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Posts posted by Gummo

  1. 4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Production has been such an epic fail all season. The only thing they've gotten right is the casting, and IMO that was accidental. I don't think anything has turned out the way they wanted it to. All three of their power apps failed spectacularly, one side of the house Pagong-ed themselves, and even when one comes back into the house, they'll likely be booted right back out again. 

    Yup, they lard up the game with loads of so-called twists to keep it "fresh" and instead the contestants have maneuvered AROUND most of the twists rather than actually using them for anything. Kaitlyn screwing up the easiest comeback ever, Sam refusing to play all summer and openly doing whatever she can to short-circuit every twist she considers "unfair", none of the apps having any effect at all, the set falling down around them -- it's actually been quite funny to watch Production fail week after week. 

    Geez, just lock'em in the studio, make'em fight for HOH and Veto, turn on the cameras and let us watch. That's all we want. Really.

    • Love 12
  2. 1 hour ago, SiobhanJW said:

    They have all said repeatedly they are sure the he's been talking crap about them all and they don't care. 

    Why should they? He's not on jury. He's NOBODY. 

    Just a famewhore who couldn't even eke out the requisite 5 minutes of fame. More like 30 seconds.

    • Love 14
  3. 12 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    His stupidity combined with SUCH arrogance just makes him unbearable to watch. I hate the way he was basically telling Haleigh to go bake cookies or something while the men talked. "Let your man take care of you". Oh, you mean like how you took care of her last week by nominating the only other person loyal to you two?

    God, he's fucking dumb.


    Stupidity, arrogance & misogyny -- oh, he's a catch, all right. I sincerely hope Haleigh gets some perspective when the season's over and runs straight to a lawyer's office for a restraining order. Because she'll need one.

    I wonder if Fessy will still be patting himself on the back when the fans award him Stupidest Player Ever, then immediately retire the award so no one else can ever take it away from him.

    • Love 10
  4. 4 minutes ago, Stinger97 said:

    There's something super charming about how Sam thinks this game works. She was so earnest with Fessy about putting Haleigh up, and I know in her heart of hearts she thought she was doing a bang up job of convincing him. Charming and bizarre. Mostly bizarre, though. 

    It's been most of the summer and STILL neither she nor Fessy have any idea how this game works. Sam thinks it's a nicest-person contest, and Fessy thinks whoever wins the most challenges gets the grand prize.

    They're surrounded by people playing the game, hard, and yet both think nobody's playing the game. Haleigh has literally laid it out for her Giant Meathead and he just dismisses her completely, while believing every lie JC tells him (sexist much?).  They're both wrong about just about everything -- not only how the game works, but ALL the interpersonal dynamics in the house. How delusional (or in Fessy's case, how far up your ass can you stuff your giant head) do they have to be to STILL not know what the hell is going on??

    And still Haleigh shares the control-freak-borderline-stalker's bed. I hope she wises up the minute the game is over and takes out the restraining order she will so desperately need.

    • Love 5
  5. 12 hours ago, SHD said:
    13 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

    Brett is so funny with that fake tough voice.

    Was that supposed to be a tough voice? I thought he was doing a Chris Farley character!

    The way he was yelling at us in the DR, I thought he was doing asshole Paul from last summer.

    • Love 2
  6. 25 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

    Someone upthread (Brian maybe?) said that Haleigh was operating on the "anybody but me" theory of BB play, and I think that nails it. 

    I don't see that she has a choice left. Her alliance has been decimated and her only remaining ally is a big dummy.

    • Love 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, gunderda said:

    Fessy "I scratch your back this week, you scratch my back next week"

    Good gameplay, Fessie, give away the store on a PROMISE from someone who's playing against you that they MIGHT do the right thing down the line.



    • Love 3
  8. 5 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    this season it’s been sounding like the Fire Marshal has thrown some new shit at them, and they’re having trouble adjusting.  

    BY lockdowns used to mean the sliding glass BY door was locked AND an articulated metal shutter was dropped over the entire BY door/glass area, which was pretty dern effective at blocking both sight and sound.  This season it appears the shutter is no longer a thing, though, and neither is locking the BY door - the HGs are left on the honor system not to open the door during lockdowns

    That makes a lot of sense.

    • Love 1
  9. Just now, Wings said:

    t is time to retire both of these so fine with me.  They must be done with them, too.  Commanding everyone to go look at HOH bedroom is always a forced march for the HGs.  No one cares.  HNs have been so creative with their oats that it is ho hum and no one cares about that either. 

    Oh, I agree. Especially about the have/have nots. It just doesn't matter anymore, the contestants endure it and that's about it. I'm guessing it was intended to draw lines and split alliances, but players have grown wise to that. Give it up.

  10. 1 minute ago, Wings said:
    3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    I swear, it's like Production just kinda gave up this year. 

    No way, production LOVES this season as much as we do!  They got drama they could not even imagine!  And it keeps on coming. 

    Yeah, but a bunch of things that used to be SOOO important are now just ... meh. Unveiling the HOH room for a new HOH -- nah. They used to make a huge deal out of the haves/have nots division. Now we don't even hear about it.

    • Love 2
  11. 24 minutes ago, gunderda said:

    sam getting loud saying that everyone is being sneaky around everyone's back and it's making her sick.

    How dare people go on Big Brother and play Big Brother! It's an outrage!!



    ... that woman ain't right.

    • Love 7
  12. Absolutely -- usually I can't stand the "kool kids" alliance but they're having so much fun while the other side (the Box of Rocks alliance -- as in "dumb as a...") is so grim, clueless and floundering, it's so entertaining to sit back and watch get blindsided ... again and again and again and....

    Especially after last season, which basically felt like a summer-long hostage situation....

    • Love 16
  13. 1 minute ago, missyb said:

    The stellar gameplay of the season is that no one fully realizes there is a F6/4. Not even when it is incredibly obvious.

    THIS! It doesn't matter how many comps The Hive wins when they have no idea what's going on or even WHO'S ACTUALLY ON THEIR SIDE! 

    It's kind of a shame because I like most of them better than I like most of L6 but they've earned this drubbing many times over for their smug cluelessness. 

    It's kind of hilarious.

    • Love 4
  14. 1 minute ago, TresGatos said:

    Sam went on a rant about if she finds out who's been making fun of her and making her look dumb, she's going to tear them limb from limb and pull their bottom lip up over their head and make them regret the day they were born.

    That's gonna be one unhappy mirror!

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