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Posts posted by Gummo

  1. The Weissmans-Maisels story is the first real misstep of this series. It's way over the top, unbelievable and worst, violates character - the Weissmans would never have moved in with the Maisels; why would they? Don't they have any other friends or relatives? It makes the universe of the show feel less closed and more suffocating. Violating character for cheap laughs is beneath this show.

    Joel, however, reverted to character perfectly -- freaking out about marrying Midge, of course his first instinct is to blame her. And I was actually liking him up to that point.

    Never seen Susie scared before. Of course, she had plenty to be scared of. Not sure where her story is going -- turns out Sophie isn't just an egomaniac control freak, she's crazy, too. Quite a handful.

    Still loving the show, warts and all. Taking it slow, it's a lot to absorb.



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  2. Objectively, I can see how Dr. Sturgis is getting weirder and more annoying, but it's Wallace Shawn! I can't be objective.

    And the big cookies. Loved how coach was weirded out and annoyed ... but ate it anyway.

    Kaley was the pool monster!? Never occurred to me! Thank you!

    Great episode. More Missy is always welcome.

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  3. Rose's backstory makes a certain kind of sense to me. Sure, there was the obvious switcheroo for comedy purposes (Providence, Rhode Island? Providence, Oklahoma!) but there were Jews among the first European migrants who came to this continent and Jews among the first western settlers. And often, as people have said on this thread, they were the only Jewish family in town. So it's not beyond believing that a nouveau riche western Jewish family would send their only Jewish girl back east for 'refinement' -- finishing schools, a Seven Sisters education where she probably majored in French, then a year in Paris -- as a striving for 'class' was a common goal of ALL Americans in the 19th and 20th centuries.

    That's probably how Rose met the young genius Abe Weissman too -- and the fact that he was at Columbia University would have held a helluva lot of cachet back then too -- that's Ivy League!

    In fact, it makes great literary sense too, because now Rose and her daughter really have parallel growing-up stories -- Rose tried to replicate her experiences for her daughter because she thought it was the best thing for her -- so, Seven Sisters education, useless major, find a husband, etc. etc.


    This episode felt like a feature film, there was so much going on, and I don't see any 3rd-season slump at all. Loved Imogene being the voice of reason, loved Abe's identity crisis (loved him falling in with phony 'beatniks' rather than real Beats, who would avoid this poseur like the plague), loved Midge & Susie making up. 

    But what will the family do now? I guess Rose can tutor rich Upper West Side girls in French, Abe can teach high school math (that's a comedy series in itself) but that's going to be quite a wrench.

    One last thing -- I could swear there actually was a nightclub in the heart of Chinatown back in the middle of the last century and that may be the reference point for Joel's story. And I hope he has an affair with May -- she would eat him alive.

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  4. The Weissmans are certainly not Orthodox Jews. Conservative Judaism possibly, most likely German Reform Jews (going to the nonkosher butcher in the very first episode reinforces this impression). Having the Rabbi join them for Yom Kippur break-fast dinner in the first episode was a social "get," not a religious one. Have we even seen Abe wear a yarmulke?

    Which makes Midge not knowing even the opening lines to White Christmas kind of ridiculous. By 1959 it was an American standard! At the time, Reform Jews prided themselves on their assimilation, it was in many ways the whole point of the movement. Her best friend is a Christian, she went to a "Christian" college, plus she must have played the radio as a girl -- sorry, nope, doesn't pass the smell test.

    I do love that they continue to use real Lenny Bruce routines as part of the series. Abe should count himself lucky he didn't first see Lenny a couple of years later, he might have caught his infamous "To is a Preposition, Come is a Verb" routine.

    I also like that the writers dealt with MIdge's selfishness and self-centeredness head on this episode, after much grumbling from fans the first two seasons. She got it from her parents, from Shy Baldwin, and from Susie. And they were all right, too! Susie especially had a right to be pissed off -- what does Midge think Susie's going to live on? I don't think $450 every six months would get you thru, even in 1960.

    Speaking of which, Jane Lynch continues to steal the show every time she appears. She had all of one scene this episode and I was practically on the floor, laughing. Still not sure what Sophie's ultimate goal is, though. The idea that she wants a nobody like Susie representing her is absurd and I'm surprised the cynical Susie is swallowing Sophie's line so readily.

    Been way too busy to binge the series yet but looking forward to the rest!

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  5. I just love that while every other show on the planet has a 'very special' Christmas episode, for Bob THE holiday of holidays is Thanksgiving, where he gets to cook what he wants how he wants (at least theoretically). 

    And while none of the rest of the family understands this one bit, they try to accommodate him. Because they love him, that's why (even though Louise would deny it to her last breath).

