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Soapy Goddess

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  1. I know what you did. You win.
  2. We know she's a good liar, so might even have an edge.
  3. Agree. Chalk it up to sloppy writing. Did she actually say she didn't want him because of his looks? Because today she said she simply couldn't or didn't see any resemblance....and she just didn't feel it in her bones (or something similar meaning the same thing).
  4. I replied to you last night, but it disappeared. Nothing verboten, but must have hit a nerve. Sorry.
  5. There are 12 emojis. Hold your cursor over the thumbs up. There should be 11 more to the left. Hope this helps! NEVER MIND. In re-reading, I think you meant giving a poster more than one emoji.
  6. I couldn't agree more! I know...and hoping there would have been some other reason for Kate's appearance, other than a free trip to Scotland.
  7. Wasn't there a time when Suzanne and Wendy had a falling out? Or maybe it was just a tense disagreement? Maybe as time has passed, Suzanne has softened to the idea of making amends?
  8. Been there, done that...and survived. Life isn't easy. It's all about priorities. Not true. It's the grifters who ruin it for the folks who truly need it. THIS is what the government is trying to do by uncovering "fraud" (or waste).
  9. That's wonderful. So what do you think poor people did before the advent of fast food and processed prepared meals did?? I don't recall my grandparents dying from exhaustion of cooking 🙄 Children couldn't care less what time they eat supper. Latch key kids have been waiting since the 70s. it's nothing new...and they all survived.
  10. The 'hatred' comes from the fact that qualified people are being overlooked and passed up in order for companies to fill a quota (per DEI protocol). You've just proven my point. Thank you.
  11. If that sandwich cost you a billion dollars and included a whole new kitchen featuring a brand new refrigerator to store the leftovers, I'm sure you'd expect at least a thank you. Not as foolish as some might think, since Putin behaved during his previous administration.
  12. Excuse me, but I don't sit in front of my computer 24/7 at the ready to cite sources here. I actually work for a living. Even if it was ONE meeting, she was not the president nor was she a cabinet member. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
  13. Not trying to make excuses. I watched the entire thing go down. Vance didn't have to throw fuel on the fire...and I could see Trump starting to put his hand/arm out as if to stop him, but it was too late. Had that incident not happen, and if they gave Z a chance to talk, there might have been a different outcome. Unfortunately, we'll never know.
  14. However, Z didn't even want to agree to a "cease fire" because he felt Putin wouldn't honor it. Trump just wanted to start somewhere, but Z refused. Trump was trying to say if Z signed an agreement he would send Americans to help set up facilities to help extract the minerals, which in turn would give Z security because Americans would be in Ukraine and Putin wouldn't try to attack Ukraine with Americans there.
  15. Wrong. He was trying to negotiate a deal for all the billion of dollars and military equipment we gave him...and the fact that if we continued to supply them, there was no guarantee of PEACE! We've been funding his country since the beginning and appears to be no end in sight.
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