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Posts posted by AndreaK1041

  1. He did the best with what he's got, the sides are pretty dope. Did he stop wearing the headband because he could no longer push it up to his hairline without it sliding off?

    What are people predicting for the two games at the Q? I find this series unpredictable at this point.

  2. Daaamn LeBron. Well done. And may I say as someone who was in high school last time time such styles were in fashion, the Cavs' hair all looks fly.

    • Love 3
  3. I really wanted to see it, but I got very bored during it.

    Me too. I think I hated it. It was super creative and I can see why people would enjoy it, but it was not for me.
  4. Fans from SF are notoriously horrible.  Much more interested in the outing and the fancy stadiums than watching the actual sport. It's weird that Warriors and A's fans are not afflicted by this since they are in the Bay, but I think it's probably because Oracle and O.co (which share a parking lot) are shitty and in a shitty part of town that no one would go to unless they wanted to actually see a game.


    ** I realize this is offensive to Niners and Giants fans who actually like the team and sport in good times and in bad. Apologies.

  5. Plus those announcers on the traveling call in overtime.......are they watching the same replay as me?  I thought he CLEARLY travelled.  He came down was set, and then jumped again and landed on his feet before shooting, was defintely the right call, and they are on air stating it was not traveling. 

    I totally agree with you.  There is a difference between feet shuffling and two-footed hopping.  My husband did not agree with us.


    I wasn't sure who I was going to root for (sometimes I have to wait until a game starts to see who I find myself cheering for), but I am really happy the Warriors won and it looks good for them going forward. It will be good for them to get a Championship while they are still in Oakland. I really like the 2 Oakland teams, but they are getting sucked into the other parts of the bay slowly but surely.

  6. We went last night and it was generally very enjoyable. I find movies like this somehow better on TV which totally goes against the very excellent sound and effects. My favorite effect was the boats chasing the crest of the tsunami.

    I thought the actual wiping out of SF in 100 ft (!!!) of seawater (actually a lot more given they had walked to higher ground) was pretty sad. I know they bypass the hundreds of thousands of casualties in disaster movies, but the water somehow bothered me more than the water and subsequent snow in 2012.

    I'm a scientist so I like all the fakey science stuff a la 10.5. Every good disaster movie needs scientists, and I always enjoyed their scenes.

    Was hoping more damage would come to ATT Park. Stupid Giants.

  7. BB17 cast speculation:

    We have no reason to believe that there will be any returning HGs, but if we did, who do you think it would be?

    I think Frankie is a judge on some dance show, so hopefully that's an overwhelming no.  

    I would think possibilities include Frank, Judd, Ginamarie, Zach, Amanda? I usually like returning players, but ugh, no on those minus Zach who is like watching a puppy.  A loud puppy.

    • Love 1
  8. Ah, yes, I should clarify.  That post was a rumor, I can't say it's true.


    Imagine if the reason they were pulled from the cast of TAR was because one of them is on BB17... they do film at the same time. I think they would both be voted out pre-jury though if that were to happen.


    Sorry, I've gone off topic... I'm sure there's a speculation thread for BB17 I can go to or start.  See you there :)

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  9. The spoiler which is no longer a spoiler, so I'll just write it untagged...

    Zach and Frankie were invited on TAR, Frankie declined. Devin was cast in his place but at the last moment production decided not to include them. No BB16 people on TAR.

    We really dodged a bullet there!

    • Love 3
  10. My husband and I are generally snooty moviegoers, but every time we have seen a commercial for this we have said San Andreas!!!! in loud excited tough guy voices. I'm glad you seemed to enjoy it. I think we will love it - we live near the fault (yes you can actually see it when it runs through fields and stuff) and seeing a cruise ship in Chinatown never fails to amuse me in the trailer.

  11. I wasn't nitpicking one thing, I was giving a specific example of what I perceive to be a pattern of behavior. It's ok that we disagree.

    Should be a great final. Neither team has been in a position to go all the way so we will see who can really take it to the next level. I didn't think either one of them was going to get this far actually, so I'm happy I was wrong.

  12. I think LeBron is an exceptional athlete and someone I like in general as a hawker of various goods in commercials. However...

    What a drama queen. Falling to the ground after the win? Please. He was posing for a photo. He is so conscious at all times of public perception. I get he's banged up. Do not make it out like you are a hero to us all by playing a single overtime. I really honestly do like him, and I wish he'd just cut the crap.

  13. I assume LeBron is an OK guy (we used to live near Akron, and I assume there would have been rumblings if he had serious faults). However I feel almost conditioned to believe that elite super-athletes are going to disappoint a la Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong and Michael Jordan. Hopefully not.

    I do think LeBron is a prime example of crybaby-itus in the NBA. It is so gross to see players piss and moan after every foul or no-call (looking at you, Demarcus Cousins), and LeBron is a serious offender.

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  14. Does he still have "Careless Whisper" as his at-bat music??

    Good memory :)  No.  There is no joy in Oakland.

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