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  1. I actually bought a new bedspread just this year, although I think the merchant referred to it as a "coverlet", apparently bedspreads are considered out of fashion it seems. I felt I needed to because my new Vaya mattress is 12 inches tall and I could barely cover it with my mattress pad and covers, and I didn't want the mattress showing. I've since switched to a mattress protector that covers the Vaya fine but I do think the bedspread is a nicer look. I have a too large comforter on the bed but will retire that for the year and put a smaller throw on soon.
  2. I've visited Newfoundland a number of times and at least once I remember seeing flurries out the hotel window in June.
  3. My artworks, meaning mainly my framed photos that were shown at the art club, are also a major part of my need to re-organize. I don't sell that often, and there's only so many times I can reuse the same frame and mat, so I have a number of framed pieces sitting carefully in special bubble bags. I don't intend to junk them, so they are going to have to find a space. I think that they and the cameras are going to partially re-locate in the furniture that housed all the stereo equipment that's now gone. Just this week and next we have an auction and I have 2 small pieces in it, and I really hope they sell and I don't have to bring them home. I have to finish the taxes also, although I've used Turbo Tax for years and almost never have had a problem. One time I did get a notice from the IRS that I owed them a couple of hundred dollars via an investment firm I no longer had an account with. I just paid it. I think also I got a small refund one time for having overpaid.
  4. this is what I am currently going through with the big declutter so that I can have my apartment living room painted later this year. The bedroom was hard because of all the falling paint, but there was less ultimately to get rid of and it's done and repainted now with even a new bed (with a lot of help from my super). The living room has so much stuff, I have had the building guys take out a good 12 or so bags of recycling or junk (I tip well!), not counting the paper shredding which I can toss. Just today I gave one of my young relatives my stereo receiver, turntable, speakers and maybe a hundred records. There's a lot of great recordings there including classic blues artists but I hadn't listened to them in years and no longer have room for them. He's thrilled. Young people love retro stuff. I am really glad it could go to someone who wants them. But @Anduin that is so right. In my mind I wish I could finish this overnight, but it doesn't work that way. It's a process than can feel painful at the time but better afterward. I've gotten a lot more ruthless with asking myself, can this be replaced? So let it go. Hoping that in a few more weeks I will be there and have the contractors look at things that they will need to do later in the year when I can go away and let them do their thing. Regarding sheets I tend to go with the every 2 weeks most of the time (I wear pajamas in bed) but this winter I ended up getting a very large comforter which I'm going to wash and retire for the season soon, so have to take things like that into account. Treking the larger stuff down to the laundry room is always a separate job.
  5. I don't think I've ever had corned beef and cabbage but I loved the seafood chowder and brown bread that are served all over Ireland. Just last month I found a small family bakery on Etsy, Baking with the Brennans, who sell Irish brown bread, scones and more at a reasonable price. So I had some brown bread and a scone on St. Patrick's Day. I still wish I could find seafood chowder somewhere in New York.
  6. I just checked my Peacock subscription and it runs out in July. I paid $79 last time after getting a discount originally. I've put Cancel Peacock on my calendar, if they start to have more things I'm interested in I may wait for a deal.
  7. I'm surprised too that Peacock isn't showing all the seasons. I haven't watched the show since the ep with the Wheelers in Season 1. So I missed all of 2. I will start watching 3 I guess to see how it is. Wendie Malick should be a great foil for John Laroquette, but was she supposed to be an attorney originally?
  8. I replaced my smoke/carbon monoxide detectors this year while the bedroom was being redone. It is recommended to replace them after a certain number of years. I actually wasn't sure when I bought mine.
  9. I haven't kept a diary since high school and I trashed those long ago. However the declutter thing has hit me big time ever since the falling lead paint happened in the bedroom. Almost everything that was there is gone, even the bed is new after my super noticed that the old frame was broken. It's great that it looks so neat but it took so long and was so hard to clear out and now I have to deal with the rest of the apartment so that I can have contractors come and deal with the other issues (more cracking paint, ancient bathroom upgrade) in a couple of months. My super and staff have been really nice about taking away the heavier stuff, and I'm lucky to have them. but I know there's a slog ahead. But at least it should be an improvement when it's done.
  10. As far as I know, my card from the New York Public Library has to be renewed in person every three years. I mainly use it to download e-books, but now that you all mention it, I wonder if it will need to be renewed again soon... Pet peeve, doesn't anyone make mixed nuts that aren't loaded with almonds? I don't mind them generally but the skins are rather bitter and there are so many in the nuts I buy (even from nuts.com who are a great company) that it looks like 60 to 70 percent almonds in there.
  11. When I was having a lot of issues last year between the vasculitis, the side effects of the medication, and the really bad balance issues, my siblings convinced me to get one of those emergency buttons. It can be carried or worn but I leave it at home right now. Actually I put an extra one on the bathroom mirror which in a way is the one I think about the most, I actually stuck my finger in the overflow hole of the sink once...plus it's said that's where older people tend to slip and fall. I am fortunate that I have doormen who I can reach from a phone in the apartment but even so it seems like a good idea.
  12. Yes much as we all hate cable, I decided to record the Oscars on my Spectrum "cloud DVR" and remembered that it gives you the option to return to the beginning of the recording. I was finishing laundry so ended up watching the whole thing an hour behind, as if I was in another time zone. But at least ABC didn't cut off the end of the show.
  13. Overall I enjoyed the show for the most part. I think Conan did a fine job and I hope they bring him back to host again. He really is skillful at combining the self-deprecating jokes with the occasional real zinger ("standing up to a powerful Russian") and yet knowing how to go serious as he did effectively at the end of the monologue. I did miss his "streaming building" segment because I thought they were still on commercial but it's on Youtube. Very funny. I don't know who thought of Nick Offerman as the announcer but I hope he comes back as well. I have to admit that I haven't watched any of the films yet but they seemed to be showing more clips of the nominees than they did the last time I watched, which is good. Wasting time on a James Bond number was ridiculous I agree. I thought the "rock legend" announcement might be a joke and was really amazed when Mick Jagger came out! The In Memoriam was the best in ages but I agree what was all that zooming out? Did they prepare that only for the live audience and not the billion viewers who were watching? The Gene Hackman tribute was excellent especially as he had so recently passed away.
  14. It's a sad thing but I keep remembering the scene in The Royal Tenenbaums with Hackman and Ben Stiller playing his son, and the son being alone (in the ambulance?) with his father when he died. He was wonderful in the film. Very sad.
  15. My understanding is that what is changing is the ability to download books you have bought over Kindle, I guess that means they will exist but only online and could disappear? I have downloaded all of my Kindle books on the Ipad (and will do so on the Android tablet I bought also) but actually I am trying to limit Amazon purchases as much as I can for the time being.
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