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  1. For me the line "How come no one found me?" was the biggest punch to the gut.
  2. So are these we are supposed to miss or don't miss in the modern TV era?
  3. They may love McDonalds and fast food chains, but their schools are serving healthier school meals and the food they are bringing to school with them is healthier and less processed.
  4. It's a cultural thing too. In other parts of the world, even in some European countries, their school lunches are so much healthier.
  5. That could apply to so many claims made in commercials. Less fat! Less sugar! The healthier option!
  6. The sequel does have the fabulous Grace Jones though, so points for that.
  7. I hated that they killed of Ilsa. It was nice to finally have a female agent (or even character, Julia aside) show up in more than one movie. And for this franchise, she was well written, a skilled woman was also flawed. I liked the relationship between her and Ethan and how it progressed between Rogue Nation and Fallout, and was actually looking forward to a potential romance between them. Honestly, if they had to kill someone off, they should have killed off Luther. I like the character, but him being there from the first movie would have given killing off one of the main characters the impact needed for raising the stakes for Ethan while keeping Ilsa alive. I get the actress wasn't available to film as much as they like, but they could at least have had her doing side missions for Ethan that tied into the larger narrative, without having to kill her. Other it was a decent if convoluted movie. My favorites in the series are still the first one, Rogue Nation, and Fallout. I'd put in the mid rank, along with part 2 and Ghost Protocol. I hated the third one.
  8. I kind of like that about the movie.
  9. One of the bigger examples of a whole song, not just the lyrics, is U2's One. People using it as their wedding song is just hilarious.
  10. Often referred to as "the thinking person's Ghost", it's really a dramedy that is a moving meditation on love, grief, loss, and moving on. And to be fair, I love both movies, in different ways.
  11. Yeah but most of that scream was silent. It's only a bit at the end where you hear actually hear him. Then again, if you're doing that way, it could have been hilarious to have Vader screaming with no sound for like 20 seconds, flailing his arms, then have the Emperor reach over and adjust a knob on Vader's mask, and then we hear JEJ screaming for 5 seconds.
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