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Posts posted by AndreaK1041

  1. “Sign me up for All-Stars! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to play this game with other people of my calibre,” he said.

    Frankie has magical powers. I think he just the most awful person, like a bad human being in life and I think I have fully developed those feelings. Then I read this and I want to smash my phone. He constantly makes me say "hey, I could hate him more, how about that!" He is loathesome.
    • Love 3
  2. They filmed or are currently filming (Last year it was done at night so it's possible it's at night again) the Jury segment today I'm assuming again. They are filming it on the CBS lot.


    I wonder who is hosting. The name tag around that one guy just says HOST. Anyone have any idea? Last year was Dr. Will, it would be cool if it was him again.

    Thanks for posting, I love seeing things like that. Can anyone tell who is sitting where? I hope Frankie & Zach are not next to each other.

    That probably means the jury house is closed then and they are in LA in a hotel from now on, right? I feel a little bad for all 11 of them. How incredibly boring!! Aren't the jurors even separated from each other in that time? Painful. I don't think the HG have been outside except for comps since Sunday night and probably won't get to go until Saturday morning.

    • Love 1
  3. As I was throwing all my votes Donny's way yesterday, I was wondering how many accidental votes she'd get!

    I think I accidentally voted for Victoria once. When I vote on my phone it's not so obvious who I clicked on. However when I voted at work my whole screen turned into that huge flashy colored "Congrats! You voted for Zach" and although I don't think anyone saw I was instantly humiliated at having that on my screen.
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  4. Yes, Winston9-DT3, you can vote on CBS.com.  You can also see fitbit stuff on cbs.com which hilariously revealed that Frankie gained 29 pounds in the house (or so it says... I still don't see where exactly the weight went on him).  Hopefully Zach calls him a fat ass when he gets to jury since Frankie never missed an opportunity to call out Zach on his weight gain.

  5. I think if I were a player in these types of games, I would want out people I saw as butt kissers or jury panderers.  I thought the worst thing Derrick did all season was throw the HoH to Frankie with the songs, not because he threw it, but because he said THREE TIMES "Frankie, you want to see your grandfather?". We get it Derrick, you're a wonderful person. Now GTFO of my house.  


    I say this because I have the inability to fake niceness so I would be at a distinct disadvantage.  Also I would be terrible, like really, really beyond terrible at this game.  Worse than Zach maybe.

    • Love 6
  6. I don't know why, but I feel more confident that Derrick would take Cody then that Cody would take Derrick.  I see no reason in the world for Derrick to turn on his hitman; he wins either way and shows loyalty.  Cody has literally 450,000 reasons to turn on Derrick, though he does not see them.  I agree he thinks he has been running the show way more than he actually has.

    • Love 2
  7. I think outing Team America is going to be entertaining, plus them hearing about Derrick's $50K bonus.  They will be unamused.


    ETA: I think if Derrick outs himself, that is a huge error.  There is no need to put people in an emotional state right before they vote.  Keep calm, collect your money, and then tell them.

    • Love 6
  8. I noticed that too! Even though I knew who had won veto, I would have been irked by that if I was watching it as a regular viewer without access to feeds info.

    I think they do this every year.  It just so happened that the last two weeks the veto wasn't used so it didn't change.  It previous seasons, the will show the veto comp, and then if it's used the people will shuffle around in the chairs during the show.


    Honestly, most of the previously evicted HG's seem surprisingly self aware after they rejoined the real world and know they are not going to win so they've been campaigning all season for Donny or Zach, probably because they know those two have the best chance and Brittany posted #anyonebutFrankie.

    Except Joey!  She is actively campaigning for herself, and seems to be doing so unironically.  

    • Love 1
  10. Just when you think the A's could not play any worse, tonight's ninth inning occurs. Oh my god. What a catastrophic collapse. This inning is like a metaphor.

    • Love 1
  11. I agree, Derrick should win part 2. I am completely blanking on what part 2 usually is. A physical comp with also some game memory? I remember season 8(?) had the puzzle with the pieces under water? Victoria would have to forfeit that I think. I can not imagine her even getting pieces out.

  12. I thought Cody's eviction speech and goodbye message were both excellent. Surprisingly so. Makes me wonder if he has enough perspective to evict Derrick in the Final 2 and win himself an extra $450K.

    Absolutely could not be more thrilled with Caleb's Chenterview comments about Frankie. He called him a crappy human being. Right there on live TV. FINALLY someone does that.

    • Love 9
  13. Frankie considers himself an adult? From what I've seen, his sister acts 10x as mature.

    Well he was the oldest person in the house at that time, regardless of what age he told them he was! I look forward to an interviewer asking him about his age. He lied about it in pre-interviews so I wonder how long he will try to keep up the charade.

  14. At the risk of sounding really bitchy, I would say that 29 extra pounds didn't fit into those shorts, lol.

    Hahaha true! But according to the website Frankie was 3 pounds less than Zach upon exit. This seems impossible given that they are what 4 inches apart? Zach is 5'10", Caleb is 5'8" so Frankie must be 5'5"? Ish?

    Maybe Frankie is some physiological anomaly wherein his ego has started to accumulate actual mass. Or is he really is putting on weight this is a very smooth transition into his life as the second coming of Richard Simmons! Win, win.

    • Love 10
  15. What if Cody evicted Derrick at F2. I would do an audible stage gasp worthy of a Grande. He's apparently cooking up thoughts in his brain given the actual skill in comps he's won, so I think there is at least a 1% chance that this happens. We would never know if he was thinking about it either because he doesn't talk to the cameras and he doesn't have anyone besides Derrick to bounce ideas off of. I would giggle and give him credit for an excellent move.

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