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Posts posted by queenanne

  1. On 8/21/2019 at 12:13 AM, Absolom said:

    My daughter asked me why they wrapped the kid's head in a rag.  She has a four year old girl and didn't get it.  🙂  

    Because nobody can figure out this trend of having infants in arms look like Hattie McDaniel in Gone with the Wind... I actually thought of you guys the other day walking down the street, where I passed a young hipster couple near to the Empire State Building.  The young man was walking along with a cheerful bright little dandelion-headed youngster, also clad in buttercup yellow T-shirt, which proudly proclaimed in bold caps: 


    I thought, "Why, this clever family of iconoclasts have somehow managed to combined two of the PTV group's least favorite trends into one single garment:  (1) obvious dumb legible signage; and (2), unnecessarily exaggeratedly gendered clothing on children!"

    • LOL 12
  2. 2 hours ago, Christina87 said:

    I just don't understand why it's okay for Jilly to publicly post stuff this sexual. Isn't it going to tempt poor unmarried individuals? What if jana sees it, and it scars her for life? And truthfully, Jill DOES have fans in their early teens. What she's posting is borderline inappropriate, and arguably in bad taste, even for a secular public figure who has young fans! Jill herself would have flipped out if she had seen something like this as a teen, and would have run crying to Mommy and Daddy!

    I don't think Jill sees it as a problem for unmarried individuals specifically because it's a "couples book"; and she's already said/qualified that to her, this means "married".  (The impressionable tweens and teens stumbling across it, I have no answer for.)  The assumption is that you will be engaging in these activities, because you are coupled.  In Jill's mind, the single girl's imagination is not going to be stoked by imagining naked pillow fights unless this girl has a love object in mind for the naked pillow fights; which you perforce would not have because as an unmarried woman, you're not supposed to be thinking about these things in connection with any men.  Or something like that.  I agree as a general "don't cause your unmarried brethren and sistren to stumble" (dreadful paraphrase I know), it's not so great; but as has been said by others, Jill grew up with the Mini Golf Humping attitude.  Her father, the alleged spiritual umbrella of the family, apparently sees nothing wrong with mocking grown adult children with desires they can't righteously fulfill, on the "look but can't touch" principle.  

    • Love 17
  3. 5 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

    Spurgeon looks over this whole baby sister thing. Ivy looks kind of like Felicity in the second pic. Interesting dress...

    That's what I was going to say; there's a definite family resemblance.  She looks like a good eater, too.  I dig her round little arms.  Dress seems expensive, with all those little pleats - maybe Guinn bought it.

    • Love 3
  4. 6 hours ago, galaxychaser said:


    12 date night ideas on how to drive your godly Christian husband wild with lust! Is rubbing lotion on agenda? Or chomping on seaweed?

    $50 ladies grab it while it’s hot

    The scary thing is... I know it's only the Daily Fail, but reading this I started to think it was possible that Jill was paying a publicist, because I find it hard to believe any journalist voluntarily choosing to go into that much pointless rambling detail...


    I mean, it's looooooong.

    • LOL 2
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  5. 7 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

    Maybe because their church is non-denominational, or because they don’t want to admit being one religion (Baptist) and risk losing the fans from a different religion (Church of Christ).  I used Baptist/Church of Christ as examples only.

    Yes, if you don't have a denomination; then you can't answer the question in any other way.  I mean, you can answer it longer and clearer, and I'm surprised Jeremy hasn't spent more time thinking about it because it seems unsurprising that he would be asked in a lot of situations as Jinger's husband and a purported proselytizer; and generally you have a prepared, pat little explanation so people who haven't been to any kind of church in decades aren't scratching their heads.  "It's a non-denominational, Bible-believing church", is generally the one; after which the answerer takes their lead from the questioner's response.  If the questioner says "Well, I'm Jewish, so that doesn't mean much to me", the non-denominational church attendee can then say "well, then you probably know about the differences between [reform and orthodox Judaism; Jews for Jesus; what-have-you].  We think the legalism in denominations just clutters things up, so we went to a church where the creed is basically just to obey the Bible", or whatever they want to say.  If people insisted upon a classification for their own mental labeling comfort, my parents said "Fine, call us Protestants."

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  6. On 8/16/2019 at 7:14 PM, cmr2014 said:

    It would if it was going to be open for more than a week.

    I don't think that Amy or Dillon put five minutes of research into starting these businesses.

    I don't entirely see his vision here. It's either a strip club -- in which case, it will do fine -- or some kind of fancy English-inspired gentlemen's club of the sort that Jeremy might want to patronize -- which will fail. I could be completely wrong, but I can't imagine that there are enough well-heeled young men in Springdale who want to spend an evening out drinking expensive whiskey and smoking cigars.

    If he inherited some money, this little venture will take care of that pretty quickly. I can't imagine a bank loaning him money for this.

