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Posts posted by Gummo

  1. Margarita and Kentaro should both be gone. Margarita put her model in a superhero costume and Kentaro put his model in a black garbage bag. Which pretty much expresses his opinion of plus-size models generally, I think. All season I've gotten this vibe off Kentaro that he hates working with the plus-size models and literally doesn't understand that they're beautiful, so he covers them up in the ugliest shmatas he can produce, over & over again. It's insulting and I'm so sick of it.

    Kenya and Anaya were both robbed this week; either could have won; either should have won. While Brandon's look was attractive, it was also same old-same old. Kenya and Anaya both pushed themselves to new places and produced beautiful garments. Brandon produced .... a standard well-made Brandon design. It wasn't more or less editorial than anything else he's done. 

    I certainly hope the almost certain Brandon win is misdirection -- though I was skeptical of her in the beginning, Anaya has produced great work all season and has only gotten better & better. End-of-season Brandon is pretty much the same as start-of-season Brandon.

    And while, yes, the exploiting of breast cancer survivors can get old, or tacky, my wife is currently undergoing chemo for breast cancer and she was very moved, so I have nothing to say about that.

    • Love 8
  2. Quote

    Meanwhile, I think Pierce would have come off a lot better in the initial scene if he'd just explain. "Because, Decker, you're better than that.  Union repping is about trying to help idiots like your ex out of their self-created messes.  It's generally the last stop on the train before retirement or something that gets dumped on people who can't be trusted with anything more important."  Not only would that make sense and convey Pierce's respect for Decker's skills, it would also create a chance for her to stick up for Dan like "Look, LT, there's more to Dan's story than is in whatever files you read.  He's a better cop and a better man than you think and you should give him the chance to show you that."

    I wish you were writing the show. This not only sounds like the characters we've grown to know & love, this sounds like actual human beings communicating as opposed to the stuff coming out of the characters' faceholes this episode.

    • Love 3
  3. When did they replace the grounded, faithful, quirky Ella character with a refugee from a NickTeen sitcom? Every time she's onscreen now I feel embarrassed, both for the actress and the character. That's not professional behavior in ANY office situation, let alone a police station. I mean, who talks like that, location be damned?

    And Lieutenant Mysterious and Dull can disappear any time. He's not interesting, has no chemistry with any of the other characters, and I have no interest in his big reveal, whatever it turns out to be.

    And yes, we get it, Lucifer is turning into an angel. Yawn. A world without Lucifer's devil face is not a world I want to live in.

    This show was so unique in its tone and attitude, I wondered if it could maintain it for more than 1 season. While season 2 was very problematic (I never got into the mom storyline), at least the characters were still the characters I fell in love with during the first season.  Now? Meh. It's starting to look like the writers and producers have lost that fine line they walked so effortlessly in season 1.

    • Love 8
  4. That was so effing smart. 

    I am so used to Survivor contestants automatically keeping the young guys because 'we need to win challenges' no matter what. I'm proud of the hustlers for realizing Patrick's obnoxious attitude and utter cluelessness ("I'm fun! I'm warm! Everybody loves me!") were toxic and had to be gotten rid of NOW. Lauren finally started playing the game and playing it well, not freaking out but explaining calmly and clearly why she was a much better person to keep around than mercurial Patrick, especially with a swap or merge coming up. 

    Count me among the fans who are really enjoying the emphasis on camp life this season -- it's been WAY too long! Too often in recent seasons we have no idea why anything's happening because the editing was all about the challenges and "surprising" us at Tribal with outcomes that had no context whatsoever for how they came about. (Okay, that's a convoluted sentence....)


    Jessica was right about that.  At first she seemed a silly, giggling girl, but when she became visibly annoyed by Cole spilling the beans I changed my opinion of her.  There was absolutely no reason to tell the others about Joe's idol at that moment.  That kind of info should be saved for another time.  Information is currency.  As quickly as alliances change, someone is sure to blab it to Joe that everyone knows he has an idol.  

    I agree. She's smarter than Cole and was absolutely right that that was a dumb move strategically. 

    Wow, a Survivor season of "normal" people and editing that breathes. What season is this again, 1? 2?

    • Love 7
  5. I have to disagree with the consensus -- thought the boot was a foregone conclusion, I liked the premier and this episode. Both seem like throwbacks to much earlier seasons when production gave us time in the introductory episodes to actually get to know the tribes. There was literally no challenge action until after the 30 minute mark (a good sign that the boot was not going to be especially dramatic or contested) -- that meant a lot of time for us to watch these people feel each other out. I appreciate that since in recent seasons, we've often gotten to the merge before I know names!

    I think Cole made the right choice if only because Joeny is such a paranoid and vindictive schemer that if Cole had misled him or refused outright to help him with the clue, then Cole would have had a target on his own back. This way, he's armed with some valuable info.


    ETA -- Joeny = Joe + Tony

    • Love 1
  6. NOOOO, not Captain Holt! But of course he wouldn't let Amy take the bullet, he took it himself.

    Glad Hawkins was finally caught, that was one nasty character.

