminating details you all manage to turn up. 

    THIS is where the Big Brother action is! (And I laugh like a loon, to boot!)

    • Love 9
  8. 10 minutes ago, stcroix said:

    I feel like the show is pandering to middle schoolers and here I am a grandma who's watched every show from the very first Big Brother.  I hope I haven't 'outgrown' BB!  

    Well, you know my theory -- they're bending over backwards to be wholesome this summer to help rehabilitate the Moonves' image. I mean, jeez, in the broadcast episodes they've barely hinted at all the hoohah going on (I've only learned about that on the live feed board here) -- usually that's something they trumpet as loud as they can for ratings and social media clicks. 

    However, the only problem with my theory is all the sleazy commercials during BB for Chlamydia Island (and kudos to whoever came up with that name, an instant classic!).

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  9. Ugh, I hate that Jack appears to actually have some game smarts. 

    Jackson, on the other hand.... (His name is Jackson, dammit, not Michie, or Mitchie, or Mickie, or Mookie or Mugwort or MohmygodIcanttakeitanymore).  Arrogant with some game I can just about stand (Jack); arrogance with nothing to back it up... Jackson... just bugs me no end.

    Nicole, that was the most pathetic confessional ever. I don't care how sad you think your life is, why broadcast it on national TV? What's next? "I can't wait for the summer to be over so I can get back to my life sitting alone in the backyard eating worms"?

    Kat appears to have some of Rachel Reilly's operatic drama queen craziness, now let's see if she has any of Rachel's game.

    Camp Comeback bears an uneasy resemblance to this past Survivor season's twist, where they kept everybody around the whole frickin' season. Hated it then, hate it now. There's never enough air time for any one person or group and way too much time is wasted on players that should have been long gone. And since only 1 is coming back, why should anyone still in the house even deal with them? Just agree to vote the returnee out as soon as possible and get on with the game. I do hope the returnee is a complete nonfactor in the game so they can get rid of this stupid twist for good.

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  10. Dammit, I was begging Christie to nominate Jack! Such an obvious move, especially when you can stand up there and call him out in front of the whole house for trying to strongarm you and run your HOH. She chickened and it's too fucking bad. 

    So, does Sam fancy himself another Paul with the SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS ALL THE TIME?? Hated it from Paul (even BEFORE it was clear what a vile little man he was) and not liking it now. Yes, we know you're a famewhore, you're all famewhores, that's the point of being on the show, you don't have to yell at us to prove it.

    • Love 5
  11. OK. Missed the first episode, saw the next two and realized:

    The entire point of this season is the rehabilitation of Mrs. Julie Chen SerialHarrasserRapist and by extension, her husband, Mr. Julie Chen SerialHarrasserRapist. 

    Everything's so WHOLESOME all of a sudden! No more over-the-top decadent glam themes -- instead, it's that most wholesome of American leisure activities, CAMPING! Not even glamping! And instead of crazy over-the-top costumes for the challenges, we have camp t-shirts and shorts! How sweet! How wholesome! How utterly un-Big Brother!

    No more crazy racist or fascist-cult-forming contestants! No, just fun-loving wholesome all-American folks out for a summer of wholesome all-American fun! And oh, did we mention it's wholesome? Well, it is!

    Welcome to G-rated Big Brother! Safe for the whole family (as long as your wives, sisters or daughters don't get too close to Mr. Julie Chen SerialHarasserRapist).

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  12. I know Bobby's family and all, but damn, Tray, he's gonna ruin you yet.

    But I saw what they were going for at the end when Tray's temper was about to send him back to jail for who knows how long and it wasn't just Shay but his memory of ignoring Shay's wise advice 15 years before that made him realize what was important. So it wasn't just Shay Is Always Right but that Tray has learned to listen, and has been forced to learn self-control.

    I hope they bring back the cop who got fired for preventing Green Eyes from almost getting killed. There aren't enough people who'd knowingly destroy their own careers to save a man's life; sadly, that was the most unrealistic moment the show has given us yet, but it was a moment of hope and faith in humanity, so fuck you, realism, I'll take idealism any day.

    • Love 3
  13. Poor Bishme, life just overwhelmed him at the worst possible moment. 

    That said, the finale is really between Hester and Sebastian. I like Garo and his work but it is costumey and dated - most of it looks like it could fit right in in the transvestite/transgender competitions on the show Pose (second season starting next week!) -- and that show chronicles a period almost 30 years gone.

