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Posts posted by AndreaK1041

  1. It actually makes me glad that they have to show all three comps tonight, because it prevents it from being 90 minutes of the Frankie show. I am so over the whole Grande clan. I'm sure the mother will also be there. I don't know that Ariana has been apart from her a day in her life.

    If we are not allowed to live post during the finale maybe we can set up a chat room? I've used chatango in the past and it's quite good.

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  2. Not only does he look pissed, but I think they purposefully posted a bad picture of because he looks much older and sort of worn down (out?), and he also seems to be sporting a slight double chin there. Oh dear.

    Yeah, he looks bad. I'm glad they didn't Botox him. I thought they might start caving to his demands immediately.

    I'm sure Christine feels defeated. A whole month with people who don't like her with no added benefit or prizes. This is probably the meanest of reality shows - twice the time for half the money.

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  3. Cody's poor brother!  Anyone have an address where I can send a Hickory Farms gift basket?  

    This is excellent.  Growing up in Wisconsin, these things were ubiquitous, but I haven't seen them in California at all!  I am now craving sausage and cheese encased in wax in the worst way.


    ETA: Holy crap, they sell these at my every week grocery store according to their website.  Must purchase.


    Also adding I am pleasantly surprised the Grande family is  throwing their support behind Zach. Do I think it means anything? No. I seriously doubt it will affect the overall vote whatsoever.  But I'm happy.  My feelings are so simple on this subject: Zach good, Frankie bad.  When they are together and Zach is happy, it's like crossing the streams in my brain.

    • Love 4
  4. I think BB is ordering them food to save money and to make them happy. Better than buying a bunch of groceries that they will throw away.


    I can't remember what season it was, but they got told to pick food and they ordered lobster, filet, etc from the Rainbow Room.  This group gets Panera and are currently discussing either Chik-Fil-A or Chipotle for tomorrow.  Some things about this season are endearing :)


    ETA: Since they are in LA, a production assistant should take their Chipotle request and go out and get them a real burrito.  It's one of my favorite California culinary things, other than avocado on EVERYTHING. Seriously, we went to a greasy spoon for breakfast this morning and even that came with lovely fresh avocado on the side, gratis.  We did not have this in Wisconsin.

    • Love 4
  5. Many of us will be in the Survivor threads.  See you there!

    Yay! I am also on Twitter under this same name. If you follow me I will not think any of you are stalking me :)  You will get lots of updates such as why people in line with me are irritating in some way or why the sports teams I follow are playing well or poorly.  It's riveting.

    • Love 4
  6. If this is true we should know before Wed as they will certainly promote that. What would be the point, otherwise?  

    I agree.  Ariana would be promoted to get people to watch.  They get nothing after the fact from people hearing about it.


    Derrick's impression this morning at about 2 AM of Cody's reaction to hearing Christine's boos had me in stitches (starts at 7:05).



    *Hilarious*  That is one of my favorite moments of the summer, and definitely my favorite Derrick moment.  He keeps so much in, I wonder if he is often laughing on the inside at people.  Wouldn't mind seeing more of the snarky side!


    I don't think there's any more surprises. I think Julie just got caught off guard. Correct me if I'm wrong but that was the night she explained at the end of the show about the remaining episodes, what we see when and the finale on the 24th. I'm sure that's what she meant. If something else was going to happen, we would know already, IMO.

    I agree with this too (goes back to quote 1, but moving quotes hurts my head)... Julie said "more on that later" meaning that it would come up in a later roll of her teleprompter that the finale was on the 24th... she only said it right then b/c Frankie interrupted her and asked her the date and it threw her off.  She cannot ad lib, I wouldn't read anything into it.


    If this were a charity show (which it isn't)

    Thank goodness it isn't! I still love Will for his assertion that he would waste his money on "jet skis and gold chains". I know he actually ended up putting a down payment on a condo, but the point is the same: it's a game of skill (maybe stupid, pointless skill in the grand scheme of life, but skill nonetheless) and the winner should be rewarded.  That's why the extra $50K TA money is annoying - no work was involved to get it whatsoever. I don't care if Derrick does have a 6 figure salary.  It was a valid strategy to feign poverty this season because the people he was playing with responded to it.  Even Frankie! 

    • Love 4
  7. Also, there you have it, Production is annoying. What does it matter if she knows?  To possibly get tears out of her at the finale for the 45 seconds of time she will have on stage with Julie?  And why are the rules so wishy washy?!? He flat out told Frankie he was going home, so if Derrick tells her Wednesday, that's ok?  Dumb.

    • Love 3
  8. I agree, TheRealT. Him and Zach used to talk about playing video games together, and that seemed plausible.  This family vacation talk is nonsense though.  I mean, how many vacations do people with young children actually take? Few. And they are certainly not going to spend theirs visiting a random family that only one of them knows.  Maybe Derrick's family would go to the beach somewhere in Florida and Vic could go meet them for a day.


    I'm actually surprised how much Britney has jumped into the BB world.  She seems to be hanging out with reality TV people almost all of the time and has even gone to Vegas maybe?  Amber also has done meet-ups with people.  Here's a question to discuss, since nothing is going on anyway... do you think the recruits are more likely to get involved in the after-show stuff more than the fans of the show?  What was Rachel's deal?  She to me is the biggest example of trying to turn Former Reality TV Contestant into a career.

    • Love 1
  9. You know what would be crappy about being on this show?  Not watching sports.  Zach is currently locked in a hotel room not allowed to watch TV while Florida is tied with Alabama on the road (now winning, WOW).  Plus it's down to the wire in baseball season which many would enjoy.  At least they are out in time for the Ryder Cup.  Maybe I enjoy sports more than most, but being cut off from them and knowing it was a college football Saturday would be so frustrating to me.

    • Love 5
  10. Derrick has said things before about how he thinks there is something "more" to Victoria.  I think he might be projecting a bit, since he is hiding so much of his life from them, he thinks other people are doing the same.  Now, I really cannot be sure that there is not a lot more to Victoria then what we are seeing, but... I really don't think there is.  She says silly things about being tough or a "warrior princess" (even if DR gave her those words, I think she thinks there is truth behind them).  I don't see her as a strong, empowered woman in her day-to-day life, but I think Derrick thinks there is this strong person there that he can't see in the game.


    My point is that I think he does want to remain friends with her, but really, what does that even mean?  They live far apart, have completely different lifestyles, etc.  Sure they will text or maybe even visit (but how awkward, right?!? Is she going to go stay at his house with his family?  Yeah, no.) Either way, they will be friends, but it's going to be an odd adjustment for her when she's no longer the #1 or even #5 woman in his life.

    • Love 1
  11. I don't think it's shenanigans in that way.  I have been voting for Zach and I am getting random numbers of times to vote.  I think it's just a website glitch.  And if online polls are any indication, Donny has it in a landslide.  I don't think Frankie will win as I have not seen any indication that the Arianators (gross.) are voting.  You would be able to see the conversation on Twitter, and it's not there.  Happily!

    • Love 3
  12. Derrick just said he makes less than $50K a year. Um, I call bullshit. He just never stops! I mean this as a compliment.

    Eta: Derrick beat Victoria by 15 minutes. She took 30 minutes and actually thought she had done awesome and might have won. The varying levels of delusion this year are fascinating.

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