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Everything posted by missmycat

  1. Unfortunately I believe JJ's status was upped from that of a minor character to a main character when CBS stupidly let her and Paget go. And fans like me stupidly petition to bring them back. As it is we ended up losing Paget anyway the one character the majority of the fans wanted back. And JJ came back as character so many of us grew to despise after having petition to get her back.
  2. Well,Well,Well. It looks as if I was justified in feeling that JJ was once again being shoved down our throats. LOL so much for the claims that Kate was taken screen time away from JJ. Because these numbers tell an entire different story. If Kate took screen time away from anyone it was Reid. Which is why I am not sorry to see her go even though I actually liked her. My hope is that she isn't replaced and that the screen time that she would have gotten would go to Reid in addition to what he would have gotten anyway. I am livid about Reid's screen time but not surprised.And the unsubs screen time is just inexcusable. I loved for someone to tweet these so called statistics to Harry Bring and some of CM's writers and see what they have to say about it. To damn bad Messer isn't on twitter.
  3. I am with those who feel that JLH neither hurt the ratings nor did she help them. The thing about JLH not all of her fans liked her being on CM. I saw comments about how they loved her on Ghost Whisper but they thought she fit in rather poorly when it came to CM. So they wanted her gone.I too feel it was a neutral understanding between the actress and the network and JLH's pregnancy gave them an easy way out.
  4. I find myself in complete agreement with you, CoStar. Even though for the most part I thought that jogging scene was a complete waste of time. If I were Savannah I would be a hell of a lot more bothered by this so called flirting that goes on between Morgan and Garcia than the fact that he went jogging with JJ. And then of course there was Garcia's obnoxious behavior in "Burn" it was totally ridiculous the way she carried on and was pining for Morgan. Makes you wonder just how good of a boyfriend Sam really is. For crying out loud Garcia pretty much acted like Morgan was her husband and was some how obligated to be there for her. Again if I were Savannah and I had found out about this I probably would have wanted to go all unsub on Garcia and I also would have read Morgan the riot act, because imo he encourages a lot of this less then flattering behavior from Garcia.
  5. True but you would think with these 2 constantly being on call, that they would want to spend as much time with their loved ones as possible. Now it's possible Savannah was working or had a prior commitment. The same could be said about Will, but what about Henry. I too feel this was waste of screen time and was there merely to show us how good of shape AJ/JJ is in. Also it probably wouldn't have been as big of an issue for some of us had this episode,like so many other, hadn't crammed so damn much of JJ down our throats.
  6. Daniel this is a fate that could have easily fallen Reid. Thank goodness that the earlier writers portrayed him as someone who had flaws despite being a genius. Of course nowadays these writers also continue to portray him as someone with flaws. Except they don't bother, the majority of the time, to portray him as the genius he is suppose to be
  7. The same here. What I disagreed with her the most was her assessment of the role the snot nose brat played in this episode. I thought it was a complete waste of time and took away from the team as well as being a bit unrealistic.But hey seeing as her assessment of JJ was so spot on I guess I can forgive her this.
  8. http://www.criminalmindsroundtable.blogspot.com I felt the reviews for these 2 episodes were excellent and pretty spot on even if I didn't agree with everything. I also loved the way she railed against JJ. It is more than apparent to me that this woman who wrote this is as fed up as many of us on here are with the need for JJ to dominate so damn many episodes. I loved how she totally called it as to why they dumbed Reid down just so they could have another excuse to jam JJ into another sence yet again as if she hadn't been in enough damn scenes already.
  9. I also agreed with those choices. And thank goodness they did not bring up his support of JJ in episode 11. Because that was far from one of his best moments.It is also too damn bad that they seem to have a better handle on Reid's popularity with CM's audience than Messer or even CBS does. BTW is it true what they said about Twitter and this so called 2 minute panic mode. Or is that a bit of exaggeration on their part.
