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Everything posted by aw86

  1. Patrick: Victor caused the accident to blackmail Robin into continuing to work for him and now our son is dead. Oh, well. The real is issue is that Sammy is mad at me. And of course, Sabrina gets instaforgivenes from all. Somehow, I doubt Robin will.
  2. Color me shocked. Maxie wasn't used as a Samtrick prop. Patrick dodged her questions about their fight, probably because he knows Maxie would have follow up questions about why Robin didn't come home. Nevertheless, Maxie is an idiot. One week before her hearing, she is jobless and goes to see Dudley Do Right because of his shoulder wound.
  3. I do love that Johnny's goons on the outside still know everything and are keeping him up to date on the crimes of the underworld of PC
  4. Yes. And of course, Maxie won't even bother to ask where Robin is and why she didn't come home. She will just pat poor Patrick on the head
  5. So Patrick finds out who killed his son after six months of investigation, learns that Victor caused the car crash, which set off alarm bells about Robin, but decides to go get drunk, not out of grief for his dead son, but because Sam is mad at him and he thinks he no longer has a chance of getting her into bed? What a winner. If I thought Patrick didn't care about "that baby" before, this would certainly seal the deal. I want Robin to come into town long enough to reveal Jason is alive, blow up Samtrick, and pick up Emma for a long vacation. Three segments should be enough time to do that, no?
  6. According to Ron that was a mistake not by the writing staff, but by the actress. Because I am sure the actress watches religiously, remembers every plot point, and unconsciously brings those plot points into her own scenes. RME. @carlivatiron @valentinifrank How did Alice know that an undercover FBI,DEA, killed Diamond? Who told Alice that? @carlivatiron @xxxx That line was not in the script. It was a mistake. Good catch! Ron Carlivati @carlivatiron · 10h 10 hours ago @xxxx I know. Wasn't in the script. #ItHappens Hey Anna! If you think your daughter is broken, buy a plane ticket and try to go get her some help!! This show infuriates me
  7. So no follow up on Julia and Joel, more coddling of Max the Menace (that kid is going to end up a murderous stalker), and more Ruby/Hank/Ruby's-mother-that-I-don't-care-enough-about-to-remember-her-name. Kristina just continues to enable Max's creepy behavior by telling him how proud of him she is. I wish a car had hit him when he ran into that street. I still like Drew though, so I guess that is something
  8. I found it amusing that Morgan and the newscaster were commenting on the fact that Ava's baby was premature while Nina is carting around a kid that is clearly four months old
  9. http://daytimeconfidential.com/2014/11/08/brandon-barash-checks-back-general-hospital/ Rumors have Britt/KT out and Johnny/BB returning for a short arc. Unfortunately, Johnny will probably stuck in prison with Sonny yelling at him. Hopefully, Johnny's goons are keeping him updated on the secrets of PC residents!
  10. I hate Ron for making me side with Kiki over Morgan today
  11. Joss is awesome. I didn't even bother watching Morgan ream out Sonny yesterday because I saw his quick turnabout coming .
  12. If I didn't think SamTrick was a contrived plot point before, having Danny calling Patrick Daddy after interacting with him maybe three times in the past year would seal it for me. And this is the second time Sam has cried to Patrick about not having closure with Jason's death since his body was never found, so hopefully she will rip him a new one when she learns he could have given it to her
  13. That didn't stop TPTB from almost going there years ago. As teens, Lucas was crushing on Maxie while she was having sex on the Internet, and Georgie was crushing on Lucas and using Dillon to make him jealous. Georgie even got a hotel room so she could lose her virginity to Lucas on prom night. I think Lucas kissed each of the girls. It was a little icky even if they aren't biologically related
  14. I laugh every time Sam and Patrick pat themselves on the back about how adventuresome they are. They visited a clinic in NY and Sam flirted to try and look at medical records. Now they are sitting in a five star hotel while a 65 year old woman does all the work, waiting for her to report back to them. How brave they are!
  15. Ugh. I think Maggie was in every single scene of the episode
  16. Well, Morgan's real dad, Jax, knows that Morgan would only get shitty advice from Sonny
  17. According to Ron's twitter last night, you are exactly right. @carlivatiron Day 4 asking - Why can't Robin be happy offscreen and have a relationship with her daughter? Ron Carlivati þ@carlivatiron 6h @xxxx How could she be happy offscreen without her daughter? @carlivatiron That's why I said have a relationship w. her daughter. They could share custody &when Emma isn't seen on GH she could visit. Ron Carlivati þ@carlivatiron 6h @xxxx You're suggesting they're amicably divorced? @carlivatiron No b/c Robin is being manipulated. I'm saying instead of bringing Helena on they should be amicably divorced & share custody Ron Carlivati þ@carlivatiron 5h @xxxx But why did they get divorced in the first place? @carlivatiron works. It could all be offscreen. Ron Carlivati þ@carlivatiron 5h @xxxx The other writers and I ultimately didn't think a divorce made sense for them bc of the magnitude of their love story. @carlivatiron But you just delayed it a bit and did the divorce anyway so I don't understand it at all. Ron Carlivati þ@carlivatiron 5h @xxxx Both stories are sad but I feel ours better preserves their love story for the future. @carlivatiron @xxxx So, in essence, Robin will never be free but Patrick will have other women and Robin will take him bck? SMH Ron CarlivatiVerified account þ@carlivatiron @xxxx If she will never be free, how will she take him back?
  18. Ugh. I hate this writing for the Scorpio family. Robin is telling Anna I am broken, every decision I make is wrong, and everyone, including Emma, is better off without me in their life, and Anna shrugs her shoulders and tells Patrick I don't know what is going on with her, instead of grabbing Uncle Mac and catching the first plane to Paris to put Robin in some damn therapy?
  19. Robin taped her last scenes with Helena. 99% sure Helena kidnaps her again after Robin and Jason get in an accident. And she is supposed to send a message to Patrick on Wednesday. I am sure Helena will force her to tell him that she survived the explosion and decided that she did not want to come home and see Emma, and Patrick will continue to rail against Robin. But hey, at least she will get 3 hots and a cot, right?
  20. No way would these kids have so much freedom to roam the hospital. When I spent time in a pediatric hospital, they were was a security chip in my ID bracelet. Once I went to the public restroom right off the unit because my roommate was in my bathroom and when I returned 5 minutes later, half the nurses on the unit were looking for me. No way would I be able to sneak out to buy beer
  21. KMc cohosted Michael Fairman's radio show the other day and Michael Sutton prerecorded a message for KMc. It was very sweet
  22. Rumor has it that Kelly said that Patrick has an out because he leaves the clinic thinking Jason is dead dead. Of course, I'm sure he will remain pissy at Robin and assume that even though Jason is dead, Robin is willingly staying away to save Stavros and Helena because she is just that horrible a person. He is an idiot
  23. So only three contract actors missing from the credits: Sabrina, Felix, and Mac (who by some miracle, apparently still has a contract). May I hope that Sabrina/TeCa has fallen from favoritism?
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