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Posts posted by Gummo

  1. Geez, Sam:

    1. This isn't YOUR house or any of the houseguests' house. I really don't see why any of them are obligated to fix a broken toilet. If you want to fix it, go ahead, but it doesn't make you a hero, a  martyr or a grown-up. 

    2. I'm so over you deciding that your values are the only 'correct' values and anyone who doesn't agree is some kind of lesser being.

    3. Just because other people may have different priorities from you doesn't make you the adult or them children.

    4. Talking to them like they're children does make you an asshole, though.

    • Love 21
  2. It's fascinating how different our perceptions can be of the same events and the same people.

    Sam unpretentious? I find her so smug and self-righteous and full of herself that it makes me want to scream at my TV. 

    And yes, during the Robot Days, I was a Sam fan too. But recent events have changed my mind.

    • Love 14
  3. Quote

    Surprised Tyler hasn't snapped at her yet.  Can't stand him but this is a low blow coming from her.

    It's kind of a shame everyone knows that the evicted person may get to come back in -- that'll probably temper the goodbye messages. 'Cause I'd love to hear Tyler's message to Kaitlin if she WASN'T coming back, I bet it would scorch her chakras and leave a visible stain on her third eye.

    • Love 5
  4. Count me in the camp that's done a 180 on Sam. What a judgmental, hypocritical POS. If there's one attitude I absolute HATE on TV game shows (you get this on Survivor a lot), it's "the way I play is the only moral and correct way to play, so anyone who plays differently is a bad person." 

    Fuck that. Everyone knows the rules going in; if you follow the rules, you're playing the game properly.


    Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. If you're Fessy, it's your looks, strength and lack of brains. If you're Tyler, it's looks, empathy and guile. Why SHOULDN'T Haleigh use her looks and touchy-feely personality to advance her in the game? It's like saying Fessy using his strength is unfair. 

    You use what you have. 

    And as others have pointed out, Sam gave the men in the house no agency at all. They're all just victims of the evil, manipulative hussies. That insults everyone involved and is pure sexism.

    And as someone said above, "keeping it real" does NOT mean slut-shaming people on national TV and acting like you're doing them a favor. Sam cloaking her resentments and insecurities in pious bullshit only made it worse.

    Fuck Sam, is what I'm saying.

    • Love 18
  5. OK, I get it now -- Winston and Brett are both psychopaths, Brett's just better at hiding it.

    Up 'til now.

    That was some serial-killer-dead-eye-stare he gave RS when she was yelling at him. That's just not normal.

    Other than that, this may be the most agreeable cast in years, in the sense that I don't want to see any of them strangled with piano wire on live TV (yet). The worst they get is annoying (Kaitlyn "I represent all clairvoyants, psychics and other grifters who prey on the weak-willed and attention-starved") or capital-D Dumb (Fessie). My only complaint is that there are too many nonentities (Angela, KC), but I'll take that over screaming psycho cult leaders, sadists and racists.

    Whoever is designing the challenges is doing some cool set design with false and forced perspectives. Very different from previous years.

    I hope TBTB figure out a way to make next week interesting. Right now it looks like a meaningless HOH because of the power app Sam didn't use.

    • Love 5
  6. Well, that was fun! Actually fun!

    I forgot this show could be fun.

    Watching Kaitlyn's face during the HOH comp, she was TERRIFIED of winning. She just outed herself as a turncoat, the last thing she needed was to make any more enemies and now she has to. Will she try to snivel her way back into her old alliance, or are those 2 initial alliances already blown up?

    We know she's going to nominate Haleigh. That's a given. But who will sit next to Haleigh....

    I don't especially like Tyler but he's playing a good game. Having been Kaitlyn's chief consoler before the vote, he's in a great puppetmaster position now. His second week will be interesting to watch....

    And there's nobody hateful in this group. Annoying, yes, silly, for sure, and some of the bros may get on my last nerve really fast, but this is a bona fide good group.... I think.

    Have to sign off now, it's time for my Ellipses Overusers Anonymous meeting.....