    I'm in the minority on this board - I like Hester's work, and if she wins it won't be because "the fix is in" (geez, everything is the subject of a conspiracy theory these days!) but because the judges think her work is more modern and interesting than Sebastian's. That may be a debatable viewpoint but that doesn't make it automatically invalid. 

    Sebastian's work is gorgeous, beautiful, stunning -- but also gives a more conventional impression, even when unconventionally made (one of the reasons he gets short shrift sometimes, I think). 

    So all in all, good return to form this season, PR! Christian is a great mentor and I enjoy seeing the mentor more involved than previously. I also like Karlie and Brandon (Brendon), and Nina, of course; the other regular judge didn't leave much of an impression and I wouldn't care if they replace her when they return. 

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  14. 5 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    Trey's observation about him, his ex, her white husband and their co-parenting their kids encapsulates my favorite thing about the show.  I super enjoy the dynamic of Trey, Shay and Josh. 

    Me too! It would have been so easy to turn Josh into an even doofier Phil Dunphy for quick cheap laughs, but while he's laid back, he's no pushover (he would never have lasted with Shay if he was!). And I like that Tray understands that Josh is the only dad his kids have ever known and that Josh and Shay have done a damn good job so it's Tray's job to fit in and find his place in this family, not just turn up and demand a seat at the head of the table because sperm.

    I love that we're getting to watch Bobby go thru the growing-up journey that Tray had to go to prison to learn. So much of Bobby's bluster and inappropriate behavior is to hide a really sensitive soul. Also glad the Lisa/baby story wasn't dragged out and that Bobby got out in time, even if he was heartbroken.

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  15. Hah, Chloe was on the right track last episode - Eve DOES have super-powers but they're subtle -- she makes everyone she meets feel good about themselves and everyone who meets her likes her. Unlike with the Celestials, it's not clear if she realizes her power or it's just part & parcel of her creation as Adam's helpmate.

    Anyway, we are parceling these out an episode every few days or so (life keeps intervening!) and I have not enjoyed this show so much since season 1. Everything just feels right, personalities are consistent and correct (no more Ella acting like a 12-year-old or giggly schoolgirl Chloe). It's also so refreshing to see Chloe back to being a good, tough cop and not a blithering idiot.

    So Amenadiel got all his power restored and flew Charlotte off the to the Silver City but when he came back down to earth, he lost all that? I'm confused. He lied to Remy about being able to slow time -- so he's still a 'crippled' celestial while here on earth? Hoping this is made clearer in the next episodes.

    And yes, Luci's melted-crayon face isn't nearly as scary as his original devil face, but I'm betting it's a lot cheaper and easier to apply (and remove). 

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  16. Regarding the scene where Chloe finally breaks down and admits to Lucifer, "I'm TERRIFIED!"

    I'm not going to listen to anyone slag off Lauren German's acting ever again. That was amazing, and it's about time someone of the mortals in Luci's inner circle besides Linda had an appropriately freaked out reaction to the truth. And how do you as an actor convey a character's entire universe being upended, shattered and blown to pieces? 

    It was an impossible moment and she conveyed it brilliantly.

    Kudos, Ms. German, I knew you had it in you.

    • Love 17
  17. 15 hours ago, cherrypj said:

    So if Player A comes to Rob and says, "I have an alliance with B, C, D, and E, but E is on the bottom," and then next week, Player E comes to Rob and says, "I feel like I'm on the bottom of my alliance with A, B, C, D." What Would Rob Do??

    Who. The. Fuck. Cares.

    And that's already my problem with next season.

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  18. Okay.

    It's been 3 days.

    Two viewings of the episode. One viewing of the official supplements on YouTube.

    Lots of reading on the internet.

    Took me this long to decide:

    I loved this episode. Nothing was as I wanted it, but that's GoT, isn't it.

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  19. It's reached a point where I imagine a production guy, just off camera, beckoning Rick forward and then dropping an idol right in his path, then saying, "Oops! Dearie me, did I drop that hidden immunity idol in the crotch of this tree? Why, yes, I surely did Well, I certainly hope there's no players following me ... oh my, Rick is only 2 steps behind me! What a silly production assistant I am! Tee hee!"  Could they be any more obvious about who's the producers' favorite this year? 

    The EoE 'letters' were ridiculous. ANY time spent showing EoE is a waste of time, I couldn't possibly care less about those people, most of whom I shouldn't have had to look at again until the finale. If Probst & Burnette want to create a new game show featuring EoE, that's their business, but it sure as hell ain't Survivor. The concept is wrong in so many ways, it's no wonder Probst loves it. He's never understood the appeal of the show, or trusted it, so he's all about stupid gimmicks and twists. 

    So glad this season is ending.

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