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Posts posted by Gummo

  1. 6 hours ago, Melina22 said:

    Fast-forward fest is the perfect description of so many shows

    Just to put that in historic context:

    Back in the 1980s, when porn films still had plots, the performers  and crew called the scenes between the sex scenes "fast forwards," because they knew that's what viewers were doing with them.

    • Useful 2
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  2. 34 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:
    2 hours ago, LGGirl said:

    Well, Holly is a good little brainwashed soldier.  

    How great it would be if she did win the final HOH and took a Nichole?   That would ensure her the win.  

    Holly wants to keep her "boyfriend" after the show more than she wants to win. She will do anything to keep her delusional dream alive. 


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  3. Melina22, the reason I specifically called it sexual harassment was Jackson climbing on top of her and wrapping his arms around her so she couldn't move & couldn't leave.

    Or if that isn't sexual harassment, it probably fits the definition of assault.

    If he had just stayed where he was and continued to whine at her, then yes, simple harassment. 

    Or as we know it, Big Brother.

    • Love 9
  4. THAT is textbook sexual harassment.

    Nicole doesn't have to win BB. She can just sue the fuck outta everybody involved. That shit's illegal and no rulebook can change that.

    Jebus, I feel so bad for her -- we knew this week was going to be tough for her, but I never dreamed she'd have to endure THIS shit.

    • Love 13
  5. Quote

    Honestly, the past 3 seasons haven't really gone this way though. Paul lost twice precisely because he's was a lying, bullying user.

    Paul lost to Josh, who, under Paul's direction, literally used CIA torture tactics (hours of unrelieved banging and screaming are no different than playing blaringly loud music at prisoners 24 hours a day to break them down) to break down the other houseguests. I don't consider that a vindication.

    • Love 6
  6. So we stumble to the usual shitty BB season close. As usual, the biggest asshole wins.

    Finally, Cliff dropped the act and we saw the giant condescending sexist clueless jerk he really is. When Cliff was threatening Jackson? That was the first time I felt I was seeing the real Cliff Hogg in all his ugly, stupid glory. Too little, too late, buddy. Too little, too late.

    I really feel for Nicole. With the producer's thumb practically breaking the scale to make sure Jackson wins, she knows exactly what position they've slotted her into - the quirky one who makes it to third. Her mortification at this realization on the episode last night was downright painful. She's too smart and too much of a fan not to know exactly where she stands. 

    And as for our noble, principled "winner," Jackson? 

    He's such an entitled little bitch. The scary part it is, I know he actually believes every bullshit rationalization that comes out of his own lying mouth.

    In general, I'm getting sick of game shows that reward psychopathology. The "message" of this show has evolved (devolved?) into "the only way to make it in this world is to lie, cheat, bully and use people ."

    That message is not inevitable, that is by design. That's the message the producers want us to take away: the only way to live your life is with no morals or ethics whatsoever, only utter depravity succeeds.

    What an uplifting show this is. 

    No, I'm not bitter, why do you ask?

    • LOL 2
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  7. 2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    I have no problem with him destroying his own game.  What pisses me off, is that he destroyed Nicole's game in the process.  He should be doing all he can in  that jury house to tip the scales in Nicole's favor (assuming Nicole is in the final two).

    This. Even if Nicole had stuck to her guns and voted for Holly over Tommy, that big fat smug dumbass was still going to vote for Tommy and throw the deciding vote to Jackson. So once Cliff decided to fuck Nicole over, she had no chance.

    2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    Jackson comes off as a professional victim.   Everyone around him just orbits the world he lives in.  It is all about him, his wants, his needs.  To hell with everyone else.

    He's such an entitled little bitch. I'm getting sick of game shows that reward psychopathology. The "message" of this show has evolved (devolved?) into "the only way to make it in this world is to lie, cheat, bully and use people ."

    That message is not inevitable, that is by design. That's the message the producers want us to take away: the only way to live your life is with no morals or ethics whatsoever, only utter depravity succeeds.

    What an uplifting show this is. 

    No, I'm not bitter, why do you ask?

    • Love 3
  8. 45 minutes ago, missyb said:

    This is such a great clip. After Michie gets up and walks away, there goes Holly, in his wake It is such a bad look.

    Good for Nicole for dismissing their self-righteous bullshit. But damn, do I feel for her. She's going to be stuck in there with those two asswipes for what will seem like forever. 

    • Love 10
  9. 10 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

    The competition wasn't exactly "stiff", at least in game play.

    *works on pun involving Jackson, Kat, Holly and 'stiff competition' but vomits all over self first*

    • LOL 8
  10. 4 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

    Jackson is just sooooooo glad he's in the house with the 3 of them. He loves them all so much. 

    I don't begrudge him that - he seems to genuinely like everyone who's left. 

    Of course it's easy to like people when you're feeling cocky and have a good shot to win half a mil over them.

    • Love 6
  11. What Nicole needs to do is give a calm, clear explanation of the game she's played.

    But I'm afraid she's going to go to pieces once she's in front of the jury. She'll be facing a bunch of people, some of whom treated her badly or just ignored her, and she'll be peppered with hostile questions and I just don't see her standing up to that kind of pressure.

    Whereas Cliff or Jackson would have no problem dealing with jury attitude. 

    • Love 3
  12. A coupla quick thoughts:

    - Why Tommy thought it was a good idea to tell his secret to everyone when he was still on the block I'll never understand. Once they all realized he had kept a game-changing secret FOR 3 MONTHS IN CLOSE QUARTERS ... why trust him about anything? Jackson's lie was certainly plausible, but hell, he could have told them that Tommy confided he was going to murder them all in their sleep and it would have been believed at that point. Tommy thought confiding in everyone would prove they could trust him, but of course it proved the exact opposite.

    - I think Cliff is one of those genial hale-fellow-well-met types ... until you cross him. Then I think he turns utterly ruthless, both in business and personally. He's used both facets of his personality well but I don't see anyone in the jury house giving him a million bucks unless somehow it comes down to him versus Holly.

    - Jackson is a disturbing asshole weirdo but dammit, he's played a great game, both physically & socially. I don't want him to win but if he does I'll reluctantly give him his due. Just so long as he's not a loudmouthed fascist would-be cult leader, like some ex-players I could name....

    - Still rooting/hoping some way, somehow, for a Nicole win!

    • Love 8
  13. 1 minute ago, Ellee said:

    Holly says Bayleigh confirmed Jackson being perceived negatively.

    I thought the whole POINT of BB was that they were out of touch with the outside world??

    If not, then why lock them up? Let'em come & go as they please.


    • Love 8
  14. I was starting to find Jackson vaguely amusing until I saw him gaslighting Holly on this week's episode. It was disgusting - first he absolutely ignores her, then completely lies about it when she calls him on it? And convinces her SHE's the guilty party? 

    It was then that I got it -- he's emotionally abusive to women and has his routine down. I'm sure he's pulled that same shit on every woman he's ever known:  poke & poke & provoke until she explodes in anger, then  play the innocent.

    It's not just abusive, it's cowardly.

    It's just a shame that Holly's self-esteem is so pathetic that she bought every word out of his ugly mouth.

    And now you're telling me he's HOH ... again? OMG, this season. 

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