    Yeah, his current plan doesn't exactly blow my skirt up.  If you made it quieter and better lit, like a private library with books and booze, maybe; I could see that possibly working.  I'd pay a small premium for a place where my friends and I could actually hear each other talk, for example.  Or, one of those hidden gimmicky speakeasy-type setups in an old bank vault or similar.  Simply "restaurant with internal private VIP lounge" doesn't do it for me.

    But the biggest worry is, has Dill Pickle ever, you know, worked in the hospitality industry?  Because that's the number-one factor that kills new bars dead before they start; some fool who knows nothing other than the patron's side of the bar saying "Hey, even though I have zero experience, I've always wanted to open a bar because I think it would be a super kewl fun job where I can hang out with my friends and make everybody happy!"

    • Love 23
  7. On 8/17/2019 at 7:04 PM, McManda said:

    I mean, okay, but that's an average of ~1.3 times per DAY. I find that hard to believe, considering that the are students and presumably have to be in class. And studying.

    Are these Pete appearances a 10 minute event where they could sqeeze them between classes? (Note: I didn't watch the video and my alma mater doesn't have a live action mascot.)

    The video/various articles said that Pete gets asked to show up at alumni wedding receptions, parties, I want to say even the occasional funeral.  The appearance fee charged is $100.  There was no word as to how the fee was divvied up (i.e., did Derick get a portion or is it 100% to the school); and OSU was/is also cagey about whether or not the role comes with a scholarship (some mascots do).  Some schools make their mascots show up for every single team sporting event, which could run to a considerable amount of events including a lot of weekend work, I should think.  Some mascots also have to accompany the cheerleaders to cheer competitions.

    As for the duration, OSU also has a list of the individuals who were Petes, and most seem to have done it for no more than 2 years.  Derick's father only did 2 years.  The exception was some doughty guy in the early 1970's who showed up 4 years running.  The head is 1950's-era fiberglas, thus the extreme weight. 🙂

    • Useful 5
  8. On 8/16/2019 at 5:01 PM, doodlebug said:

    No definitely not THE OSU which is my alma mater x 2.  Brutus Buckeye, our mascot, is also a big deal and in demand for various social events.  As I recall, the students playing Brutus get a cut of the profits from the paying gigs and many of them depend on the money to help pay for school since being the mascot takes up a lot of time during the football season and the students playing Brutus would not have time for a job.

    Brutus, like many mascots, wears a heavy headpiece.  And, he has to do a lot of cheerleading stunts including pushups, trampoline tricks and other gymnastic/cheerleading type moves.  If Derick had to do that stuff as Pistol Pete, it was hard work and he deserves credit.

    I'm not entirely sure about any type of stunting but this informative little clip here, says the head weighs 45lbs.

    Also discusses origin of Pistol Pete and says the Pete featured put on the costume an estimated "500 times a year".

    • Useful 3
  9. I can't imagine those pants inducing anyone to buy, frankly.  What did she "buy" - 1XL?  2XL?  You could so clearly fit two people's pairs of hips in there; and yes, the hem looks ridiculous also.  Nothing like buying clothes intended to look "nice" and last; and then you discover you've shredded the hems to bits underneath your heels 6 weeks later.

    • Love 6
  10. On 8/12/2019 at 5:53 PM, Lukeysboat said:

    Second fairly well-known recent appearance (Tom Brady pecks his 11-year-old son on the mouth):


    Of course, the Duggars en masse would sexualize this, so maybe Ben doesn't have a really good leg to stand on (the Rock catches hell for posting a picture of his naked 3-year-old at a swim lesson):


    • Love 2
  11. On 8/5/2019 at 11:28 PM, fonfereksglen said:

    She home schools.  Despite her flaws, she may instill some excitement in a new school year by buying new school supplies and clothes for her brood.  

    I was thinking, this/a sense of ceremony would probably be the principle.  Marking their own quiet little milestones, etc.

    • Love 1
  12. I believe Joy said she would wear dresses because Austin likes them.  

    That doesn't say a thing about whether or not the dresses need to be modest, or how he feels about shoulders.  Maybe he just thinks they're more feminine, likes the flow, thinks Joy has good legs, etc.  

    I like the picture of Gideon on the horsey.  He looks deep in thought considering something; and also like he'd be doing that deep raspy breathing toddlers do, when they think it would be helpful. 

    I also dig the joyful hollering kid in the pontoon (?) boat.

    • Love 3
  13. On 8/8/2019 at 4:52 AM, GeeGolly said:

    Oh my. The two years have flown by. Good thing my book, How to Have the Best Marriage Ever, sold those 100 copies and I could pay our tent neighbor to put us on his phone account so you could continue with your mission.

    Celebratory dinner tonight!


