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Posts posted by AndreaK1041

  1. Frankie is all about his image.  He had a strong inkling that Donny was a favorite after the "overwhelming no" incident, and so he mentioned Donny at the end very strategically to attempt to gain favor with the American public.  Likewise about the charity.  There is nothing warm or genuine about this guy, he is calculating and fake to his core. I truly believe that.

    • Love 11
  2. Well, I couldn't dislike Frankie any more than I did already, so him being painfully insufferable in his exit interview did nothing for me in that respect.  But Julie, JULIE, giggling like a little fangirl and encouraging him?!? No.  Unacceptable.  Also, since they didn't boooooooo I'm going to booooooo the audience.  Boooooo.

    I 100% think Derrick changed his answer on that early Before/After question because he heard the audience gasp when he picked the wrong one.  Cody should be HoH.  I have no horse in this race though, so whatever.

    Funny that 3/7 questions were specifically about Zach.  Ha.  

    (moved this from the wrong thread)

    • Love 5
  3. Frankie knew he was going, had annoying "cute" goodbye quips and then went out to a sea of cheers.  He threw glitter in the air (*cough* rip off *cough*) and then stood there and waved two handed to the crowd absorbing his cheers.  He was extremely annoying (i.e. himself) in the interview, asked about Ariana which Julie refused, and when the interview was over he kind of talked all over Julie about how the finale date was late and how he was so grateful to have been on the show, etc.  I am highly Frankie-intolerant and I thought it was just awful.  But he was glowing inside and out loving his "moment".

    • Love 6
  4. I feel that Donny or Zach has the best chance against Frankie. But if those votes are split it might be hard to beat Frankie. I really hope he doesn't win. I'll be so furious.

    The reason I'm going to Zach is that Donny already has TA money and also helped with some of their missions. But I think people should vote who they want. But that's my reasoning!

    I agree, I'm doing the same, and I agree people should vote how they want! Unless it's for Frankie ;-)
    • Love 5
  5. I am hoping we know when the feeds come on after the Tuesday show.   I would LOVE to know tonight and maybe there will be a spoiler. I am giddy at the thought but not counting on it.  



    Group hug. :-)

    It will leak on Twitter since there are CBS people and their guests in the audience.  I'm sure a fake twitter rumor will start at some point that Victoria went out, everyone will go in a tizzy, and then it will even out with the truth.  No one panic tonight when that happens!


    Two things I hope to see in the clip show:

    Nicole giving Zach a wedgie.



    I also really want them to show the Zach/Caleb fake fight, because that remains to be one of my favourite moments of the season, mostly because Zach isn't lying at all but Caleb is totally falling for it. Plus, we get to see Cody and Derrick exert energy by sprinting up the stairs to stop the fake fight.

    I want these two things very much and also when Caleb was giving Cody shit for cuddling Christine in the HoH room one night and demonstrated by cuddling Zach.  My bastard ass DVR erased that BBAD episode, but it was by far the funniest thing I saw all season. That night was when my opinion of Caleb changed from psycho stalker to amusing character.

    • Love 3
  6. How amusing it is to me that they are going to be exhausted and then have to sit at the table and do crafts for a fake TVGN session.  I would be so incredibly annoyed by that if I were them - most of them are dying to get the hell out of the house at this point, but then being made to do a virtual (not literal) puppet show at an hour you would normally be fast asleep?  Funny for us, irritating for them.


    T-minus 9.5 hours and Frankie is out of the house.  Cheers, everyone.

    • Love 1
  7. He also said something in passing about having to spend the few weeks after the show in LA because of all the things he is going to have to do there and he wishes he could go back to New York. The implication was that there are agents/managers/entertainment contracts to work out, but everyone solidly ignored him.

    Isn't it true that BB no longer does after parties? I wonder how long most of them actually do stick around. I know they do a media event it the backyard after the finale that is on the feeds, but then does BB just wipe their hands and send them on their merry way? And what about the Vegas Bash? Is that optional or they pretty much go? I don't know why, but I'm fascinated with their transition back to life (but clearly not enough to have followed previous years contestants on social media and actually find out what they do).

    • Love 2
  8. That episode was super fun. Caleb was funny, Cody was funny and the juror segment was great. Even Jocasta was amusing! Nice complete brushing under the rug of Christine though.

    It's amazing how much my overall positive feelings about this show increase with all the jury exposure lately. Also, Frankie losing. That brings me great joy!

    Caleb's speech was strategic, concise and downright eloquent for him! I was impressed.

    • Love 2
  9. But.......  I read that there will be an elimination Monday night, taped for TV.  Does Frankie's comment mean the HGs don't know about the schedule change?

    They have no clue.  They don't know the eviction is tomorrow and they don't know the show ends the 24th.  They think it's Sunday the 21st.  Joke's on them!

    • Love 1
  10. I think Derrick has Hayden, Nicole, Victoria & Donny and Cody has Christine & Caleb. Would not surprise me at all if Zach voted for Cody. I think Frankie would vote for Derrick. Jocasta I have no clue. Might be a more interesting vote than the 9-0 some are predicting. I think Derrick wins though.

    I think Derrick has the Donny vote based on him seeing he was a strong player in the house and thinking Cody was whiny and annoying. I put little stock into the jury house footage on the show.

  11. I think they heard someone yell Beastmode but no info on whether it was good or bad. Derrick is using it as an opportunity to blow smoke up Caleb's ass about how America loves him. He wants Caleb to leave at Final 4 being excited about his "guaranteed" AFP money and not be a bitter juror.

    That Derrick, he never stops working.

    • Love 5
  12. The Nielsen ratings system should add a category for Schadenfreude.

    This is an excellent idea. My household would send this number off the charts! They could do a correlation between shows on Bravo and pure schadenfreude. Since I watch almost all of them... high rank!

    Here are daily rankings on jokers for those interested:


    • Love 4
  13. Oh they definitely know.  They are social media savvy enough to realize that!  You can't filter out negative comments, nor could they fail to notice the negative twitter trends last night concerning Frankie.


    Their mom is such a stage mom.  What 21 year old needs their mother with them on tour and at press events?  And what 31 year old needs their mommy to find them a manager?  


    I believe Frankie is smart enough to know he is going home.  It's just strategy to talk to the other guys as if he is staying.  His options are to either act like he is not going, to beg them to not vote him out, or to throw a hissy fit.  I guess there is also the Zach option of sleeping for 3 days straight and leaving in a flurry of breakfast cereal.  

    • Love 6
  14. It shouldn't be so hard, honestly. One of them will win HoH since Caleb can't play. It's usually Before/After at final 4, so I'm guessing Derrick will win. And then they just can't have Caleb win veto. final 4 veto is usually a challenging puzzle based on the events in the house. I don't have the impression that Caleb knows that stuff very well. This is why Frankie is so much more dangerous - he does know house events/timelines. Is it true Caleb is not a big fan of the show? He doesn't seem to realize that memorizing house events is super important at this stage of the game. Then again, it would severely cut into his HoH room dance party time, so he probably can't be bothered with studying.

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