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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Well, that works, since he's greasy and gross in this. Totally unappealing; Susan can do much better.
  2. I'm so glad for this patient who wants an abortion at the same time as her kidney operation, so she can start on chemo right away and have her best chance at not dying like her mom did. Usually all we get is self-sacrificing women who insist on going ahead with the pregnancy, never mind that doing so means they likely won't be around to actually raise the kid. Shifting gears ... "He's a cockroach. He'll refuse to evolve and yet outlive us all." Oh, Kerry, just wait. I also liked, "You're a one-armed surgeon, an HR nightmare, and a terrible administrator."
  3. Ugh, it's the life flight dude Susan inexplicably dates (marries?). I distinctly remember watching one of their episodes with a friend of mine, and us turning to each other and saying at the same time, "He's gross." Plus, his appearance means we're closer to Romano having a helicopter dropped on him.
  4. Mendoza voters are dead to me. Or, you know, I really liked that storyline and think it's better than several that remain. Budget crisis/shutdown Santos/Vinnick
  5. I only have one person set on Ignore here, a poster in an HGTV show thread who has driven me up a wall since TWoP. I have one person on another forum set on Ignore because their posting style bugs me, and they never say anything of substance; all their posts are of the "Yeah, that's so good/bad/funny" variety, so I am not missing anything by not reading them. Otherwise, I just ignore posts, rather than posters, and do it the old-fashioned way, by skimming or scrolling past.
  6. I don't understand learning one has made an error, especially in something for public consumption, and opting to leave it. (Of course, I also don't understand "coz" for "because.") I'd be grateful it was pointed out, hopeful not too many people had noticed, and eager to correct it for future readers.
  7. Ugh, seriously, Elizabeth? Supporting racial profiling? Carter is adorable with Maggie, which is a nice palate cleanser, but everyone blowing off Pratt and Gallant's experience is seriously pissing me off.
  8. That birthday party was during the Four Aces Construction days, so I'm not sure whether it was when he seemed more like a general contractor or when he was focused on drywalling.
  9. Carter and Anna were pretty much the only romantic relationship/potential romantic relationship I ever truly liked on this show other than Benton and Corday. The rest have either been uninteresting, fine but just sort of there, or annoying.
  10. "I'm on my way to work. Remember, that place where you used to practice medicine?" Hee. I love Kerry.
  11. We'll see how I feel about it, but I don't remember getting annoyed by her the first time around - it's not the focus on Abby I mind, it's all the time spent out of the hospital on her family. Ha - Susan's "fried tofu?" marveling about veganism is so dated!
  12. I eat an apple pretty much every day when they're in season, so I do have quite a few of them in the bowl if I've recently gone to market. (I have a shallow fruit bowl, so it doesn't require a huge amount of fruit to fill, maybe 5-7 pieces depending on the fruit.) But peaches, nectarines, avocados, mangoes, etc. are only in the bowl to ripen, after which they're in the fridge, rather than sitting out looking pretty. So I'll pick lemons, limes, and/or oranges and fill the bowl with them because they go with the colors of my kitchen and thus look decorative, on top of being something that lasts a while and gets used frequently. (No comment on how many bananas a single person could realistically have at one time, as I hate them so much I can't even stand the smell.)
  13. I liked that all three characters' actions made perfect sense - Abby spent her whole life dealing with a woman who would not take her meds, so of course she'd want her brother immediately locked down someplace where he had to stay medicated, hoping that establishing a treatment pattern early would mean he'd stick with it. Maggie knows what it's like to feel the way he does, to get the diagnosis, and to deal with the side effects of the medication, so of course she understands that it's going to be a process that can't be rushed or forced; no treatment plan will work if he doesn't want it to. And the brother knows Abby took care of him his whole life, but it's suddenly no longer the two "normals" dealing with a sick mom, now he's "one of them" and Abby is the outsider, so of course he first turns to the one who can best understand what he's going through. It was nicely done. But enough already.
