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Season 11 Anticipation More Stabs, etc...
missmycat replied to thewhiteowl's topic in Criminal Minds
Except CBS would have to give enough of a damn to implement these changes. And sadly I see very little evidence of it. First of all they were the ones who started the show on it's downward spiral by stupidly insisting on messing with a cast that did not need to be messed with.And yes we eventually got the girls back, but with Paget/Emily it was only temporary. And JJ morphed into something so many of us grew to despise. But worst of all we now know that CBS' blatant stupidity caused the show Ed Bernero as it's show runner.And of course his exit allowed our beloved show to fall into the hands of Erica"Soap Opera" MESSer. -
Happily I did note that the majority of twitter followers seem to be defending Josh Stewart's right to follow or unfollow whom he chooses. At least that is the way it was last night. But you guys are right AJC isn't even all that active on twitter at the moment. Of course a certain cray cray fan of hers is claiming it's because JLH and her fans have bullied AJ Cook into keeping silent on twitter. And here I was thinking it was because the actress has so much stuff going on in her life right now. She has a full time job, a husband, and 2 small children.One of them being an infant requiring around the clock care.
Well I for one believe one of the reasons JJ got her stupid PTSD episode even after MESSer had said 200 was a closed subject, was the fact that her fans were constantly berating one or more of the writers about it on twitter. I have always wonder why they never seemed to bitch about it to Rick Dunkle himself. And I can't help but think was it because he simple just chose to ignore them.
Wow Josh Stewart could not have picked a worse fan base to piss off. It won't matter a hill of beans if this makes no difference to AJ and her husband. The actress's looney tune fans are going to feel compelled to defend her and her character even if there is nothing to defend, because they see this as a slight against her. And I'm telling you her fan base is a force to be reckon with.Just ask CBS. Just ask those fans who dared to be critical of the character JJ on twitter. Only to be accused of hating on the actress herself. Of course now they always knew they'd have the backing of Harry or one of the CM writers.
Yeah you are probably right. And it's about damn time they post something dedicated to him. I couldn't believe that despite the fact so many fans over on CM's FB page continued to ask about Reid the powers to be didn't feel it was necessary did give a shout out to him.But instead we kept getting post after post of Garcia. To be honest, at the moment I am actually finding that infantile clown even more annoying then JJ.
Okay now I know what you are talking about. Those post of course I have seen before on CM's official social media pages.CBS' latest is "Warm up with Dr. Reid Moments". However for the moment it only appears on the network's website.And has yet to be posted on either CM's official Facebook page or Twitter account.
I agree that the show still does reasonably well in the ratings. But are you talking about the official social media pages for CBS? Because whenever I've either been on the official Facebook page or the official twitter account for CBS I have seen little to nothing at all in regards to CM.
Did you guys see where CBS is using CM to promote the up and coming Superbowl. So far they've used Thomas Gibson And Shemar Moore.Now not that I have a problem with it,but I do find myself asking why now,instead of back when the show had better ratings. Could this be the network's way of saying they still have confidence in this show as well as give a nod to CM fans who may also be Superbowl fans.
Season 11 Anticipation More Stabs, etc...
missmycat replied to thewhiteowl's topic in Criminal Minds
I do believe the decision to make Morgan more of a homebody, hence the creation of Savannah, and less of a player and someone married to their career, was one of the things that made him less interesting for me.It would have made a hell of a lot more sense to have given Reid a permanent girlfriend before Morgan. If Big Bang Theory can give Sheldon, who like Reid is socially awkward, a girlfriend then there is no reason why CM couldn't have given Reid a girlfriend already. Not to mention, unlike Reid, Sheldon is also a bit vain and has a tendency to be rude. Of course I realize that he is oblivious to the fact that he can be rude at times. The point being if someone like Sheldon is able to find someone then why can't Reid. -
Season 11 Anticipation More Stabs, etc...
missmycat replied to thewhiteowl's topic in Criminal Minds
I am hoping, and I admit it's probably a vain hope, that one of the things that will play apart in bringing these hit men down is that they were so fixated on Penelope Garcia and her so called magic computer that they failed to recognize the real threat to them.That being Dr.Spencer Reid and that big ole brain of his. -
I finally caved and watched this episode.And maybe it is just me,but, I didn't see anything particularly strange about the situation or Hotch's demeanor. But maybe it's just me not wanting to see. Because I want that stupid boring snoozefest of an arc to be over and done.When the show returns in January the episode is going to be Reid centric.It has been a long time since we've had one of those. And if he ends up having to share a good deal of focus with that infantile clown I am going to be pissed. Also I admit I actually liked that one scene with Rossi, JJ and Tari. I kept rewinding it, just so I could hear Rossi admit that he had called "The Kid"
I can't imagine where you got this erroneous information from.But, Matthew has never written a single episode of Criminal Minds. He has directed some of them before though.
I am so sick of Penelope Garcia. Sick of seeing her stupid face allover CM's social media pages. At this moment I probably despise her more than I do JJ. I even called them out about it asking if they could please post about some of the other characters. I suggested they might want to post something about Reid since they must realize there are still a ton of concerned people asking about him,unless of course they aren't even bothering to (reid) those comments any more.
I can't fault her for not being able to relate to him. There are characters I can't exactly relate to. What I can fault her for, is the fact she didn't even bother to make sure that the majority of her writers would be able to relate to Reid. So that they'd be able to write him well. For that matter she didn't even bother getting writers who would have been able to write for all the characters and write them well. But then again the *bleeping* guest stars/unsubs have always been more important to MESSer and company than the regular cast/characters.
I like Reid paired with just about anyone but JJ. But I agree with you about him and Prentiss. That pairing was also one of my all time favorites.