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Everything posted by missmycat

  1. I agree what exactly could the show have done. They certainly couldn't deny AJ Cook her maternity leave. She needed it and she was entitled to it. And one would think that a fan of hers would be happy that she was getting the rest that she needed and was entitled to.
  2. You do realize JJ is going to be back that she is just on maternity leave. I for one found it rather refreshing that the men particularly Reid for once didn't have to take a backseat to JJ aka the Mary Sue aka MESSer's perfect little princess aka the precious. And if we end up with another season of that bleeping Mary Sue being shoved down our throats once again I just might be the one leaving.
  3. Overnight ratings were 2.0 and less than 10 million viewers. It actually got less than a 2.0 but it was close enough to be rounded out to a 2..0. Here is hoping the final ratings don't have it adjusting down. That is down from the 2.7 it got with last season's premiere. And from the comments I've seen very few people seem to be giving it a pass for having to go up against Empire this time around. The sad irony of it all, this was probably one of the best written season premieres this show has had in quite a while. Even if the writing does improve and CM starts returning more to the things we originally loved about it, I do wonder if it going to be a case of too little too late in helping to secure a season 12 for it. ON the positive side so far only NCIS and Scorpion beat it in the demo for their premiere's. And if these ratings hold CM will once again be Wednesday night's #1 drama.
  4. This is one of the best season premieres I've seen in a long time.I appreciated that the new character's introduction was rather low key instead of giving her a lot to do,the way they did when Blake and than Kate was introduced to us. I felt that the whole team was used fairly well and there was no Garcia and her magic computer. Instead Garcia reminded me more of the earlier seasons Garcia. But most of all I was pretty damn happy with Reid's contributions.
  5. WTF! I guess I missed that part. And then those lying S.O.B.'S had the gall to claim they had to let AJC and PB go because of budget cuts.No wonder PB was pissed off and wouldn't agree to come back permanently. I sometimes wonder why AJC herself agreed to come back. Perhaps they made it more worth her while to come back than they did for PB.And the fact that AJC is married and has a family and PB was single at the time might of had something to do with it also.
  6. Well isn't this just great. Now I got something else to be thanking those bleeping idiots over at CBS for. Because even though we did get the girls back, it was only temporarily with PB's character and AJ's character ended up morphing into something I couldn't stand. Now I find out this whole bit of firing the girls was the reason Ed left the show and it ended up in the hands of MESSer. SO THANKS A WHOLE BUNCH CBS.YOU BUNCH OF MORONS.
  7. Well clueless MESSer said something about how she wasn't sure if the team could function with less than 6 profilers.Apparently she must have forgotten it functioned just fine with only 5 for the first several seasons. I too wish they would have just concentrated on the remaining team while JJ was gone.
  8. It makes perfect sense to me. I am getting a serious Mary Sue vibe about newbie. And that is one thing this show does not need. JJ is more than enough. Thank you very much. I hope I am wrong, but I fear she will be yet another one of those bleeping females that will marginalize Reid even more than he's already been by JJ and Garcia.
  9. Not as it is airing but CBS should have it available the next day on it's website or else you could watch it on VOD if that option is available to you.But,that too won't be available until after the episode airs.
  10. And supposedly some government officials were so impressed with the way JJ talked Billy Flynn into surrendering and decided she'd be the perfect choice to head up that task force in search of Bin Laden. Droogie I had a similar reaction to the episode JJ. Once upon a time I just saw it as a nice tribute episode that MESSer had written for one of the long time characters the show was having to say good bye to. Today however I see it as an episode that clearly shows that MESSer had/has the character of JJ on some sort of pedestal.
  11. I actually watch Blackish on VOD. I find it quite entertaining. All the characters are good. But I find both Junior and the grandfather especially funny. And we need to remember CM's real competition comes from other CBS dramas.Last season the only 2 dramas that were any sort of competition for them, and I am talking demo wise, was NCIS and Scorpion
  12. Empire I can see.But L&O:SVU and Supernatural.Just what the bleep is the person who wrote this smoking anyway.And hey what about Blackish. They left that out.
