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  1. I swear they just don't know how to write for McGee. When did they make his character so boring? Maybe it's me( or the coffee) but the only character with any real life to their acting is Kasie. It may not have been a fan favorite but at least Knight/Palmer romance was slightly interesting. This show has really fallen a long way. It needs...something. I thought Gary Cole breathed a bit of life into it a few years ago but now it seems the whole cast is phoning it in.
  2. I swear I'm becoming my mother. I was thoroughly confused about the blonde guy ( drawing a blank at his name) crashing with Elliot knowing about the pond and time travel. When did that happen? When did he and Alice smooth thing over??
  3. There's got to be something in the contracts that Wilmer gets the most centric episodes per season. Where's all the Mcgee episodes? Vance was funny but the whole episode was dull and pointless. Meanwhile, Origins has become my favorite show. It's like night and day difference. I like the cast for the most part but you can tell they are all coasting for the money. Last season seemed better. Give Rocky Carroll his own show soon.
  4. With the introduction of Elliot's ex, this show has detoured away from what it started out to be. For me, it was a great exploration of three women across generations trying to understand each other. With Kat and Alice seeing Del's life now, they have a chance to give their relationship with Del a richer hue yet they are wasting it all on relationships with men. It's almost gotten soapy with time travel thrown in. If it continues, I may be out. I also read that the ratings are way down now that it's out of it's plum Sunday slot. Personally, I don't think Hallmark has done enough promotion for it being back on their network. I think you're right that Kat is addicted to time travel as she wants the excitement while not focusing on her relationship with Elliot now. One of the best parts was Brady actually talking with Jacob about that night and how it impacted him over all these years.
  5. In all the memorial tributes to those lost in 2024, two names have been repeatedly missing to me. Anita Pointer of the Pointer Sisters and Mandisa. May they never be forgotten.
  6. After the complete snore of the mothership, this episode comes along and give us entertainment, depth, laughter and tears. I was wondering what Linda Rondstat would think about "Blue Bayou" as the soundtrack for a bar fight. That was not my my bingo card for this year. Great episode.
  7. Last season was a fun season. This season? There's something seriously lacking. The writing is just not good. Why would Vance let himself be overrun by the Deputy like that? He's in charge not that needle nose? I kept wishing Gibbs would have been there to put that guy in his place. Parker has respect for his team and they for him but they have written him as a bystander. I may just give up after this season....
  8. I can't link to it but I've seen several references on FB that Peter Yarrow is in hospice care and Paul Stookey of Peter, Paul and Mary has been by his side reading to him and saying his goodbyes....
  9. The Bears and the Vikings are on MNF tonight. I would love to watch but my toleration of the insufferalble team of Buck/Aikman PLUS new episodes of NCIS and Origins makew it a highlight reel kind of game. Let me reiterate how awesome it has been to NOT have to endure Joe Buck on a weekly basis. Tony Romo is annoying but he hasn't reached the point of making my ears bleed yet...
  10. I loved this episode and it featured a mini-Person of Interest reunion. Micheal and Carrie played star cross lovers on that show so it was cool to see them as opposites. Yes, the legalities were an issue but the show really is so campy, I can't take it seriously...and I need campy shows in my life.
  11. I finally got around to watching this episode. Some friends were begging me to watch it as they wanted to know what I thought of the "John Denver reference". I am a HUGE John Denver fan. My handle is a reference to a song of his from the 90's. I figured the reference would be a Country Roads and Rocky Mountain High reference. They've used those on the mothership but to see the lyrics of Hold On Tightly on my TV screen and then HEAR it as the fade out song, I about fell out of my chair. I liked the episode enough and have some quibbles with it but the amazing use of Hold On Tightly just obliterates every thought I do have. For those who want to hear the actual song, I suggest you find it on his 1983 album "It's About Time". It's the leadoff track and it has some of the best lyrics John wrote of the decade. 27 years after his death, his music still matters.
  12. So, will Max(?) face charges for the theft and home invasion? I was wondering about that. I know he can probably say it was under durress but that Mom and kid are traumatized.
  13. Teri Garr will always be John Denver's wife in Oh God! Loved that movie and I can't fathom anyone else in that role. She always spoke highly of John Denver when asked. Mad respect and love.
  14. I liked this one and having a Vance heavy episode more than makes up for the Torres episodes.
  15. I found myself openly mocking the shooting scenes. The whole series seems to have lost that magic. I think the writing is on the wall when Tracker is the lead in to this. I think I'm out. I love the Queen but a love triangle and Vi being reduced to kitchen scenes is sad.
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