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Posts posted by AndreaK1041

  1. As an A's fan and a Michigan alumni, I feel a little broken these days.  I am so pissed at the A's - not for losing last night, but for putting themselves in a position to even be playing a wild card game on the road. It was a thrilling game, and being a local fan and having the game end before 10pm sure was convenient.  And I did race home from work to make sure I saw the first pitch, so I wouldn't have wanted an earlier game.  


    Hopefully the Giants lose.  I just cannot deal with Giants fans around here.

  2. Does anyone understand what a meet & greet is (other than the meeting & greeting, I get that much)? I have seen a few people posting links to them, including Caleb who is setting up a "tour". Do they get paid for these things? And who goes to them? The whole concept boggles my mind.

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  3. Poking around Instagram it looks like Brittany, Amber, Joey, Jocasta and Donny.  I think it's an old tradition that used to be an actual official event to have a post-BB Vegas Bash weekend, but doesn't seem like anyone was super interested besides the BB Canada crew and a few others (BB15 Judd, Jeremy, McCrae; BB14 Danielle; Howie; probably others I do not recognize)

  4. That was John, the University of Michigan football player who wore a blue dress shirt, right?

    Michigan State.  I usually make this correction in defense of my alma mater, but this year, it's in defense of his.


    Having praised the casting directors for choosing "real" people over gorgeous people this time, I will now be a total hypocrite and snark at their looks.  Because I'm so perfect, ya know.

    Last season I thought was one of the best in years, and had non-models like Kas, Tony and Spenser at the end.  Maybe Survivor casting is actually reading into this?!? One of them should send a memo to TAR production.


    Good first episode.  It appears that the IIs are going to have 2 parts/pieces to them.  Love this fresh idea.  So Dale has the symbol for water and there is a symbol or dig.  That is a head scratcher.

    This would be a very interesting twist, therefore I do not think it is true.  Can't trust these CBS producers!


    The insects do look awful this year.  One of the women had her legs showing in her TH interviews and her legs looked absolutely chewed to bits.  

  5. Food scientists are nerdy women, which is cool to see as a member of the cast.  Their intro made me burst into laughter because they were voiceovering about how they "weren't all about beakers and labcoats" while the Race had their intro be... swirling food coloring in beakers while wearing labcoats.  Absolutely killed me. 

    It always makes me laugh how they do the food coloring beakers for every science shot on TV.  This one was even funnier with the dry ice causing smoking colored liquid beakers! We had a reporter come to our lab in grad school and he was so disappointed that all our bottles were either clear liquid or pee-colored LB.  The lab coats are funny too.  Scientists so very rarely wear lab coats because they are hot and smelly and often shared with your smelly lab-mates.  I hope these two do well, because they are scientists and from Wisconsin like me. 


    Missed the beginning so at first I thought I was watching Surviver or a swimsuit shoot for a sports illustrated magazine and wondered if my TV guide was goofed up. :-)

    Seriously!  This has always been the reality show I thought I would enjoy being on, but then last night I realized I would have to get a whole lot better looking and a whole lot more physically fit.  One of those bicycle girls is completely ripped!


    I had a ponder - once the blonde realtors realized they were last at the mat, could/would they have been able to return to the beach and keep digging?

    I really feel like this was a mistake.  I know they have to declare that they are going to forfeit with no backsies, but once they saw the other two teams do this, they definitely should have said... eh nevermind.  I bet I can do this in under 4 hours.  That goes for whoever was the 3rd team to officially quit the tasks.


    I know most people record this show, but it still felt weird on Friday.  Maybe I'll save it and watch it after 60 Minutes.... at least we know it won't be constantly delayed due to football or golf!

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  6. I could not love Stephanie more. She's quietly successful, Girl and the Goat is absolutely fabulous (going to Chicago next weekend, hoping to try Little Goat!), and she's a fellow Michigan alum.  I like Kristen too, but Stephanie's personality is very lovable and knowing first hand that her food is really special helps my opinion of her.  And she's right, though G&tG is extremely popular and always packed, it's also very cosy, friendly, and reasonably priced, especially for the quality.

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  7. Paradise Hotel is my forever example of Reality TV at it's absolute finest.  You could firmly put your brain in the off position and just enjoy the melee. 


    My husband went to high school with one of those girls.  The hilarity of his phone ringing as all of his friends called to tell each other that the girl was on the show is a great memory :)

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  8. Everyone needs to check out the post-game Final 3 interviews over at RHAP. Victoria really and truly believes she would have beaten Cody (8-1, she says) AND Derrick (5-4, she says). A stunned and flabbergasted Rob got to the point in the interview where he was just egging her on and trolling the shit out of her (she had no idea, of course). Very entertaining.

    She's out of her mind.  Zach's instincts about her were dead on.  She is, in fact, the worst.  (OK, Frankie is the worst for entirely different reasons, although neither one of them seems to be living anywhere remotely close to planet earth)

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