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Posts posted by queenanne

  1. On 7/26/2019 at 7:15 AM, kokapetl said:

    Is Michelle doing that “bend one leg to make them look thinner” thing?

    Remember back in the day how the sons would be dressed in ultra twee ensembles by the sisters, and Jimbob would just wear his David Rodrigues quality suit?

    I think Michelle has always had good legs.  It's hard to say because usually we don't get a still shot of them; but I've gotten at least one good look at them before and it was similarly favorable.  

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  2. 11 hours ago, sleepysuzy said:

    CPS showed up at the Rod home, according to Jill, and someone also called police on them in Florida about the kids. She posted a long diatribe about the kids being naturally thin and well-fed, and about having multiple visits from CPS over the years that have cleared them of abuse or neglect. 

    All I can say is, thank God someone did/does.

    I mean, eventually you'd think they would catch on that if everyone thinks your kids are emaciated and worthy of a CPS visit that they probably are; but I'm glad to know the general population with eyes does care.

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  3. On 6/26/2019 at 10:54 PM, Zella said:

    One of the fundie families I know that I talk about on here--when the mother found out I worked at a library, she got right up in my face with this crazed look in her eyes and informed me she didn't like her kids going into libraries because you had no idea what other people were up to!

    She was furious about everyone's activity not being policed. I backed out of that conversation as fast as possible because she was super unhinged, but I found it hypocritical and weirdly hilarious coming from someone who was always whining about people's personal rights being infringed and controlled by the government. Guess it only counts when they're people she agrees with. 

    Is it possible she had one of those experiences where the kids went in, and some library patron(s) were watching porn on the library computers?  

    (Former library assistant here)

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  4. 4 hours ago, McManda said:

    But what caught me the most off guard: have I been pronouncing Nurie wrong? I assumed it was one syllable with the emphasis on the first part, Nur-ee. Kinda rhymes with blurry. But Jill made it two syllables with the emphasis on the second syllable, New-ree. Kinda sounds like Marie.

    See, now I was thinking one pronounced it like the announcers pronounce Michael Nouri, which is evenly weighted syllable stressors/as in, "nourishing", but I guess the namer would know... or would she?  We've all seen her capitalization skills...  

  5. 44 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

    Absolutely true, IMO.  Or at least the least satisfying sex.  People who are having fun in the bedroom don't feel the need to discuss it publicly.

    I had Lasik almost 22 years ago when I was 40.  Major nearsightedness, wore glasses or contacts since I was 11 or so.  I got monovision, which is where they fix one eye for distance, one for reading.  Most people's brains will coordinate the input from both eyes into a single picture automatically, mine did from the start.  My vision has been close to 20/20 since the day it was done.  At the time I had it done, I didn't need readers but the small print was getting smaller.  I am now 62 years old and don't need readers yet.  My eye doctor said my reading vision is normal and I probably won't need them until I'm in my 70's.  I've got nothing but good stuff to say about Lasik.  One thing I would caution anyone about is that your vision is not the item to bargain hunt.  I went to the facility with the most experience in the procedure and the surgeon that I used had done the second most Lasik procedures of anyone there, well over a thousand back in '97!  That really matters when it comes to surgery. I paid out of pocket and it cost more than double what I would have paid at one of the discount Lasik places.  I  have a couple friends who went to the discount places and got good results, too, though.

    ETA: I found out where to go and who to see for Lasik by asking.  Not only colleagues in the medical field-my ophthalmologist recommended against it at the time because it was so new, but calling the various places where it was done.  Any doctor or hospital which doesn't disclose how often they perform a specific procedure and/or what complications can occur, should be avoided.

    I need readers in my late 40's about 20 years after my Lasik, which was pretty unfortunate and gross, even though they warned me I might fall prey to age-related presbyopia at the time.  It's still the best money I ever spent.  

    Mainly though, I wanted to say that the problem I heard about bargain-hunting Lasik, is that the places offering to do you for "$999 per eye!", are able to do so because they bought "hand-me-down" Lasik machines, which the majority expensive Lasik purveyors were unloading because the laser has gone a millimeter or so out of true (!). 

    So ever since then, I've been preaching the Lasik gospel of "pay whatever it costs and skip the bargain-hunting", as I wanted my surgery to be done by the best equipment possible, since I only get one set of eyes!

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  6. 11 hours ago, dariafan said:

    Can she get whoever is taking the picture to take it some where she isn’t squinting?