    And Izzy85, thanks for identifying the tattoo! I knew it meant something, but I couldn't remember the episode! The showrunners take their continuity SERIOUSLY (yet somehow tongue in cheek at the same time).

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  6. I'm in my early sixties and about a year or two ago, was trying to get across to bunch of 20-something coworkers that when I was young, you had to watch a show when it was broadcast and if you missed it, you could only catch it in summer reruns ... if you were lucky. And if you missed it, that was it, you never saw it again.

    They were aghast. The idea that couldn't watch what you wanted when you wanted was literally impossible for them to get their minds around.

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  7. Talked to the missus this morning and we agreed to just completely drop the rest of this season. We haven't done that since sadist Russell Hantz was featured.

    Sexual abuse is not "fun" and it's not a "gaming strategy," not for the abuser and not for those who support the abuser., Gaslighting those who suffer sexual abuse and those who do try to support them is not fun, either (talking to you, Elizabeth and MIssy). It's unutterably selfish and disgusting.

    Burnette & Probst are twisted individuals and unfortunately their values -- or lack thereof -- have completely infected the game. 


    We will be back for all-stars next season just 'cause there will be so many of our favorites on, but

    Survivor is having more & more shark-jumping moments as the seasons go on, and it may be time to put this game to bed once and for all.

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  8. I dunno, let's not give young Sheldon too big a pass here:

    1. He's 10, not an toddler. 

    2. Yes, he can't read body language or psychological cues, so when it comes to feelings, he says things that are unintentionally hurtful sometimes.

    3. BUT Mary's told him over & over that lording his intelligence over others makes them feel bad and not to do it, but he does it anyway, and takes great glee in doing so. So he's not entirely innocent.

    • Love 12
  9. Love how the show is now "The Coopers" and not just "Young Sheldon." All the characters continue to grow richer and deeper and the show is so much better for it.

    The George-Missy-baseball story arc is turning into one of the best things they've done yet. Seeing George and Missy bond is just about the sweetest -- and most unexpected -- turn the show has taken yet and I love it (yeah, I'm an old softie, so what). 

    And oh, Missy defending her Dad from Pastor Jeff's taunts by dunking him over & over & over again until the crowd was chanting "Missy! Missy! Missy!" was GOLD.

    Sheldon's "Do good baseball." He may look down on his sister (like he looks down on everyone) but he loves her just the same.

    And only Annie Potts could make an angry drunken grandma sending her underage grandson out to buy beer for her funny and not cringeworthy.

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  10. Just a coupla quick thoughts:

    Rarely does such an intricate plan work out so perfectly. Kudos to Kellee and I love that the cameras caught her literally having the idea during her confessional.

    Kudos to Janet (?) for being the first IOTI visitor to actually THINK thru the consequences of the deal being offered and, right or wrong, make her decision based on that rather than jumping at anything just because, hey, it's BR and Sandra and I'm on Survivor!

    Unfortunately, it seems like NONE of the IOTI visitors have thought to try bargaining for a better deal than the one they're offered. BR mentioned that as a possibility the very first time someone came there but they seem to have dropped it entirely, since nobody's smart enough to bargain.

    I hope there are some serious consequences for Feely Dan sooner rather than later.

    What is with all the damn basketball challenges? We've had, what, three so far? If the challenge designers are that burnt out, hire some new ones, dammit.

    I too miss the opening credits, the previouslies, and Probst's ritual language at challenges and tribal. It's not quite Survivor without them.

    • Love 10
  11. 2 hours ago, Traveller519 said:

    George continues to develop as a great character. I enjoyed his early part of the show "Am I a kid or grown-up in this scenario?" and the later scene at the bar. Heck, even at dinner, "Can Sheldon come to the bar?"

    And even though Sturgis was embarrassing the hell outta him at his own watering hole, George didn't distance himself from him, or try to hustle him out of there or make any jokes at his expense. He just looked pained and took it. That alone was more sensitivity and depth than I might've expected from him. (Of course, John made up for a lot of it when he bought drinks for the bar!)

    • Love 12
  12. Dr. Linkletter is a pompous egotistical ass. Meemaw would never go out with him.

    This was a sad, sweet, sometimes funny eppy. Richard Kind makes everything better. And I'm glad his character was more than just a joke.

    Missy may be one of those people who just gets very uncomfortable around mental illness. Mary seemed to be struggling to deal with Sturgis's presence too. I notice Georgie had no problem with him. In a way, Georgie's simplicity makes him very accepting of everyone:  "okay, you're nuts, what's it like?"

    I hope Wallace Shawn returns from time to time. He's just so good.

    • Love 20
  13. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.