  13. I don't see why they can't. I certainly don't see a problem with it. The only reason I singled Morgan is because many people believe that he is the likely one to be departing the show. Again if that is the case I do hope it will only be temporary.
  14. My concern is that newbie is possibly being groomed to takeover Morgan's spot. Therefore she will probably be made a bit of a badass ala Morgan. The way JJ was. But I also see her being used to marginalize Reid. She of course will join the ranks of Garcia and JJ in that regard.
  15. Maybe it'll be similar to the episode Lesson Learned which I felt had some good profiling in it. I admit I am mainly excited at the prospect of getting some good Reid.
  16. Here is a press release I found on Spoilertv for episode 11x02 The Witness written by Sharon Lee Watson. http://spoilertv.com/2015/09/cbs-upcoming-episode-press-releases_18.html?utm_source=twitterfeed
  17. Except his hair has since been cut. I always thought AJ's little boy was a cute kid.But I thought he was even cuter once his parents had his haircut.Hmm It sort of reminds me of somebody else where their hair is also concerned. Guesses anyone?
  18. There is simply no other possibilities. The mole has to be either Henry or Jack.
  19. By all accounts it appears that Reid has won this poll.He received a whopping 51% of the vote. His vote total was 7,968. Which was more than the sum total (7,615) of all the other nominees votes.
  20. Hey I am just now seeing your post thus the late response.I definitely would have been old enough. And I do remember the Quiz show movie. The lead actor from Northern Exposure happened to be in it. However I've yet to have seen it,but it sounds as if I should probably try and check it out.
  21. I get what you are saying and there is a lot of merit to it. But maybe they should have just kept the episode the way they had originally planned. And they should have given Reid his own long overdue story line. Or at the very least they should have allowed him to have more prominence in the episode we had originally thought was going to deal with Garcia having issues over having shot someone.But instead Janine turned it into some anti death penalty agenda.And Morgan was instead giving more prominence in her story line.
  22. .I personally don't understand why JJ felt she couldn't tell her husband.Just like I saw no reason why Garcia couldn't at least had tried to confide in Sam about what she was going thru.Unfortunately you are probably right about them bringing it up again.But I will be sure to avoid any such episode(s) like the plague. Because the likelihood of its(their) execution being similar to those atrocities known as 200 and The Forever People is highly probably to me. There are no current secrets as far as I know. I was referring to the ones in the past.But hey I am sure MESSer can always come up with something else along those lines. And she probably will.
  23. Good question. Why didn't Hotch notice that something was off with JJ,but yet he was able to notice Reid seemed to be having trouble concentrating.The very idea that Reid's concern for JJ impaired his ability to concentrate pissed me off so much. It simple flies in the face of what we had learned about Reid previously. I mean for crying out loud this was a guy who while being held captive by a mad man was still able to function enough to try in communicate his whereabouts to his team via the clues he was sending them. And I wasn't at all happy how irresponsible Reid came across in this episode. He should never had agreed to let JJ take off after the unsub by herself knowing the state of mind she was in. I can't help but contrast the way Breen wrote Reid so awesomely in The Uncanny Valley vs the way he wrote him in this atrocity.This episode was a joke.Which of course was neither the fault of AJ's or Matthew's but rather that of MESSer and Breen, who had previously shown he had the ability to write Reid rather intelligently.But,somehow must have ended up with the case of the stupids where Reid was concerned when he wrote this episode. And can we just please stop with all this secret crap between the different team members already. And I will be seriously pissed if it turns out that JJ revealed the miscarriage she suffered to Reid but had not yet said anything to her own husband about it.
  24. Darn it Reid appears to be losing ground now. Maybe someone could post this link on the imbd boards.
  25. I totally love the fact that despite the way Reid has been marginalized or ignored all together that he was chosen over all the other CM characters. It doesn't surprise me though. Because while the CM/CBS people seem more enamored with the likes of JJ ,Morgan, and even Garcia, to me it seems that many of these so called outside sources appear to be more enamored with him. At least that is my perception of it.
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