    Well, in the past she's said it's... Izzy!, so if uniformly true, maybe he's mastered centering a human being, but can't make any needed adjustments with the light going in a different direction (I still don't understand "white balance" with the iPhone, as I keep expecting it to make the necessary adjustments in order not to give me yellow indoor pictures.  It does not.)

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  7. 47 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

    Why must churches have screens and AV equipment? (Former Catholic here too).

    In my experience, the screens and projector are used to put up slides with song lyrics, if you're singing "praise and worship" (i.e., not hymnal-bound) ditties.  They might also include screens/slides at the beginning of service like (picture of missionary and family) "Pray for the Sumners who are ministering in Sumatra this year!"  "Mark your calendars for upcoming prayer potluck June 26!"  They are also intermittently used for Christmas pageants and Easter passion plays.  Plus some churches like to record the sermons on tape (or did) for home-bound, etc., individuals.  I'm sure there are some televised/mega-church type outfits that have fancier AV setups for shinier reasons; but most of the AV systems deployed in churches are pretty bare-bones, and utilized for fairly dull reasons.  I wouldn't be surprised, in fact, to find some using transparencies still for their visual aids, instead of slides.

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  8. 5 hours ago, emma675 said:

    Steve Maxwell is such an asshole. What people do and wear (or not wear) in their own backyard is their own business. 

    The key phrase, of course, is "their backyard".  Is he on permanent bikini watch in this scenario?  Unless the woman is a child or multiple children, I bet she can swim without making much if any noise (a screaming cannonballing preteen playing Marco Polo and splashing each other she's not); and thus who knows how many times she could swim without anyone being the wiser about what she is doing.  My parents couldn't tell you a fraction of the things their neighbors do, partly because they're not staring out their windows 24/7; and when they are looking out their windows it's probably because some neighborhood dog started barking and they want to figure out why.  

    • Love 14
  9. On 6/16/2019 at 1:02 PM, Catlyn said:

    Isn't that a big no no to try and force God's hand regarding the end of times? Doesn't everything happen in His time and only He knows when that time is? That's why horoscopes, Ouija boards, etc are looked down on because they are supposedly Devil tied because of fortune telling.  I have a feeling people are going to be real surprised if there is an afterlife.

    "no man knows the hour, nor the day...", which I always thought was a way of saying Christians should live every day expecting that it could be the last on earth.  What that entails in particular, is up to the individual Christian; but at minimum I think it's an exhortation to always be on your best and kindest behavior. 

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  10. On 6/11/2019 at 2:19 PM, farmgal4 said:

    Can someone please look at the beach pictures on Erin Bates Paine’s IG and tell me why Carson has such deep dark circles under his eyes?  I personally know a baby who developed those, and it was her very first symptom of liver cancer.  

    Sometimes it's allergies, and I've seen them on an otherwise healthy toddler; so not always an alarming flag.

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  11. 17 hours ago, MrsR said:

    You really are approaching all this from a 21st century POV. 

    What right to representation? From the Westerosi Constitution? The one that doesn't give the ordinary Westorosi a vote on representation? Which amendment granted foreign soldiers a representative? Is it upheld by the Westerosi Supreme Court?

    There is no concept of RIGHTS in this society for the soldier or the common man.

    They didn't conquer Westeros. They burned one city to the ground. With a dragon they no longer possess. The Westerosi can move their capital.  They have armies. Do you really think that these lords would have come to their burned-out capital without a show of force. The Dothraki have no way of bringing down "stone houses" neither do The Unsullied.  They have no Drogon. And do you really think that Gendry could or would raise an army to go against the rest of  Westeros.

    The worst the Dothraki could do is pillage the countryside. 

    Grey Worm was demanding JUSTICE for his queen. They weren't seeking representation. The Dothraki weren't interested. I don't think they really have a concept of justice.

    Absolutely.  In my interpretation of GoT world, the Unsullied are Spartans, Dothraki are Mongols, and the townspeople of KL et al are, well... medieval serfs.  This behavior is right in line with droit du seigneur.  The serfs did everything only at the pleasure of the feudal lord.   Thus I don't find it shocking they weren't particularly empowered.

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  12. 11 hours ago, catrice2 said:

    I am really going to be upset with anyone gets an Emmy for this, except possibly hairstyling, costume, score, set design, or cinematography.  I don't think anyone did any great acting this season.  

    I am confident, however, that they will sweep the nominations and awards.  If Kit Harrington gets one...or the Bran actor I might start a petition...

