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Orcinus orca

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  1. And it should have been left at that. Anything further dishonors Garrison and ignores his pain. It becomes "all about them".
  2. They don't need to act like he never existed. But how about a message at the beginning of the season saying that Garrison's death has deeply affected the family and will not be discussed on the air to allow the family privacy and time to grieve? Then add a message about how to reach a suicide hotline. You cannot tell me that filming this is not capitalizing on the tragedy. People will tune in just to see how it is handled, a big boon to their advertisers. Money is the bottom line, always has been. Disgusting.
  3. I have a feeling this will be happening more often. Pour all of the plots and dialog from past movies of the same genre into a machine and press a button. Out pops a watered down version of a combination of past scripts.
  4. Yep, just as I thought. Making money off of Garrison's death. These people are abhorrent.
  5. Me, too. I believe this is old news.
  6. Please do. Actually watching or listening to these fools makes me physically ill so I get all of my information from here!
  7. Pilots fly over a specific drop zone but the parachutists decide when to jump have the ability to control the path. Chris was apparently not very good at it.
  8. I agree. I suppose the three options were meant to be realistic for her age but they were all pretty awful. Never once did I let out an "awwww" with any of them like I did with Luke and Lorelai's first kiss. I tolerated (to a point) Dean and Jess but abhorred Logan with every fiber of my being. Lorelai was portrayed as a strong, independent woman and it's a shame that the writers felt they just had to have Rory paired up from high school through college. Women go on to have productive lives even if single!
  9. Well, it's not like he created a lasting friendship with any of them. He was there a matter of hours, just enough to learn the "ghost rules" and didn't even remember a name or two. If he's traveling around the world and meeting other ghosts, it's likely he will forget about all of them.
  10. Apparently not since he said he was going to Australia to watch a cricket match from right on the pitch.
  11. And Sass giving her the side eye.
  12. Welcome to the club. In Excelsis Deo is always ranked as #1 in pretty much every poll. Great writing, great acting, great direction. And good for the tissue industry!
  13. Stuck in a motel room earlier this year due to a snowstorm and it had Netflix. Started a re-watch beginning with Season 4. The beauty of watching in the past is knowing what parts I can fast forward through. For me that is anything with Lane and her band, anything with the Life and Death Brigade, anything with Christopher, and definitely anything with Logan - my hatred of him knows no bounds. And it's lovely to savor the scenes that have never gotten old and retain their magic. Top rated in my book (and on IMDB) is Raincoats and Recipes with the first kiss. I gasped in 2004 and still sigh when I see it. Second favorite scene is the waltz, so perfectly played by both actors. Lorelai looking at everything but Luke at the beginning and then they gradually move to cheek-to-cheek. Their developing relationship over Season 5 is so sweet despite the breakup which was painful but also realistic. The end of the line for me is the introduction of April. But a lovely couple of seasons to savor. Kind of like comfort food.
  14. I don't see it listed on my Passport right now, only previews as well. It is being broadcast again this week depending on the station.
  15. I don't think it came across as charming at all. I thought it made him look like a buffoon.
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