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  1. OTOH if you look at old shows, the discontinuities from ep to ep stick out like a sore thumb. Elyse Keaton: "Mom! I'm your only daugh- Hi, Michelle!"
  2. a California radio station once didn't remember to properly wipe its carts and accidently ran a re-elect President Carter spot... just after Hinkley's...
  3. Dear anyone with power who knowingly hurts others...
  4. That's why i hate about MAGA and the Resistance at the other end - if you are not 100%, you are the enemy.
  5. @Annber03 I'm sorry. I meant nothing wrong.
  6. *No one* is objective about *themselves* so allowing someone to decide their *own* rights? Again, because of having both the effects of a stroke and autism, i see things differently. So, apologies.
  7. I would have chosen:
  8. What Putin has on him and others, too...
  9. "sex worker" implies a universal free choice, which is the distinction I am making. USian is another asininity from such people for it sounds as though it could be part of the vocabulary of a language from a pulp sci-fi or sci-fantasy. Though given its intellectuals pushing such things and not average ordinary people -- who live on Struggle Street and never UC Berkely or Oxbridge -- I'm not shocked.
  10. An Amendment to Be (Bart's line)
  11. Congress term limited the president but not themselves or SCOTUS.
  12. Carl Hayden and Strom - their states needed their seniority, no pun intended.
  13. No war stories to tell (part of what makes them "silent" according to that seminal generations book.
  14. All i knew was that she had mentioned it and i wasn't judging her. Given my own hell thanks to my mom and her Shirley Temple projection.
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