    I'm pretty strong on the editors needing to win the Emmy, myself.  Some of the intercutting battle sequences were brilliantly timed IMO, falling like sword cuts themselves, if you know what I mean. 

    I also wouldn't be mad if Maisie got a nomination or win.

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  13. 6 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

    Honestly, the only person I can seriously see looking at Bran and saying "Yeah, I think he'd be a great king," is Lord Nippleboy of Crazyfort. We've seen that he loves stories. Tyrion actually used that technique to stall when he was on trial before him. And he's a scrawny off-putting little weirdo, so he might think "Wow, that guy's a born leader just like me." And finally, most importantly of all, he's obsessed with birds and flying. So telling him you're actually a raven is probably the best campaign speech you can make.

    I'm so super happy you brought that up, because to me, Robyn is, and was played and shown to us by the same actor when younger, as either mentally age-challenged or flat-out insane, and has no business being anywhere near a ruling council.  That creepy high-pitched cackle, and all the begging?  "Make him fly, Mother!"... kid clearly was five or six logs short of a full cabin.  He was old enough to understand that "making people fly" resulted in their death; or should have been, yet didn't give half a toot that it was actually going to result in their death, so... what happened in the interim to sane him up?

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  14. On 5/16/2019 at 10:49 PM, Ijustwantsomechips said:

    It’s basically a knock off Dock-a-tot which start at about $180. Some people 😂swear by them, but others say the kid gets addicted to sleeping in them as newborns and won’t sleep anywhere else.  Although when you don’t have sister moms around I’m sure this is the next best thing.

    Well, I gotta say I can't hate on this despite the price tag, as I'm all about the babies having comfort... of course, you're also speaking to someone who frequently sleeps in a giant beanbag on my living room floor, so there is that

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  15. On 5/19/2019 at 11:52 PM, cmr2014 said:

    That would be wild, wouldn't it, if these two turned out to be the "thinkers?"

    Well, Austin has already shown more spirit than we heretofore had given any fundie male credit for, with his adolescent "rebellion"; so I have hopes.  There is hope that he may in fact then do the opposite of blanket training (even the dimmest bulb who was featured on an episode of "World's Strictest Parents" has to have developed some sort of clue as a result); and Joy's always seemed besotted with Giddy - remember how maddening she was, interfering with his little feet every time he breathed?

    Also, I've always maintained that Joy is one of the prettiest Duggar girls.  It was a kindness to give her some professional makeup, as the recent dress-shilling pictures seemed to show Joy fighting with a considerable breakout of hormonal chin acne; so probably not the way she wanted to be remembered in pictures...and damn, that is a lot of attendants.

    ETA:  I think we've also solved the "mystery" of why they needed Justin - have to find partners for fifteen (!) bridesmaids!

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  16. On 5/24/2019 at 9:37 AM, TresGatos said:

    So, how did Josh molesting 5 little girls turn up good in the end? Anna's opportunity to show us an example of what a loving, forgiving, Christian, brood mare behaves?

    It's an example of the "amazing transformative power of Christ's love to turn badly behaved people back to the path of righteousness" ("CAPMMV", otherwise known as "Christian Autocrats' Phrasing Mileage May Vary"; but that's the idea).

    On 5/19/2019 at 4:28 AM, Temperance said:

    One of the first questions is about the Duggar girls wearing pants and skirts. Michelle answers in a long about way (01:38:20-01:46:35). It's clear she has given this a LOT of thought and in some ways is very clear about she believes. She quotes Deuteronomy 22:5 says "it is not good for a woman to wear that which pertaineth to a man." She talks about clothing should identify you and says in "our society" skirts/dresses are for women. She says "our society" which perhaps means she does know Jesus wore dresses. She says it's a personal conviction she developed on her own (even JB didn't decide this). (She was 21 when she decided this, so pre-Gothard.) She is upset our society is confused about who uses which bathrooms. She seems judgmental about the roles of men and women. However she says it is not her place to judge other women for wearing pants; it is God's. She taught her daughters to obey their husbands, and (01:45:30-01:46:48) that "the leader will have to give an answer to God"

    Oh, shut up Mechelle:  everyone knows what "it's not my place to judge" means in this situation.  Translation:  "It's totally my place to judge and I know beyond a universal doubt that it's wrong for women to wear men's clothes; I just don't want to have to worry about being hated for saying it; and I certainly don't want my daughters sent to burn in hellfire eternal for wearing pants either, so we're going to blame the husbands."  If it's wrong it's wrong.  You either think something is represented in the Bible; or you don't.  If the Bible was written in a time when everyone wore robes regardless of their sex; then the author/deity means something different than what you think.  If it was really important, Jesus could have worked on that whole clothing differentiation thing back in the day.