    I hope Caleb the Cannibal returns at some point. (That sounds awful, doesn't it? Just shows how good this show is!)

    I'd like to see Romero again, too. Another great new character, too good to lose forever.

    A great season opener overall.

    • Love 7
  7. Blackwing, I like the endurance and balance challenges because they level the playing field, as opposed to all the upper body strength challenges that are obviously designed for Probst's alpha males.

    But despite his bro crushes, I kinda like Probst as host and always have. I even like his constant needling during challenges -- the whole idea is to break people's concentration, it's like another obstacle in the challenge.

    • Love 10
  8. Quote

    I hope that one of these seasons they really throw a curveball and make the first few challenges intellectual (not just puzzles that require hand/eye coordination that a lot of 20 something athletes have).  Something, ANYTHING to make the alpha males look around and think "Wait a minute - I'm the weakest link here! I'm supposed to coast at least until the merge! This isn't the Survivor I came to play!"

    I love this idea.

    I've never gone back to watch earlier seasons, but wasn't there a much greater variety of challenges in the first few seasons? I remember they used to sit and listen as Probst read them a local myth or folktale and they had to answer questions based on it.

    Now it's run, swim, puzzle. Run, swim, puzzle. Run, swim, puzzle.

    • Love 4
  9. Big scary loony raving black man? Schlubby little Jewish doctor? When it comes to stereotypes, Survivor never disappoints!

    Otherwise, the photography is beautiful as always, the editors still seem to work from the 'leave out anything that might help the audience make sense of what's going on' school of editing mystery and wonder, and the team 'themes' are still ridiculously forced, arbitrary and in some cases, just downright stupid.

    Can't stand bully parole officer, but Dr. Mike was an idiot to go off idol-hunting first thing instead of building relationships, which is always Job #1 on Survivor. Lucky for him that he was crucial to the Immunity win.

    Are we going to have to hear all season about how Ryan (The Mule*) is a woman repellent? That'll get old fast. On the other hand, as a bellhop I wasn't surprised that he was a lot stronger than he looked. And I like how it looks like Mr. Beautiful Blond & Buff appears to be teaming up with The Mule.

    (*Extra point to everyone who gets the Asimov reference!)

    • Love 1
  10. What's consistently amazing about B99 is that they take storylines that could go so, so wrong ... and do them so right! And make it look effortless!

    As others have said, there's so much that could have gone south in this episode - our heroes in prison? Jake's best cell buddy a cannibal? - but it was hilarious. Like others have said (there's that phrase again), I was afraid the season opener couldn't help but be depressing but ... not!

    Romero, Jake and street ramen for the win, Beefbaby!

    • Love 9
  11. Unfunny and sad.

    The problem is, Big Bang Theory has spent 11 years building a character. We've learned a lot about his background so we know his childhood was miserable -- an endless roundtable of bullying, loneliness, domestic quarrels, increasing isolation from father (because of his alcoholism) and his mother (because of her increasing religious fanaticism), alienation from his siblings, and from the world.

    So to make a show about that period in the character's life, they can do one of two things -- make the saddest, most tragic half-hour sitcom in American TV history, or completely ignore 11 years of careful character building and suddenly make his childhood cute and quirky and betray everything they've worked so hard at on Big Bang.

    Both approaches suck. 

    Remember AfterMASH? No? Well, that's the fate of this show, too.

    • Love 12
  12. Quote

     Cody really has no game. He doesn't know how to "fake it". He was just being honest, but I don't think he was TRYING to upset her - whereas, I think Paul and Josh are absolutely TRYING to upset people. 

    I don't agree. I think we've seen enough of Cody in power to say had he been able to hold power for longer periods or more often this summer, he and his gang would have been incredibly arrogant, mean, snotty assholes. Just in a different way.  

    Which is NOT to excuse Paul and the Junkyard Dogs in any way.

    • Love 6
  13. Quote
    1 minute ago, Jel said:

    There has to be a reason for this madness.


    Producers of these long-form game shows have a very weird idea of what their audiences want. Survivor was ruined for quite a few seasons when Burnette and Probst turned into The Hantz Family Sadism and Psycho Hour. 

    Seems to be the same kind of thing with Grodner and Little Paul.

    • Love 2
  14. Quote

    Wondering if there's a 1% chance someone could explain to Josh that he is nothing but Paul's lapdog/puppet/bully machine so that he'd comprehend? 

    Josh would take it as a compliment.

    No, don't ask me why. I don't get it either.

    • Love 6
  15. Quote

     I haven't even had a major beef with Paul.....until now. The way he is using Josh as his weaponized bully and calling everyone in his group "dogs" just disgusted me. He is smart and he plays the game well, but he has let his status in the house go completely to his head. I was furious watching the episode last night. I am loathe to use the "bully" word, because it gets thrown around so loosely these days. But that is exactly what I was watching last night. 

    Paul tells psycho-Josh to turn it up to 30. He's inciting this bullshit. Then Cody takes Jessica outside, ALONE, so she can calm down. So they can get away from the drama. And Paul rallies them all to go outside and bother them. What's the fucking point? What do you hope to accomplish? I don't mind some psychological warfare, but this is way too over the top, even for more. 