    • Love 7
  7. 6 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Well, they've market-researched it to death and decided this was the formula that worked and these are the "types" people want to watch. It's the same with Survivor and The Amazing Race, you get the exact same cast of characters every single season, the only difference is the people who are playing them. 

    I know, and it's such a timid way to produce a show. I've railed against it regarding the other shows you mention too.

    It also explains why the early seasons of these shows feel so much different -- they have "real" people on them.

    • Love 6
  8. 34 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

    JC dances like the baby on Ally McBeal. 

    O. M. G. You're right!

    26 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    they keep casting the exact same people every year. If they had a truly diverse cast in terms of age, background, ethnicity and experience we'd see something different. That's not what CBS and/or Allison Grodner wants. They want the same assortment of 20-something bikini models and frat bros every summer.

    Gee, it's almost as if the producers have no faith in their own game to be interesting and engaging on its own.

    • Love 3
  9. Quote

    The special effects during meditation -- it's not my practice personally, but for many people meditation is an expression of their spirituality. The googly third eye and the beams of light effect seem ignorant and disrespectful.  Plus criminally unfunny, cheesy and cornball. Please stop.


    They didn't just insult Kaitlyn, they insulted everyone in that room. Meditation as a spiritual practice predates Christianity, but I'm pretty damn sure they won't make fun of the Christians in the house. I expect that kind of prejudice and ignorance from certain other networks, not CBS.

    Otherwise, the most promising surprise of the evening was Shaggy C's budding alliance of the not-as-conventionally-pretty-as-the-conventionally-pretty-people people. Also good to see him taking Bayleigh's advice and damping down the intensity when it's not appropriate. I'm definitely warming up to him - he's annoying but smart.

    The special effects and scripted lines do take a lot of the fun out the proceedings. 

    If they kick Sam off, this season will be off to a terrible start.

    • Love 7
  10. Quote

    In the house tour on CBS there is an outline of paul in the fish tank.  Kill me now.

    Can't claim to read minds, but I don't think that was complimentary -- first, because Julie said something about it commemorating his two second-place losses, and second -- come on, they have Paul "sleeping with the fishes"!

    • Love 3
  11. First impressions:

    No psychos, which is good. But a cast full of douchebros and model and actor wanna-bes makes the cast feels very same-y. Add the fact that even the diary room comments sound entirely scripted these days kinda takes some of the fun out of it all.

    I usually hate the braggarts but Swaggy C is SO over-the-top that he's kind of adorable, though I'm sure his schtick will get tired really fast. Same for New Age Barbie and Rockhead, I mean Rockstar. And the confederate-loving gun nut can get off my screen anytime. If you don't feel safe going to the movies without a gun, the problem isn't the movie or society, it's YOU. And fondling and kissing your detachable death penis on national TV? Just how deep in the closet are you, anyhow?

    Liking: Sam, Kaycee, JC, Angie, Hayleigh. On the fence about: Steve the cop (how long will he last 'undercover'? I'm guess maybe 3 days), Tyler (his eyes are lot crazier than Steve's!), Scottie. Already disliking: most of the 'bros', airline attendant who hates her passengers (your job is serving people; if you hate serving people, get another job, asshat).

    This summer's 'theme'? Annoying, like most BB themes. And I didn't think it was fair that one contest was sheer luck while the other involved at least a modicum of skill. But the games were fun, and Sam as a robot may be the cutest thing I've ever seen on this show. Is anyone else getting a Jordan vibe from Sam? Similar voices and personalities.

    So Shaggy C ended up following Angie's advice after being all outraged by it -- i.e., he saved the other group he came into the house with -- and people got pissed anyway. He should have trusted his first instincts and saved Angie's group -- no one could have complained about that (though of course someone would).

    • Love 3
  12. ZoqFotPik, I hope you're right, if only because I want to see Archer back in the "real" world. I've enjoyed these two seasons of delirium (the artwork has been beautiful!), but except for Archer possibly dying while he's dreaming, there's no real peril or consequences to it all. 

    • Love 1
  13. That was a complete muddle. 

    This was the first episode I spent saying over & over again, give me a break! and, what the heck is going on? 