    On 5/19/2019 at 5:46 PM, GeeGolly said:

    So if the wife obeys the husband does she get a get-into-heaven-free card if he tells her to wear pants, drink wine and shake her booty to music?

    We'll know by how Famy turns out...

    On 5/20/2019 at 8:58 AM, Ohiopirate02 said:

    Their belief system really does not work unless you get saved right before you die.  Getting "saved" at 15 and living until 90 means that you are on this earth for another 75 years sinning away.  If you take their beliefs literally, then it does not matter what you do God has already forgiven you.  What incentive do you to live a law-abiding life when you already have this get out of jail free card?  I know that they would say that you were not really saved at 15 if you sin too badly as an adult, but this statement does not logically follow their first.  So Michelle is saying that because she was saved at 15, God has already forgiven her for not protecting her daughters from Josh.  Therefore she would face no judgement or punishment from God for her sins.  She will be welcomed into heaven at the moment of death because she was saved at 15.  There is no logic to this reasoning at all.  If you think about, their logic says that a gay person could get into heaven if they repent on their death bed.  But, they don't have the brain-power to see this.

    At this point, I believe that Christians basically say (I mean, I heard it about 25,000 times growing up, so I'm pretty sure); that (1), if the gay person repents on their deathbed within 5 minutes of their death that's A-OK; just the assumption is, that in order for this to happen you have to know you're going to die, and not everyone dies peaceably in their sleep.  What's about those people who die in fiery mode-of-transport deaths?; and (2), there are a host of issues that won't let fundies with more than average brainpower be at rest, as follows:

    Sinning willfully carries with it the idea of sinning continually and deliberately. Such a person does not sin because of ignorance, nor is he carried away by momentary temptations he is too weak to resist. The willful sinner sins because of an established way of thinking and acting which he has no desire to give up. The true believer, on the other hand, is one who lapses into sin and loses temporary fellowship with God. But he will eventually come back to God in repentance because his heavenly Father will continually woo and convict him until he can’t stay away any longer. The true apostate will continue to sin, deliberately, willingly and with abandon.

    More here:  https://www.gotquestions.org/Hebrews-10-26.html

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  17. On 5/16/2019 at 11:17 AM, Churchhoney said:

    Good old snarky rationalwiki carries what seems to be a pretty complete account of Anderson's life including a list of places he's been denied entrance to....It's actually most places he's tried to go, I think. It appears the UK wouldn't even let him land at one of their airports to catch a connecting flight. The whole account i's one of those amusing-but-crap-this-is-horrifying-and-depressing reads. 


    In September 2016, after Anderson had announced his intention to travel to South Africa, Malusi Gigaba, the Minister of Home Affairs banned Anderson and his followers, citing the Constitution of South Africa and stating "I have identified Steven Anderson as an undesirable person to travel to South Africa".[33] That's ok, he's undesirable here too.

    Anderson was also banned from entering the United Kingdom[34][35] leading him to change his travel route to Botswana by flying via Ethiopia.[36] On 20 September 2016, Anderson was banned and deported from Botswana.[37][38]

    In a YouTube video, Anderson mentioned a planned trip to Malawi in order to set up a church there. Malawian authorities subsequently made it known that he would not be welcome in the country and that he would also be banned from entering it in the future.[39][40]

    Anderson has also mentioned that he was recently banned from entering Canada, thus making it the fourth country he's been banned from.[41]

    On January 29, 2018, Steven Anderson announced on his YouTube channel that he was banned from "even stepping foot" in the country of Jamaica. He had been planning a mission trip there and was scheduled to arrive on the island that week[42].

    YouTuber Ben the Baptist, part of Anderson's IFB YouTube network, was banned from YouTube a second time for at least two weeks starting in mid-June for hate speech, particularly for celebrating the Parkland High School Shooting and Stephen Hawking's death.

    The Netherlands refuses admission. This effectively blocks him from Europe (the 'Shengen' area) totally.[43]

    He is the first person to have been banned from the Republic of Ireland by an exclusion order.[44]"


    Wow, I feel terribly sorry for that idiot's offspring, who had no choice in their parents... thankfully Anderson is a common enough name that maybe they can disclaim all association with him once they are grown!

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