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Posts posted by AndreaK1041


    Not sure where you get the notion Julie doesn't like change.  She shows up on Thursdays to do the live show, her involvement is in its production is nil.  She is a producer on The Talk which airs daily.  That is her main focus.  


    This is what I meant... she isn't involved.  She just comes in and goes through the motions robotically, so if she had to do some sort of winners interview, that would take extra effort.  She's not involved like Jeff Probst, she's just a host.

  2. I suppose they could reveal all the secrets and TA after the keys are in the box and before the winner is announced.  I don't like the idea of two of them being still in the house though during all that.  I'm sure that's how it will be though, because Julie cannot handle change.  At least the finale is 90 minutes... wasn't it only an hour last year?  They wanted to keep the interviews to a minimum with that group!  The end always feels odd to me, especially since I've gotten so used to the three hour Sunday finales that Survivor has.


    Can't be any worse than the very unprofessional rehearsal they are accidentally broadcasting on the Big Ten Network before the Michigan game starts. Live TV failure.  

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  3. Someone brought it up earlier, but if a TA member is in the Final 2, they have to change the format of the finale or get no payoff. It seems pretty imparative to show the other players about all the missions (they will laugh seeing Derrick stuff clothes down his pants) and have them all react. They can't reveal it if Derrick is in the final!

    I have wanted a format change for a long time on this show's finale, so I'm hoping this happens. Seems silly to not even talk to the Top 2 players.

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  4. Here's what was said:

    1:29 TA talks about extra 50K to winner if a TA member wins. Transcript follows - LiZinTeXaS Report Update
    D: Doesn't change anything we still have to get there
    F:more so now that ever this is affirmation they have seen how hard we've worked
    D; Yeah cuz they (America) chose that.
    We got to get there though -more pressure. Doesn't change anything still going to be difficult to get there but we can do it and if we get there together we guarantee one of us wins an extra 500/550 thousand dollars (just saying IF they get there together one will win extra 50k for first place) I could win 50k (2nd place)the thing is we can't control the 50K (who gets 2nd place) the jury is going to decide so there is nothing we can do to increase the odds we've already played the game at this point if they are bitter they are bitter
    F: They love us, they love us together
    D: oh America?
    F: Yes. It is the biggest thing ever to happen in the history of BB

    D: this is in addition to the money we already won we are probably going to be around 575k (winner) it is mind boggling but we go to get there
    F: today is an important day
    D: it starts tonight one of us has to win the veto
    F: OMG
    D: but if Cody wins it he is going to keep the noms the same he is not going to pull a fast one and put me up there next to you - Caleb same thing
    F: Apparently I am the only one who would do that
    D: Yes you are that is why I don't trust you , that is why I went to Caleb and tried to get you out with Cody, second time I have done that now (joking)
    F: My God, then Caleb has to go next week then because there is no option
    D: Yeah I agree. I think he (Caleb) is a great kid he just doesn't think he can beat you. That's it, that is the only thing
    F: So he has to go next week
    D: He likes you Frankie, he really does. I could be wrong outside but I just think in his defense he wants the money and he knows he can't beat you
    F: I don't know why he knows that but
    D: I understand where you're coming from because you look at it like I look at it. You think I could win it. Well I think you can win it. So you can't think to yourself 'I got this" because you always concentrate on the negatives like I do the things you've done wrong but there is one thing you can not take away from you -comp wins. And a lot of the times that is what it comes down to so he (Caleb) is doing the math and seeing..do I think he feels more confidant about beating you this week than last week absolutely which can be a good thing for you if I get nicked off-but i know this week by his always trying to one up you when you talk about comps he's always trying to downgrade your comps- he doesn't think he can beat you. Whether he can or not I don't know. I think he is well liked. If one of us doesn't make it (to F2) we would have to crush him in 3 minutes (speeches to jury) because they won't know who is telling the truth. (In other words the only way for one of us to win the game and the extra 50k is to beat Caleb in the end)

    So due to the bolded areas I HATE this "twist" or whatever you want to call it because it inflates an ego that needs no inflating and implies something that is not true (because America did not vote).

    • Love 4
  5. I cannot even believe that Frankie or Derrick has a chance to win that much extra money.......based on what "America" voted in the second week of the game! Can we please take our votes back. This just seems so terribly unfair. They need to ask "America" if we're ok with this "mission"....which I can tell you that "we" are not.

    Talk about an Overwhelming No!


    This actually doesn't surprise me at all. Derrick's end game is mind-numbing television -- three brainless puppet Stepford houseguests (tm someone brilliant, not me), all fighting over who gets to advance his game the furthest. From a TV perspective, I don't blame them for wanting a real contest: the master manipulator and the comp "beast."