    Keeping Karishma was just so stupid. Like BR said, they're not going to win anything now. Which means going into the merge with no numbers and each one having to scramble just to survive. And just one frown or cross word and Karishma will flip again; she's completely unreliable as an ally.

    We've seen this so many times before - players thinking they're SOOOO clever by playing for the post-merge game when the moves they're making NOW mean they may well not even make it that far.

    I thought Karishma was whiny and useless before, but airing your most intimate dirty laundry about your marriage and your family on national television? I thought that was utterly selfish and despicable. Any lingering good feeling I had for her is GONE.

    On a lighter note....

    I have a perverse affection for sponsored rewards (which we haven't seen in a while). They're a reminder that, for all the fancy trappings, Survivor is just a game show, doing what game shows have done going all the way back to radio days, which is hawk the sponsors' products. Think The Price Is Right, think Let's Make a Deal, think Queen for a Day. Sponsor rewards, especially one as tacky as this (I mean, c'mon ... Applebees!?), pierce the bubble of the show's pomposity and remind us that it's not something so new and special as much as a new twist on a very old media concept.

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  14. The 2 guys who were on the top are now on the bottom and everybody else is together in a 'nerds alliance.'  So that leaves the tribe split still at 7-2, except the pecking order is completely reversed - how is that to Lauren's disadvantage?

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  15. So far, this season is looking like a lot of fun, especially considering the loopy gimmickfest S40 is rumored to be.

    I wonder if Rob & Sandra's "lessons" are tailored by production for whichever contestant arrives on IOTI? Elizabeth seemed generally skilled, so they gave her her choice.

    Kelli, on the other hand, was met with a particular lesson that seemed specifically for her -- an overly analytical Ivy Leaguer who may have underestimated the importance of sympathy & sincerity* in this game. 

    As far as we saw, she did NOT get the same choices Elizabeth got.

    I'll find it very interesting in the coming weeks to see if, based on pre-interviews and what production observes during shooting, they continue to shape each 'lesson' to the contestant.

    [*The lesson? Learn to fake these and you've got this game!]

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  16. 2 hours ago, lh25 said:
    4 hours ago, Cindylou said:

    You know I've been thinking the next twist in Survivor needs to be : Survivor back to basics, and they need to do the game as they did the very first season (they can reveal the votes at the end) but take away all the idols and stuff, it will FREAK ppl out!

    I love that idea.  I remember when it was about surviving, getting food and such.

    We just recently rewatched Season 1 for the first time. 

    It was pretty clear Burnette & Probst weren't exactly sure what they had yet. Probst talks a lot about this "unique social experiment" as if he's not sure the game is going to be interesting enough on its own.

    And there's a lot of in-hindsight hysterical moral posturing by some of the players about how forming alliances rather voting at each tribal on the "merits" - whatever that is - is so lowdown and sleazy and dirty. 

    A LOT more variety in challenges. A LOT more camera time spent on everyday camp life. And of course everything has to be explained to the viewers for the very first time, so there's a lot of repetition. 

    We forget now how different Survivor was when it premiered. It really was something brand new.

    [And I understand if this post gets shitcanned, I've wandered way off from the episode topic.]

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  17. Surprisingly, the worst thing about tonight's premiere were the giant wooden heads that everyone had to pretend look liked Sandra and Rob. Now THAT's acting!

    Not sure how much difference the mentoring is going to make, but I'll take a whole season of Sandra and Rob Statler-and-Waldorf'ing Tribal Council - that was hysterical! 

    Heck, let's go further and instead of us watching the season, let's watch Sandra and Rob watch the season Mystery Science Theater style, snarking as they go!

    AND JEBUS IT'S DAY THREE, WHAT'S WITH ALL THE BLUBBERING, PEOPLE?? You hardly know these people! Loved Rob & Sandra: "Did you have this much  trouble voting people off?" "Fuck, no." 

    But first impression is that this is the best cast in a long time, diverse and with a lot of people that don't fit the usual Survivor typecasting "slots" -- I have high hopes.

    Getting rid of smarmy smug poker guy in an EPIC blindside in the FIRST TRIBAL? Beautiful. 

    And PLEASE no players returning in the middle of the game. Let's play Survivor for once  - when your torch is snuffed, YOU'RE OUT.

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  18. 4 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

    Jackson sarcastically says "thanks" and storms off. Minutes later he returns and sneers, "You sure know how to comfort someone when they're down." 

    I. Love. It! Just when Jackhole should be reveling in his near-win, he's sunk in the depths of a Pity Party! 

    Such a stoic, noble soul!

    I hope his spiralling gets so bad, Holly wins final HOH and takes Nicole. That's MY fucking manifestation, bitches!

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