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Posts posted by AndreaK1041

  1. I was annoyed at the audience for laughing at obvious times when Frankie could hear them. It encourages his nonstop fake overreacting. His mouth was agape for nearly 10 minutes.

    I am no Victoria fan, but it really pissed Frankie off that she said he is dirty and leaves toenails around. Not exactly the image he is trying to project!

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  2. The doorbell is going to ring and they are going to be so excited thinking it's Jeff again because of the rewind.  Then, boom! It's stupid Christine.  They are not going to be able to help themselves but ask her about the boos.  I really do wonder how the rewind fits in with returning jurors though.  Anyone have any theories how they will be involved?

  3. I honestly think Caleb knows this now too.  He saw Nicole as a threat.  He does not see Victoria as a threat.  I think Frankie goes if he doesn't win veto.  My dog does this jump spin thing when I get the food dish out, and that is what I will do if that happens.  Maybe I am a little overinvested in the demise of Frankie.

    • Love 3
  4. That was the greatest jury house segment ever!  I can't believe production got Zach a new hat.  They love him.  Donny was just full of zingers! "Do you have an attorney?"  HA!  I can't believe the overwhelming dislike for Christine.  Oh, and Zach is just so pretty.  I miss him on the show.


    Poor Cody looked solidly terrified by the flashing lights and buzzer.  He was pretty sure he was going home in that moment I think.


    Frankie was pretty pissed about the twist, but then tried to cover it up.  He can't fake it forever!  So are they also going to do morph again?  That's silly.  Same competitions is just super lazy and makes the whole thing pointless.  Victoria can't win any of those things.  


    I like Dan as a player, but Dan in the interview was annoying.  They flew him in from Michigan for that?


    Best case scenario, Caleb wins HoH, Derrick wins veto.  They were close before.  I really think Frankie will win HoH though.


    SQUEEFLAIL jurors back in the house Sunday!!! Production knows all our favorites are on the jury.  Thanks BB!!! (tm Janelle)

    • Love 8
  5. I'm very glad they are starting to use the condescending boings and gongs in the background for Frankie now. He makes himself look like an arrogant prick just by his terrible personality, but they are finally showing it. May the button destroy Frankie.

    Victoria's DR was just annoying. I honestly don't think she's even worth the time.

    Cody and Caleb were fun. My husband laughed and rewound at Caleb's "It's a rat. It's not stupid." As far as a completely pointless show goes, it was pretty decent.

    • Love 3
  6. Do you know what is funny about this? I think its a reference to a Rhianna song and didn't Rhianna's brother tweet that he was glad he wasn't like Ariana Grande's brother or something like that.

    Yep all those things are true! From what I have seen, it's something he's been saying awhile which is just so obnoxious. Also, untrue, because you can slap as much glitter on him as you want, but as the saying goes, you cannot polish a turd.

    • Love 2
  7. Caleb honestly believes with all his heart that if he doesn't make final 2 that he win will America's Favorite. It's so delusional it's actually kind of sweet. Has Caleb tipped the scales? It's like he took the Bless His Heart condescension and turned it into Bless His Heart the loving sentiment.

    Eta: If Caleb is telling Derrick that Frankie is saying that, Caleb has also trained his sights on Frankie. Frankie has to win out to make the Final. He has a really good chance to do that, but he's on his last leg and I'm so very pleased. Btw, he knows it too. He said as much in one of his HoH soliloquies over the weekend.

  8. To expand on my agreement with Derrick being joyless, which I did not realize until now because you are all brilliant...

    There have been a few times where Derrick has laughed really hard, and they were at childish things: when Nicole gave Zach a wedgie and just last night when Cody nearly sharted playing pool. I thought, oh that's nice he's laughing hard. But I guess the reason is because it's so rare. Interesting.

    I don't think he is necessarily a joyless person in life, just that he has been on the clock for months and he just needs a vacation.

    • Love 4
  9. I am loving this analysis of Derrick's game as joyless. I had never looked at it like that before. It's so true, and it's also eating at him. Caleb and Cody were randomly chatting about nothing and every time Derrick talked, it was game. He is not enjoying it at all, but he is winning. It's just a lot of work for him.

    Frankie was trying to convince Caleb today that Derrick is a threat because he is a "family man" and he would get votes because people are sympathetic to his family. It's true, and I can't believe it took almost 3 months for someone to say it out loud.

    • Love 4
  10. I must be completely missing something. Last Thursday, they did a live vote, interview, then HOH, noms, veto, veto ceremony,2nd live vote and 2nd interview, all during the live show.

    So why couldn't they open with getting ready to do the live vote, then announce the rewind twist (which should take less time then an actual eviction/interview), then go onto the 2nd part (like the Christine eviction last week).

    I totally think it is doable, IMO.

    It's because they did the vote at around 6:15, and this week the timer ends around 5:35.  When they do a double, the first eviction is earlier.  This week it is at it's normally scheduled time, if we are to believe the countdown clock.

  11. I just heard Cody say on BBAD that he thinks he can beat Frankie if they were in the Final 2. He's out of his mind. I honestly don't see Cody beating any of these people unless he goes on a competition tear at the end.

    Also, I don't know if Frankie is just in his room or what but him not being on BBAD is an absolute luxury.

    • Love 3
  12. I didn't think the episode was that bad. Jeff & Jordan are cute and the slide show was nice. Watching Caleb fanboy over the country singer was also hilarious. I think I'm nearly immune to Frankie. He's awful, and now he's just embarrassing himself. Now that I feel like a majority of viewers see him for what he is (a complete piece of shit), I can just look past him.

    And I gotta tell you, these episodes are pointless because of the reset, but it is fairly satisfying watching Frankie succeed knowing it's all for naught. I also thought the HoH was pretty cool, although the sum volume of Frankie's balls looked smaller than Caleb's. I'm saying Caleb had bigger balls. It made Caleb's balls drop. Because Frankie's balls were little. I'll stop :-)

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