    Your tent neighbor's tent has WiFi?!?  Lush!!

    (I mean, I'm just assuming here, as he wouldn't have much use for a cell phone, or plan, otherwise.)

    • LOL 5
  14. Yeah, I can believe the part about a theoretical fake Facebook account.

    But plenty of the other things sound like they sourced them from here.  Marjorie "using Josiah for fame" (lol)?  Even in the fundie world, Marjorie's not famous.  She's accomplished and clearly ambitious; but I don't think she's cutthroat ambitious in the manner of a Kardashian or something.  I don't get the vibe off Marjorie that she wants to become, say, a fundie Martha Stewart or similar.  Where would a Gothard/IBLP-raised homeschooler look to as a role model, in order to develop such a vibe?

    • Love 2
  15. Here's a link for people discussing the original post:

    Basically proving my point:

    The person is a total ghost which makes me think she created a fake FB account just to post the review. Which makes sense she did actually work for WalMart because you wouldn't want to post something like that and have it get back to your organization.

    Or it could be a fake review.

    Bolding mine.

    So; we know... absolutely nothing for certain about this topic, then? 

    If anyone can find the name of the alleged CPA, who makes a point out of saying they are a CPA, I'm sure there is such a thing as a CPA name directory, so it could at least be easily checked for verification of their status.  I know there is for lawyers. 

    Of course, I also find it hard to believe that such a CPA wouldn't know they could be searched and identified as a CPA with only their name before they made such a post, so there is that.

  16. 9 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

    I’ve started to like grandma Mary much more since I started following Amy. Whoever knew how close they were and how much they did together? Amy has been way out there, and the fact that Mary was there and loved her so much made me see her as much more than Jim Bob’s birther and laundry doer. 

    Maybe, putting two and two together, grandma Mary willed the money for a shop expansion to Amy...?

    Not entirely sure about the veterinary office job, but it looks like I have to give a point to Michelle here:


    But how do you explain why and how they are able to cram themselves into the most perplexing places (e.g. a flower vase), the kind that cats choose to sleep in instead of the expensive, luxury cat bed you just bought them? Lucky for these crazy critters, their flexible spines allow them to squeeze themselves into the confined spaces, so it’s no big deal for them to cram their furry bodies into a small basket or shoe box. According to The Daily Cat, cats do this simply because they can! They also add that this behaviour might be due to their desire to preserve body heat and a smaller surface area accommodates this.

    • Useful 2
    • LOL 1
  17. That onesie is cute AF.  Happy for them and glad to see that Abbie is dressed more normally/mainstream.  I imagine that as a nurse she gravitates towards clothing she can actually move in.

    I likewise like her girl-next-door look.  She seems to be that type of practical girl who is the "go-to" advice-giver in her friend group.  Allover I think this pair is much better off for waiting until they were actual adults to get married.  It's like Abbie could, gosh, actually support herself if she were widowed, etc.

    • Love 9
  18. On 8/8/2019 at 1:56 PM, Westiepeach said:

    I thought manley man Derwood would never lower himself to work for a woman? He might have to actually, you know, take orders from her!

    IIRC, one alleged Walmart employee on Reddit or similar claimed to have personal confirmation of that.  After which lots of people piled on to agree that because it fit with their confirmation biases it, of course, must be true; and began speaking about it as if it were unquestionably unalloyed truth. 

    Some other people in turn tried to use the fact that Derick had already been to a secular university with doubtless-female professors, and had the only secular job amongst the Duggars that we knew of, and had a working mother, to try and convey that this seemed incredibly unlikely.  I guess they were eventually talked over/into silence because the alternative belief is so juicy.

    • Love 8
  19. I tend to give them a pass on the "laptop vs TV", because in my experience, "this is a thing that younger adults like".  I grant I don't know anyone who tries to cram 4 around a laptop screen, but my friends used to do it when their son was small and before they had their daughter, and they own a TV, DVD player, etc. as well.  I also certainly don't think Derick has been raised with any objection to the plain old technological format of the "idiot box", so I see no reason why he would be avoiding a TV; and especially not for content like Winnie that doesn't subject one to Nike-ish commercials.  

    • Love 3
  20. On 8/2/2019 at 1:28 PM, Churchhoney said:

    Yeah, the background beats are basically the same. So they will flow together. It depends on how plagiarism in music gets defined -- i

    f using the same (pretty commonly used) beats and one seldom-repeated melodic phrase, then they're similar enough........

    There's a big big debate about that these days! I write some music and have a bunch of musician friends, so I'm biased in the direction of -- There has to be MORE than just that for it to be plagiarism, since there are only so many beats out there to use! And if everybody's constantly suing over that,  a whole lot of creativity will get needlessly snuffed out...But obviously this court came to the other decision! 