    Back in the old days, Krypton was supposed to be a beautiful place full of wonders. Here it's a closed-off claustrophobic shithole. Wow, what an improvement. Back in the Silver Age, Krypton was depicted as a paradise, all sunny and green; like all DC comics in the 1960s, it was simplistic and needed updating, but going full dystopia is just as boring and lazy.

    And how did Daron Vex escape anyway? And is turning Brainiac into a poor imitation of the Borg a new thing?

    • Love 1
  14. Yeah, the show never quite regained its footing after season 1 -- oh, there were moments but that feeling of effortless, stylish ease was hard to recapture.

    Until now. *sigh* What a lovely finale.

    Mazekeen, drugged and desperate, hacking thu a roomful of professional thugs to protect her first & best friend. Never even asking herself why. Because her best friend is in danger, that's why.

    A demon who loves. How can such a being not have a soul?

    And finally, we're thru with Cain. It wasn't a bad idea, as season story arcs go, but the execution was horrible, and the character was kinda repulsive. So I was glad to see it end, and end with such a bang.

    Cain's sin wasn't just his brother's murder, it was a selfishness that knows no limits, just an eternal spiral of self-pitying rationalization tthat he used to justify any action, no matter how horrible; but Lucifer finally stops rationalizing, stops blaming everyone else for who he is; Lucifer finally accepts his own devil AND his own angel and saves the day. And Chloe finally sees his face, albeit his melted-crayola face, not his awesome flaming red-skull face from season one.

    Ah, Chloe. I was in the minority who always liked Lauren German and thought she did the best she could with the ridiculous, utterly inconsistent crap they gave her to play. So I liked that moment of frozen realization as the last four years of her life snap into a completely new, bizarre focus:

    It's all true.

    Man, I would have loved to have seen more. Especially the next conversation between Chloe and Linda -- that would have been gold.

    Goodbye, show. You promised much. You achieved it occasionally. You went out magnificently!

    • Love 13
  15. Well, this episode cemented my Angela-hate. No wonder no one talks to her, she's creepy as hell.



    Des and Angela can go anytime. Their narrow, inflexible style of play annoys me

    Right there with you. Libby has been absolutely powerless for weeks now, so Desi's obsession with getting Libby out came off as nothing more than mean girl jealousy. I mean, It was a stupid, wasted vote.

    Donathan continues to impress - he's obviously paying attention to what's going on around him and thinking. I hope he goes far. Actually, except for the 2 people already mentioned (and now that Libby's out, maybe Desi will get a little more bearable), I'm liking most of this cast. It's hard to play strategically when there's a million idols and advantages in play, but they're trying.

    • Love 9
  16. 2 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

    he tells Chloe that he can't get drunk or something because of his celestial metabolism.


    1 hour ago, hoopznyo said:

    does Lucifer need to sleep as a celestial immortal being? In season 1, when they showed him in bed -- the humans were sleeping but he was lying there awake (unless I am mis-remembering)

    Consistency, continuity, character, who needs'em! 

    This show does, that's who.

    Season 1 Lucifer would have curled his lip at this season's sad-sack Lucifer, pummeling him with one hand while playing smooth cocktail jazz at the piano with the other, all while solving a murder and fucking his therapist.

    I miss that Lucifer.

    • Love 19
  17. 2 eliminations, 2 douches gone!

    Not much new to add except:

    That was so friggin' funny & so friggin' satisfying at the same time. Chris's lack of self-awareness puts him up on a truly rarefied plane with Coach and Secret Agent Phillip. Except that both of them lasted a helluva lot longer in their seasons that Chris did in his!

    I really enjoy seeing people have fun while they play this game. And that was so much fun ... well, maybe not for Chris....

    And yup, ugliest & cheapest-looking necklace ever.



    • Love 15
  18. Loved George and Herschel bonding over being henpecked by their wives.

    I also liked them showing Mary slowly getting more & more insufferable with her approach to religiosity. It makes her less likable but ties in nicely with Big Bang.

    Loved Missy taking Sheldon's life savings and then having a grand old time with Little Girl Sparks, then saying "I handled it" - exactly what her Dad did with Herschel!

    • Love 2
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