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Posts posted by AndreaK1041

  1. Thursday Night Football is really messing with the last few weeks, schedule wise. Here's the schedule:

    Thursday 9/4 9-10PM (last Thursday airing)

    Tuesday 9/9 8-9PM

    Wednesday 9/10 8-9PM (Eviction on a special night)

    Sunday 9/14 8-9PM (last Sunday airing)

    Tuesday 9/16 8-9PM

    Wednesday 9/17 8-9PM

    Friday 9/19 8-9PM

    Wednesday 9/24/14 9:30-11PM (Finale)

    I feel like, given this schedule, the reset button may not have to mean a DE type episode Weds 9/10 to ensure someone goes. There is some debate at Jokers whether or not reset means immediate all in one hour, or if it is just HoH and that's it. I suppose they could do some sort of FF/DE combo where someone goes home both the 16th and 17th. Maybe this makes sense, because then they can show veto on the 14th which is otherwise a dead episode.

    Clearly Julie's explanation was insufficient!

  2. I did not see anyone mention it here, but I heard Frankie say he wants to do noms via Skittles draw. I think it's pretty smart - he knows he's at the bottom of the alliance and he knows his game is win comps or go home. So why piss anyone off? Doing the draw in the first place was Derrick's way of getting out of making a real move, so I think it's perfectly fine for Frankie to also not show his cards, especially if he thinks there might be a reset.

    I wonder though if Frankie can control himself and not treat the probable evictee like shit. Every week he cannot help himself but be a "dickfuck" as he calls it.

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  3. So will Frankie be able to play in the next HoH now that the button's been pushed? Or does Derrick have to sit out again? Or will everyone be eligible for that HoH? Hmmmm.

    I didn't even consider Frankie not being allowed to play. That would be delicious! Although they did let Chima play when Jeff Cootie Taw'd her HoH. I can't remember if Jeff was also allowed to play but I think yes.

    I hope they do Wednesday like a double eviction, because they won't be ready for it. It would be nice to see them surprised for once!

    Derrick didn't want to push the button so he's pouting. I don't blame him - twists are scary when you're in the drivers seat.

  4. The twist is awful, and if it leads to Frankie staying when he would otherwise be going, I will be incredibly angry.  Enraged.


    I watched that episode online bc I was so anxious to see it and now I'm really sad I have to watch it again with my husband.


    I want them to get on with the HoH competition, because just them sitting around gloating and surmising about how horrible Christine was is just gross.  Frankie thinks it's because she must have said something about him and his family AS IF America would collectively be up in arms to defend the glorious Grande family.  Good lord I hope they boo the shit out of Frankie.

    • Love 8
  5. I'm being a good poster and not submitting this until the episode is over, but I would like to have this ready to go: 





    I'm beyond disappointed that Frankie didn't go home.  He is going to win comps every week.  UGH.  I could not dislike him any more than I do.  


    Was a little amused at Christine just busting right out of the house, didn't even look at anyone.  Cody is such an ass not to throw her a vote.  She's a juror, and might be a bitter one, jackass.  And wtf audience?  Does she really deserve booing?


    And then, to shit on us all, a possible "save Frankie" twist.  Fuck that noise.

    • Love 11
  6. They post all the episodes on CBS.com (I think next day?) and @BigBrotherLeak tweets out a live stream link usually 30 minutes before the episode starts on the East Coast. You can watch at the stream with me tonight since I cannot be patient and wait for the West Coast broadcast of DE!

  7. Happy Double Eviction day! I am happy that two of these people are leaving. Plus I like double evictions. I will be happy if anyone but Derrick and Caleb go out. I still see Caleb as an outsider for some reason. For the nice folks in the jury, I hope for Cody to go because I think they will enjoy him most. Cody also in no way deserves the money, so I want him nowhere near the Final 2 because I think he might get votes. If Cody plays any part in getting Christine out, he is a complete moron.

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  8. I don't really care if Derrick's 3 steps to win $500,000 was scripted or not, I enjoyed it a lot. I'm perfectly fine with him getting the mastermind edit since he actually is playing the game and playing it hard. So many of them do nothing so it's notice to have someone to cheer for in an otherwise dull season.

    Frankie is awful. I don't know how they misinterpreted him talking to Christine as anything more than him bragging about how wonderful he is. Do they not see the ego? Do they not see how he's been a snake the entire season? At least Christine sees it. Now DO something about it!!! Tomorrow. Please.

    Eta: I also wanted to mention how tiny Caleb looked this episode. He has lost an incredible amount of muscle mass.

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  9. I can't imagine how boring and mind numbing the feeds and the broadcast show will be for all the Frankie haters if he is voted out this week. At least the majority of BB fans have something to bond over with him in the house. I think there will be a resounding silence for a while. Be careful what you wish for!!!

    Nope. Nope, nope, nope. I mentioned this in another thread awhile ago, but there are people you love to hate (like Rachael), and people you just hate. I hate Frankie. He is a scourge on my TV and getting rid of him gives me only joy. I can't even stand to watch BBAD as I sit in fear he will appear on the screen. It's not rational, but I do want him gone so we can watch the Detonators (-Z, +C) implode in peace and sans glitter.
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  10. They did a tiebreak question on Season 2 with 9 people left that was "what is the total age of all remaining players?" and the average was over 30!!!  The AVERAGE!!! That's so different.  I think it is a shocking difference now with mainly 23-25 year olds.  If you think of mental maturity at 23-25 vs 26-28 vs 29-31... well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I was a completely different person in those age groups.  Everything is so flashy and pretty and loud now (get off my lawn!). BB should take a hint from Survivor, which I think just finished one of the best seasons ever with older lady Kass, awkward Spencer and older guy Tony.  One does not need to cast models and actors to have an entertaining show.

  11. We were talking about the HoH tweets yesterday... Caleb's are posted.  Apparently someone taught him about hashtags, because Every. Single. One. ends with #beastmodecowboy #bb16  Oh and two of them additionally say beastmode cowboy in the sentence and a third says beastmode in the sentence.  Out of four tweets.


    Bless his heart.

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