    But it's only 1 or 2 episodes!  I don't really buy that.  It's not like there is some epic battle between the Final 4, it's two episodes total with several competitions, which I think are exciting no matter who the finals are.  I would be very interested to see who would win the final 3 comps between any combination of them.


    This is so, so stupid.  If Frankie loses veto, and Derrick actually does push to save him, I really, really hope that one of them goes out of their control.  Cody could win Final 4 veto and vote out Frankie.  Or Caleb could win Final 3 HoH and vote out either one of them.  I hope they BOTH get screwed out of the money somehow.


    This show is terrible, this season has been awful and this, THIS, is how you reward us for sticking through to the bitter end production?  Well fuck you very much.

    • Love 8
  6. Derrick actually said whoever takes Victoria to the final 2 would not get his vote. Yet, that is exactly what he is planning to do.

    I think he'll take Cody, given the choice. He knows Cody is not a strong player (I've seen him as an alliance coattail rider) and if they reveal to the jury the Hitmen alliance, people will respect the loyalty in taking him. Plus if Derrick is making the choice, he will have won the Final HoH and that is a strong resume item. He has to do the "no one take Victoria" threats so that no one does it to him. He will not be in a position to look hypocritical about that I don't think, unless it's Derrick, Frankie, Victoria final 3 which seems highly improbable.

  7. I think Frankie is too smart for Derrick's end game. Derrick has continued telling him things like Caleb & Cody will probably win based on how the jury loves them. Frankie is not buying it. The more Derrick talks, the less Frankie believes. I really don't think those two have much in common at all, probably won't be friends after this, and yet they've stayed close in the house because of TAFY and because it was mutually beneficial for both of their games to keep the Bombinators together.

    Matt Hoffman said on Rob Has a Podcast last week that he is most impressed that a group of people stayed together because BB is in essence a numbers game. It always seems to disintegrate because someone turns on their own, but this year, with the exception of wildcard players like Zach and Devin (who would not hesitate for one second to turn on their allies), they have stayed together. It may not be exciting to watch, but I think calling their game bad gameplay is not entirely fair.

    • Love 4
  8. Frankie had Jocasta? Oh that had to have burned his hide. Love it.

    This does not match his shirt.  He was wearing a Team Zach t-shirt and Derrick was wearing a Team Donny t-shirt.


    So glad Frankie is nominated.  I think he would try equally hard for the veto either way, so it's good just to make him sad.  Please, let him go.  Please, please.

    • Love 3
  9.  Because he would be surrounded by sycophants who would bleed him dry. And in an effort to be everyone's favorite Beast Mode Cowboy, he would let them. $500K could make an incredible difference in his life and if he lost it all in spurious ways in a short amount of time, it would be very sad.  And yes, I know, his money, his choices.

    I agree that Caleb is very vulnerable to being taken advantage of, even if all he gets is a stipend and his veto money.  He would blow it easily on a "manager", some studio time and an agent.  He would be better off buying the diesel truck he has his eye on.


    I'm wondering what happened with Christine today?  I know she was there, but the HGs had to pick pepole to play in the comp for them.  I'm pretty sure the pairs were:

    Victoria - Hayden

    Frankie - Zach

    Derrick - Donny

    Cody - Nicole

    Caleb - Jocasta


    So did Christine not get picked and just have to leave?  If so, production must have thought this would probably happen, and it feels a little like they are piling on at this point.  I'm starting to feel sympathetic towards her.

  10. I think it's hilarious that the jurors came back in the house and that THEY were the ones who played in the competition.  The HGs are pissed about that too.


    It is not a mistake that that happened.  The guy who makes the competitions (Heath?) is pretty open on Twitter about stuff.  I stumbled on his feed recently and he said that the competition What the *$&@ that Derrick won in one question was his effort to get the jurors back on the show.  Production is not immune to the fact that America's favorites are all on the jury.


    ETA: Caleb is now wondering if America hates them.  Yes! Put the pieces together, boys!  (I don't hate Caleb. I just prefer the jury, or most of the jury)

    • Love 7
  11. Seems the Victoria/Hayden team won the luxury competition and she won $5000 and I think Hayden might have also won $5000.  The HG are PISSED that the house is such a mess.  A necklace of Victoria's got broken, presumably accidentally.  They threw chicken juice/food around the kitchen.  And apparently the HG all carved their names into the bathroom door early in the season (not sure if this is normal for every season?) and one of the jurors today crossed out Victoria's name.  They are unamused by that.  Caleb/Cody thinks it was Zach, but others think Christine.  I would laugh if it was someone completely random like Jocasta, but we may never know!


    Oh, and Victoria is pissed that her clothes were stepped on (Zach danced on them) and now there's "Fruit Loops all over" all her stuff.  I giggle at the Fruit Loops.

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