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Posts posted by AndreaK1041

  1. I still don't like Frankie and I do think he thinks he's better than everyone else.  I don't hate him, because I don't know him and he's not out killing puppies or anything.  I just think he's an annoying twerp.  


    That said, he's easily avoidable for me now.  I don't follow him on social media, so I pretty much never think of him now.  I was of course more annoyed with him during the season because his personality is atrocious and he was on every moment of a television show that I, for better or for worse, really enjoy. I think wanting someone off your TV is a totally appropriate response to a reality contestant you find particularly repugnant.  I laughed when I saw comments here because "Overwhelming No" is still an excellent thread title.

    • Love 5
  2. "This is charcuterie? I've been avoiding this on menus for years. They are killing themselves with that name!"

    And Luke, sliding a baking sheet of soda under the door to the bathroom when Claire and the plumber are stuck inside:

    "I couldn't find a straw so you're going to have to drink it like cats"

    • Love 1
  3. I don't think this crop of girls could be much more annoying. What the hell was that mental freak out at the end of Joey's song?

    I'm only a few years too old to compete on this show but I want to tell all of these kids to get off my lawn. Calm down, act like a human being, and sing.

    I like Tyanna. She is a natural talent with no gimmick.

    • Love 4
  4. This one was pretty fun because there wasn't too much producer interference. I didn't understand the forth guy though - didn't Dave leave because he was working for wages and not a percentage? The last scene pushing the pans of gold back in was hokey nonsense, but why would that guy get a share and Dave wouldn't?

  5. I secretly watch this show when my husband is still at work, but he came home with 5 minutes left so I just left it on.  He sat there kind of dumbfounded and then just looked at me and said "that whole last scene was one giant bleep and I think the only word that came through was whore".  Made me laugh to think of the bleep editors having to hit the button every word and then being like "oh, whore, that's an ok word".  Ha.


    I like Wes.  I don't know why, but I do.  I think he seems the smartest, so I root for the non-morons.  It is also possible that my opinion of his intelligence is raised in comparison to the alternatives on this shitshow.

    • Love 10
  6. The Hoffman crew makes a desperate bid to hit their season goal. Tony's attempt to run his million dollar gold dredge ends in a shipwreck. Parker fights the big freeze as he pushes to hit his 2.4 million dollar goal.

    Discovery will have us believe 217 oz were in a little stretch of road?  Yeah, ok.


    Parker's land-buying storyline was seemingly scripted sometime last winter, and they have been playing out scenes to lead up to the end all year.



    • Love 1
  7. I record this show and binge watch it randomly (you can watch a whole episode in 14 minutes!) I'm currently in November 2014 and FJ was:


    One critic called them "a social phenomenon", "the most widely recognised group... since John, Paul, George & Ringo"

    The answer was the Spice Girls, but I thought that one contestant's response of Oasis could easily have also been true. I hope she raised a fuss and got to come back.

    • Love 1
  8. The frantic pacing was distracting. I know that long filler episodes are bad, but this pace didn't work for me at all. It seems a little irrelevant what the performance even was, everyone just will vote for who they liked in previous episodes.

  9. I laughed a lot at this one. The Nick/Jess vagina/popcorn talk was excellent. Her faces with the eventual "I know what temperature it gets" were super hilarious. Winston was really funny too!

    • Love 7
  10. I haven't enjoyed this season nearly as much as last season.  The Unity Concert was on Esquire last night (they replayed the whole show start to finish, but not in HD, bleck), and it was such a perfect, perfect series finale.  Was last year supposed to be the last?  This 2 month rush job is doing nothing for me whatsoever.

  11. Does anyone remember the numbers from the Hoffman crew early in the season? They had to give the land owner a lot of gold off the top. And then Dave invested a million (?) dollars? All season the numbers have not worked out at all to 1000 oz actually resulting in profit.

    Parker's crew being tired is manufactured for sure. That guy last year stuck with him for weeks past freeze.

    Next week they are doing a second hour updating the Freddy Dodge operation that Dave abandoned. Hope they made a killing.

    • Love 1
  12. I had the exact same reaction to Jack's temper tantrum: well, that's where Todd gets it. I did enjoy Dave and the other guy making faces about the meltdown. Although one must think there is something seriously wrong with Dave that he continues to associate with this crew.

  13. My dad bought me a pair of Happy Feet (big slippers, I think they had shark ones they were walking around in on the show). I thought they were a shockingly dumb gift until I put them on. I'm on my fourth pair now and that's because I wear them all winter until I wear through the one inch foam (it takes hundreds of hours to wear through them, they are well made). They look stupid but they make your feet super hot and feel like clouds. I get them on Amazon, logoed for my favorite sports teams in the shape of giant sneakers.


    • Love 1
  14. Parker mines an island of paydirt; the Hoffman crew puts rock trucks out of commission


    Normally I like Parker, but that tantrum over his contract was just unacceptable.  It was childish, entitled, unprofessional... and other personal pet peeves.  He was completely out of line.


    It's weird to watch the Hoffman crew high fiving over a smaller amount of gold than Parker is very disappointed in.  It seems like the Hoffman's operation is way more expensive to my completely untrained eye as well, so they are actually losing more.  Different standards, I guess.

  15. I enjoyed the complete lack of even pretending Todd does any work. Dave works all day finding non-frozen ground, and drives back to the cozy cabin to tell Todd about it. And how much has that team, who is losing money daily, spent on decor? The flag on their wash plant alone must be several hundred dollars. They have been presented as this American Dream, do what you can to survive team, but they are precisely the opposite to me. They waste money through incompetence and poor leadership. I wish Dave would tell them all to go scratch and go somewhere else. The Discovery Channel money must be quite good.

    That's why I tolerate Parker and Tony and their fake dialogue and contrived story lines. They both work a lot and are integral parts of their crews. You would think Todd could at least drive a rock truck (I do believe even I could do that), but he is too busy making fake expeditions to neighbors.

    • Love 4
  16. It killed me that they were in a 767 (?) sized plane (one with two walking aisles) and the route was Philly-Bismark-LA.  As if that would happen. 


    All of Charlie's lines at the end were perfect and perfectly delivered. "California, USA" is a drunk thing that this going to make it into my vocabulary.

    • Love 1
  17. The second part of the Urick interview was posted, and then today Natasha Vargas-Cooper resigned from her job at the Intercept.  What a shit show.  This has gone so far beyond a simple podcast into such a gross place.  I almost wish I had just listened to the podcast and left it at that.  Remind me I said that during Season 2.

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