  10. Well now that's funny this time when I clicked on it, his picture came up immediately so I didn't even have to search for it, like I had to the previous times I went to this website. ETA: I do not know what in the world is going on.The category International Television Audience Award which had CM listed as a nominee along with NCIS and CSI now appears to be empty. ETA: LOL. The nominees appear to be back. But this time with a picture of their entire cast. Before it had only listed the cast.
  11. I have visited this website several times already and I seem unable to locate this. I did however come across the fact that CM has been nominated for some sort of international award along with NCIS and CSI. Now It's highly doubtful that it will get that reward. It's for the show that gained the most international viewers this year. My bet would be that NCIS gets it. But just the fact CM was even nominated tell me it must be doing pretty darn good with the international viewers.
  12. I would dearly love to believe that Matthew's appearance with Erica at the CBS Upfronts as well as him being slated to appear at the Monte Carlo festival means that the network wants him to be used more in this up and coming season. However I am under no illusions about it whatsoever.
  13. From what I know so far MGG is the only cast member slated to appear at the Monte Carlo festival.
  14. So I am wondering just what it is that makes CBS decide which cast member(s) to send to Monte Carlo. And I mean other then the availabilty of the person.Matthew couldn't do it last year because he was filming a movie. And of course AJ Cook is going to be too far along in her pregnancy to be able to go again this year.
  15. I also feel it bodes well for the show that CBS left it in its regular time slot. Also according to the network CM actually grew in its audience this year. CBS also referred to it as their highest rated 18-49 drama.
  16. Well hopefully with these so called budget cuts, we will see these types of scenes less next season.And the show can go back to being what it was originally meant to be.
  17. Matthew is slated to go to Monte Carlo this year. And he was with Erica Messer at the Upfronts this year. So I am reasonable sure he has signed on. CM will also be staying put in is regular night and time. But it's spin off has been held for mid season.
  18. Well that is the way they did it in the earlier and better days of CM. I personally felt that EM came to rely way too much on these so called guest stars. Speaking of guest stars someone was saying that even though Jane Lynch is set to get a show on CBS. It'll still be next to impossible for CM to get her. Because her show is going to be produced by CBS studios while CM is produced by ABC studios.
  19. Another thing they could do is stop getting these well know guest stars. Go back to using relatively unknowns and keep most of the focus on the team itself. Also does any body know if they have to pay these so called guest stars according to the amount of screen time they get or is there a standard price no matter the amount of screen time they end up getting.
  20. Thanks once again for those statistics, MCATry Would it be possible for you to add up each characters' screen time for the entire season 10.I'd especially be interested in seeing Reid's screen time.
  21. Judging from the ratings it got, I'd ventured to say that a lot of people probably agreed with you.I know so many people were expecting better since Jim Clemente supposedly co wrote it. But from what I've been hearing there's seems to have been quite a bit more of Janine Sherman Barrois influence in it than his. It use to be he was one of the few writers you could count on to give us at least halfway decent episodes.Sadly I feel he has become a sellout and a suck up. What else could explain his justification for that ridiculous over the top story line they came up with for JJ in "200" So I guess it is no surprise that along with JSB's influence this is what we ended up getting.
  22. LOL, Tobias Hankel raided his own place. Speaking of that, Cyber has been renewed. So I guess that means Tobias gets to keep his job at the FBI for the time being.
  23. Well I like Gary Sinise, but I still can't bring myself to support this spin off mainly because it's Erica Messer's baby. And I can't abide what she did to the orignal CM and it's characters. I'm thoroughly fed up with the way she continues to marginalize Reid.His character should probably have been the first one Hotch picked to go with him. I wanted to throw something at my television when I saw JJ doing the geographical profiling. That is Reid's area of expertise.So you would think with a family's life hanging in the balance Hotch would have wanted to bring his very best with him. Instead he ends up leaving Reid back in the states. The only way I would have supported this, is if I thought it'd get EM the hell away from the original CM. I know that many of us had hoped that would be the case and were sorely disappointed when it turned out not to be.
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