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Jynnan tonnix

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  1. On the subject of town names, some years ago, when considering places we might retire, Mr Jyn & I were thinking about Pennsylvania, so a friend of mine and I went out there to look at some parcels of land to get an idea. There was a small town in the area called Scotrun, and I bet most of you just read that the way my friend and I did! Even though there's nothing even remotely untoward about the actual name, it just kept making us laugh when we'd see it on the map. As far as Jana, l am of the opinion that there are a couple of very legitimate factors which led her to choose him. First of all, I believe it is very believable that someone would come to truly love another person whom they might not have seen that way earlier in the relationship, and that such love is very often stronger and longer lasting than the sort which begins with all the fireworks and passion. Secondly (and this is really an offshoot of the first point), while there might actually be "soul mates" out there, I'm not entirely sure that relationships which initially seem that way truly always end up as a "happily ever after". It's lovely to see a couple celebrating their 50th anniversary as much in love as they were in their 20s, but how often does that really happen? I can't claim that I was ever "in love" with Mr Jyn when we got married, but I knew that he had a core of ironclad integrity, would always be there for me, and never let me down. We'll be celebrating our 40th anniversary next week. Could I have had a more romantic and sparkling life story? Maybe. Could I have had one that crashed and burned? Quite possibly. Maybe even probably, given what I see around me. I'll take what I have, and consider it a win.
  2. Sooo...on balance, does his having to obey outweigh having an extra body out there spreading a virulent stomach bug? Meh... it's a low bar. I suppose that as long as they pretty much stayed in a group it might not make all that much difference, but if they behaved like a herd of cats out there it really could have spread far and wide.
  3. I have a friend who has two sets of identical twin girls, but they were born roughly two years apart, so your story has her beat! Lol.
  4. My mother-in-law had seven kids (3 boys, one girl, then three more boys) in just over nine years, but after that, my father-in-law got a vasectomy. It was good that they stopped when they did, because the youngest ended up having osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease), which put a huge strain on the family in general. My father-in-law worked three jobs just to make ends meet, my mother-in-law was so often in the hospital with her youngest, and Mr Jyn, as the oldest, had to do a lot of day-to-day childcare, cooking, and such by the time he was about 10 years old.
  5. That was (naturally) the first thing that popped into my 11-year -old brain. At least, I'm assuming, no girls in the family were saddled with Milfordette...
  6. Yup...those (and a bunch of others I can't recall off the top of my head) basically come from people not reading much. Frankly, in quite a number of cases (such as "deep seeded", the pronunciation is pretty much identical, and the meaning of each phrase also more or less works whichever word is used. So unless someone writes it down, there's no way to know how "literate" they are, and the spelling could actually transition completely without much of the population even being aware of it. I know there are a couple of idioms out there which, given that the original wording was rather archaic, did sort of make better sense with updated language. Of course, I can't recall those either, but I know I've seen some lists, and been quite fascinated by the evolution.
  7. I do actually know a lot of people (mostly when we have been stationed in more southern states) who use "whenever" that way, so I've gotten to where I attribute it much more to regional than educational differences.
  8. Somewhat serious question here...Is the spelling "whimpy" in this forum a joke that I missed somewhere along the line? I've actually been meaning to ask that for a while, because I've always spelled it as wimpy, and that's been mostly the way I've seen it, but I've also seen it spelled as whimpy much more here than otherwise, though most of the time it doesn't really read as ironic, so I've come to the conclusion that it much just be an alternate, if rarer spelling. Now there's this post, which suggests that it IS meant jokingly. So now I'm just curious and confused.🤷‍♀️
  9. Add me to those who don't remember their password and don't want to have to set up a new account from scratch. I've been here since 2014 as well!
  10. I destroyed my nails with press-ons...Some 17 years ago, I discovered them and was really pleased with the fact that it was so easy to keep nice-looking nails at a very cheap cost. I have some "picking" types of habits that I've never been able to break ("stimming" could also describe them as I've discovered more and more habits and behaviors in myself which are quite typical of those on the autism spectrum over the years). Anyway, I used the press-ons for a couple of years on and off, and discovered that they had misshapen especially the nail beds on my thumbs to a narrower curve that that which they naturally took, and left most of my nails significantly more brittle and prone to cracks and peeling. It was a big mistake. I feel as though they are all edging closer toward picking up some sort of fungus all the time, and it's really bothersome, as my natural nail beds were always really so nicely shaped....
  11. Tell me I'm not the only one who immediately heard this in her head to the tune of "...and a partridge in a pear tree"!
  12. I keep waiting for those 80's shoulder pads to come back. I have very narrow, sloped shoulders, and that style really gave my silhouette more balance!
  13. Seems kind of pointless to change the recipe when they just seem to get worse all the time. I only go to McDonald's maybe once in two or three years, and every time I go, I'm more disappointed. Not that it's ever been gourmet fare, but it did used to fall into a sort of comfort food category for me. The last few times I've had it, it was less and less worth bothering with.
  14. Except then everyone had ping-pong balls on their antennas. The yellow ones with the smiley faces. And I remember a lot of those ones from Jack-in-the-box, with the pointy hats.
  15. I actually had a somewhat similar dress back in the 80's, when the gunne sax dresses were in. But mine went low on my shoulders, and showed cleavage. And I never wore it with gloves, though I'll admit that I might just have been nerdy enough to do that had I been able to find some! Lol.
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