  14. Budget crisis/shutdown Power plant meltdown
  15. Pine Bluff Variant is an episode I have no memory of being any great shakes (or have any memory of in general, really), but that has been discussed by others as a much-liked episode of this season, so I was curious to finally watch it again. I was hoping for a hidden gem, but no dice. It is a good episode, and I love Scully asking the dark-suited thugs what agency they work for and, in response to their silence, saying, "Obviously not the Office of Information," - not to mention "Not even close" as her response to "Are you the wife?" - but nothing to get excited about. Folie a Deux - also good for this horribly uneven season, but just there in general - was driving me, well, buggy, because the actor who plays the hostage-taker who is onto Pincus is a character actor I knew I'd seen recently and couldn't come up with where -- it turns out I was recognizing him from my XF re-watch, as he played the partner of the dead cop who was possessing the creepy girl in Born Again. Up tonight: Mytharc. Gibson Praise. Diana Fowley. Oh my.
  16. Budget crisis/shutdown Power plant meltdown - I'd held off voting against things I didn't watch, but there's nothing left among those I did watch that I'm ready to vote against, so now they're fair game
  17. I don't always hate the first one, as there are aspects of the discussion that don't require one to have seen the episode, but it annoys me under circumstances that don't fall into that category. And the other two always annoy me, especially the last one!
  18. I can't believe it's making any sort of comeback; antique brass is fairly inoffensive, but shiny brass is so fucking ugly to me, and one of the few things I'd join a HH in sneering "it's so dated" about. And I really don't care for mixing brass/bronze and chrome/satin nickel. I'm all about not making things matchy-matchy, but I do want things to coordinate, and I don't think gold/brown and silver do.
  19. They're pretty ubiquitous there. Other issues with walk-ups remain, but getting one's furniture into the home is generally taken care of by the hook and pulley system.
  20. Quoting myself to say that after having re-watched Travelers for the first time (well, half of it, anyway; I fell asleep), I understand why we all freaked out about the ring in Travelers in a way that didn't happen after Unusual Suspects. DD is so.fucking.obnoxious with the ring in Travelers. In Unusual Suspects, you just happen to see the ring in a quick shot. In Travelers, he does this weird move to push his bangs aside - twice - to make absolutely sure the ring is noticed. All these years later, I still wanted to punch him through the TV. This disc is awful - Travelers, Mind's Eye, and All Souls. I woke up as Mind's Eye was starting and tried to watch that, but got bored just like I did originally and fell back asleep. And just forget it with All Souls (it is amusing, though, to listen to CC's commentary on its deleted scenes and realize he pretty much hates the episode -- you and me both, brother). So tonight I'll just move on to the next disc.
  21. I have no doubt I'll get sick of it, but I enjoy the Abby's brother storyline in this episode, with her mom trying to get through to her that, yes, she has lived with this illness her whole life - but from the other side. Elizabeth talking with the guy who lost his wife and one son was a great scene. I was out of town Friday, so didn't see those three episodes -- what's Don Cheadle's character's story (I can't find him on the ER Wiki)?
  22. Budget crisis/shutdown - I don't even remember this Toby doing press briefings - I only remember one, so if this was a major storyline, then it's another "I don't even remember this, so how good could it have been?" vote
  23. Apostrophes in the wrong place bother me far more than is reasonable, and something like 70's (rather than '70s) makes me the twitchiest. I don't think the apostrophe rules are difficult, and putting the apostrophe where the thing it's replacing would be seems like it should be the easiest one to remember.
  24. I hate when Daylight Saving Time ends. Sure, waking up at 9:30 this morning and having it feel like I'd slept until 10:30 was nice, but that fades after a couple of days. The whole getting dark early thing drags on for months. Having logged some highway hours this weekend, I must reiterate another peeve: slow drivers who don't move the fuck over. Even if they don't know that basic rule of the road, it's right there on the signs that are posted every ten miles or so! "Slower Traffic Keep Right."
  25. A third "Uh-oh, maybe a heart issue" reaction here, so I'm very glad he's going to the vet and eagerly await a report, hoping it's something easily resolved.
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