    And at least he sued people who can well afford to pay him a few mill (not that I think that was an accident!). 

    Well, ironically as is the case with so many plagiarism lawsuits, isn't an entire basis point behind said judgments that if you wanted to "borrow" said riff legitimately, all you have to do is (1) sample the song; (2), say in the credits that you sampled said song; and the crux of the matter, (3), pay royalties for said songs as if the sampled entity was a co-writer upon the song?  I mean, this dude isn't even repentant about it:


    The former Cat Stevens is quick to jump on anyone he thinks may have misappropriated his music, and he did just that upon hearing the Flaming Lips “Fight Test,” citing its similarity to his own “Father and Son.” So he sued the band, and as a result now owns 75 percent of the song’s royalties. Flaming Lips front man Wayne Coyne, who put on one hell of a show at White Oak Music Hall last month, admitted that he picked up on the similarities pretty quickly, but never thought to get clearance from Stevens or his record label. It cost him, even if he said he would never have done the same; “If anyone wanted to borrow part of a Flaming Lips song, I don't think I'd bother pursuing it. I've got better things to do. Anyway, Cat Stevens is never going to make much money out of us,” he told The Guardian in 2003.

    To me as a fiction writer, this very much misses the point.  It's running dangerously close to those people who say "Oh well, I picked thus and such picture up off the Internet, and am going to use it.  I mean, if it's on the Internet it's "free", right?"  I hear from a photographer friend that this is a huge issue of contention on photography blogs.  People who should know better, including in some cases major magazines and publishers, steal someone's photo off a site that is clearly not Creative Commons-marked, and neither credit them nor pay royalties.  And just because they're generally "unknowns" or "lesser-knowns" from whom it is being stolen, doesn't mean that "their work" = "free clip art"; and it doesn't mean they should be termed greedy graspers for wanting to make sure they get payment or attention that will in fact endeavor them to have the career of an Annie Leibowitz or, well, Katy Perry. 

    I feel like either we as a society say that nobody is ever deemed to "plagiarize" anyone else's intellectual property, because "ideas are free and people truly skilled in their field will have a million of them"; or we strategically enforce the rules and keep on going as we're going, with people free to say "OMG, I can't believe these people sued over two musical chords.  Who do they think they are?!"

    • Love 5
  21. On 8/1/2019 at 9:35 PM, doodlebug said:

    I think that is probably the case.  It takes 40 hours to get a private license, Tim could've gotten that without a whole lot of trouble, especially, if, as we suspect, the guy in Wisconsin didn't charge him for the time.

    Now, to get any sort of commercial license, which I presume he needs to drop leaflets on unsuspecting heathens, he will need 250 hours as a minimum.  I would hope Wisconsin pilot guy isn't dumb enough to provide him with that much time for free.

    ETA: and, OF COURSE, Jill thinks 40 hours of training to become a private pilot is LONG AND HARD.  She's got no idea what life is like for people in the real world with real jobs and real training.

    Yes, Jill doesn't understand school, as we've all seen amply; so she'll take any embarrassingly foolish chance to say "See!  See!  He didn't need seven years of schooling after all!"; because to Jill, it's the same thing.  I'm surprised she didn't hashtag Moody Aviation on that post as a nose-thumb.  My therapist has a private pilot's license she earned in high school.  Granted she's a fine therapist, but I don't necessarily think that translates to enormous natural aptitude at flying...

    On 8/2/2019 at 5:28 PM, Puffin said:

    The Keller’s couldn’t give a damn about their kids look at Anna, any parent who willing hands over their daughter to someone who admitted he molested his siblings is sick, how they didn’t run then and tell Josh to do one well never know , Oh wait Josh and his family have money and a tv show? Go ahead you can have my daughter, all the Keller’s saw were dollar signs. They probably thought Josh would buy them a house or JB would give them one, maybe they too could get their own tv show as well. 

    Don't forget, we were recently reminded that Pa Keller said (or it was said about him by a third party), on-camera, that Josh would have him to answer for if he mistreated Anna. 

    So, how'd that work out for you, Anna?

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  22. On 8/7/2019 at 12:01 AM, jcbrown said:

    Is that Jill between Jana and Jessa? She looks weird in that pic. The only thing that confirmed her identity for me is the forehead wrinkles. Not a good thing for someone in their 20s...

    It looks weird because of the grain.  Either Jessa doesn't have a steady phone-camera hand, or someone took a picture-of-a-picture of a printed paper photograph and uploaded that.

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  23. On 8/3/2019 at 10:18 PM, Spencer Hastings said:

    Jana is like a changeling. Her appearance changes based on how the light hits her, her hair color, how much teeth she shows, what she’s wearing, and the angle of the wind. It’s quite impressive. 

    Sounds like she'd make a good secret agent, lol.  Blending into the crowd and never looking the same way twice!

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