    Previously I was just disgusted by the sheep who were FOLLOWING Paul around. And they're still pathetic. Who LETS themselves get called someone's "dogs" and is just okay with it? I would tell him to fuck right off with that shit.  But this also shows just what an ego-maniac this dude is. He's fine when HE'S on the outs, and he has to scramble and manipulate and really play hard. But this dictatorship is just insanely uncomfortable to watch. 

    I have no choice now but to root for Cody, Jessica, and Mark. 

    This, this, this, a thousand times this.

    Not making excuses for you anymore, Paul. You're just a mean, petty little man with a god complex. And your tactics are downright fascistic: designating an "out" group and treating them as subhuman in order to solidify the loyalty of your minions? Straight out of the Goebbels handbook. 

    This would be the perfect time for Josh to turn on his owner, but he's a beaten dog -- it won't even occur to him.

    • Love 14
  16. Random thoughts:

    1. I don't begrudge any houseguests their dark glasses or Paul his fur monstrosity. Those TV lights are hellishly bright, so whenever they're lying around, they're actually staring up at them. They HAVE to have dark glasses on. And it's kept freezing cold in that house (think about all the electronics in there, generating heat and needing to be kept cool). So I give Paul a pass on the fur collar jacket.

    2. Shut up, Josh.

    3. Yeah, the best strategy would have been to pile all the distractions on Jessica. That would have been more effective on both Jessica and Cody.

    4. Shut up, Josh. 

    5. Cody gets half a point for a glimmering of self-awareness that his social game doesn't exist and he has to follow Jess's lead. 

    6. Cody loses that half point for still insisting everyone else betrayed him, when HE was the one who betrayed his team with the Paul blindside.

    7. Shut up, Josh.

    8. If Kevin doesn't get a show or podcast out of this, there are no reality TV gods. Every time he talks, it's TV gold.

    9. Really, Josh, just Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

    • Love 5
  17. Random observations --

    1. Battle Back? ABD! (Anyone But Dom!) Few things on TV chap my hide like smug, patronizing godbotherers and that phony, "I'm always happy! I'm always happy! I'M ALWAYS HAPPY, DAMMIT!" attitude.

    2. Speaking of Dom, all the times she ranted and raved, why didn't a single person tell her it was CODY who threw her under the bus? It looked like they all just let her make her loony accusations.

    3. Even though I can't stand him, I'm actually kinda sorta rooting for Dead-Eyed Cody to come back. Especially if he meant it when he said on leaving that Paul was the only left in the house that he respects. Because could you imagine a secret alliance between Cody and Paul?? NOBODY would suspect. They could wreak havoc. It would be glorious.

    4. Okay, I admit it - Paul is starting to get on my nerves. He's a lot more watchable as the loudmouth underdog than as the loudmouth mastermind.

    5. Josh. Oh, Josh. Josh, you know who constantly accuses others of "not being a man"? Someone who's damn insecure about their own masculinity, that's who. 

    • Love 5
  18. Mumbles, you're right that officially-designated 'game shows' have to follow certain rules set down after the game show fixing scandals of the 1950s. I don't know for sure, but I don't think shows like BB and Survivor are classified as 'game shows' by the FCC, and so their leeway to mess with the rules is a lot wider.

    It's an interesting question: Is BB recognized as a 'game show' by the authorities who regulate this stuff? 

    ETA: Also, you're right about Kevin -- he's quietly, sneakily throwing all sorts of fake leads out there while playing the amiable, slightly befuddled old guy. Usually, the designated 'old person' gets voted out immediately, but I hope he goes far!

    • Love 3
  19. 1. The producers didn't "cheat," it's their show & they can do whatever they want. They even build this fact into the show's tagline - "Expect the unexpected," i.e., "We're going to fuck with you so brace yourself!" Cody will blame everyone except himself, but HE's the one who went behind the back of his entire alliance to nominate Paul. It was the first week, you're still building relationships and trust. You don't screw over everybody who's just agreed to work with you and expect them to say, Gee, thanks! But he'll never accept responsibility for his own actions, that's obvious.

    2. Since Cody is almost certainly coming back, how freakin' great would it be if he set up a secret alliance with ... PAUL?  (Hear me out, I'm not crazy.) By the time he left, Paul was literally the only person besides Jessica that Cody respected in the game. He considers him a fellow "alpha male" (such a stupid phrase, but let's ignore that for the moment). NOBODY would suspect. Paul loves drama and big moves, such an alliance would be tailor made for him, besides he knows the entire house is going to come gunning for him as soon as they can.  Okay, maybe I am crazy, but it would be fantastic move, and great TV!

    3. I did not know about Raven's illness & pacemaker. My respect for her just zoomed about 1000%.

    4. Josh, even when he's right, is wrong. He's just a little ball of rage, insecurities and delusions. Must be exhausting to live with.

    5. The other 'bros' -- Mark, Matt & Jason -- are growing on me. They're not as one-dimensional as I originally thought.

    I'm actually enjoying this season. Go figure.

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