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Trooper York

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Everything posted by Trooper York

  1. Alonzo that has to be the most perceptive comment I have ever seen about Bethenny Frankel and her family. Bravo. I salute you. Who knew that dweeby guy from "Little House on the Prairie" was so smart!
  2. This is right on the money. Luann does not suffer fools gladly. She knows that she is a hypocrite and a phony and she can sniff that out in someone else like Ramona looking for a truffle. The thing about Luann is that she is a cool chick that men love to hang out with unlike any of the other ladies. They all reek of desperation. Luann not so much. I think she likes Dorinda because she is pretty authentic. Just a drunken sloppy ho. It is always good to hang out with somebody like that. They make you look good in comparison.
  3. The answer is to leak information to the gossip sites that will blow up Bethenny's spot. There is where most of the stuff we learn about these broads comes form. Disgruntled employees.
  4. i don't find it hard to believe at all. The sense of entitlement of most of these women is such that they could end up killing someone without realizing what they were doing. I could quote chapter and verse throughout the franchises. Ramona hurling a glass at Kristen. Carole face grabbing a one legged woman on a steep stair way. A drunk Tamara rolling a dune buggy. Theresa giving her guests e collie with her sauce made in the garage. Kim Zolciak smothering someone by accident with her huge fake breasts. Carole did not think about anything other than her rage about Aviva relaying the word on the street that Carole is a fake, phony, fraud. She was in the moment and she let the mask slip for a moment. She does that once in a while. It is not a pretty picture. You can make all the excuses you want but it is pretty clear where her head is at.
  5. Yes she grabbed Aviva by the face on the stairs when Aviva let it slip that she had a ghostwriter. If there were on cameras there I bet she would have thrown her down the stairs. You only have to do something one time to be forever branded. It is the attitude that is telling. Carole's unmitigated contempt for people who don't work outside the home came through loud and clear. Her contempt for anyone who is not a professional "Writer" is also a clear as the surgically altered nose on her face. Her contempt for Luann who was not as stylish and cool and politically correct as someone who rides on a bicycle's handlebars came out as well. Carole is just a politically correct elitist snob of the first water.
  6. When Carole was physically and verbally attacking Aviva she heaped the biggest dollop of scorn on her that she could think of by saying that she "Never worked outside the home." When Luann decided to pioneer the tactic of determining her own racial identity by terming herself part "Indian" because of her ancestry .......Carole went bat shit crazy because she didn't use the politically correct nomenclature of "Native American." Then when she was Heathers flying monkey instead of Bethenny she went after Luann for bringing dudes back to the vacation house. The free spirit was a tight ass when it came time to score points. She is a grade A number one hypocrite. What will she do when Bethenny leaves? Oh what will she do?
  7. Not really. In Carole's first season she went after Luann at every chance she got. Especially on Heathers trip to London. She mocked Luann when she said she had lived in London. She mocked the cape she wore because she had worn a cape and the only other person beside her who could wear a cape is Batman (RIP Adam West). And she had a full blown Social Justice Pussy Hat meltdown when Luann termed herself an "Indian" and not a "Native American." Because according to Carole you are not allowed to define yourself in your own words and in your own terms. She went after Luann from the jump. Because Carole feels she is too cool for school and she had to bring these worthless (in her eyes) people down. You know. Pretentious pseudo royalty. Women who never worked outside the home. They just don't measure up to the Princess Writer Girl.
  8. I think youse guys have put your finger on it! Now I know why Carole had it in for Luann from the get go! She wants to be Luann! She wouldn't give up her title for any amount of money. She will always be a Princess. She has to list all the famous dudes she was with to reinforce her self image as a sexy beast. She had to get a guy who was promiscuous to the extreme and tame him. Tom was promiscuous with women. Adam was promiscuous with vegetables. Now he comes home to his own wilted cabbage every night. Carole wants to be Luann. Now it all makes sense.
  9. It would be so easy to come off as a caring loving friend. I can totally see a white bread piece of fluff like Tinsley being seduced by some smaltz and a bowl of matzo ball soup. Hell if Bethenny is gone I can see Remora Radziwill attaching herself to Jill's keister. Now instead of cats and vegetable boy she will have a little yappy dog and a boyfriend who slices deli meat at Katz's delicatessen. Oy my yiddisher pickel!
  10. It would be pretty amusing if Jill came back and became popular and Bethenny slunk away. Jill could simply adopt the mode of the nurturing Jewish mother just like her own Mom. She could mother Tinsley and Sonja and be a supportive friend to Luann and Ramona. She can totally turn it around from where she was before. She just has to befriend the crew and she will get a super edit. All she has to do is fake the sincerity. Because once you can fake sincerity you got it made.
  11. Satan Andy is laying the ground work for bringing Jill back. Money is all for him. Since the ratings were good and the response was positive. I think it is very possible that Jill can come back. Look I know Jill is notoriously difficult. But the women in the show are coming back to her behavior. They are not amenable like Heather or Kristen or Alex. Luann, Sonja and Ramona have become terrors and really hard to deal with. So Jill won't be so bad. Plus everybody loves a come back. Especially if Bethenny stays on board. You set up two gangs. The Sharks and the Jets. You will have Jill, Luann and Ramona. Then you will have Bethenny, Carole and Tinsley. I think Sonja will bounce from group to group. It definitely sets up that vibe that Satan Andy loves so much.
  12. Well I think this mook is a vindictive asshole who would deliberately sabotage the food. I can see he serving stuff that would get you sick because he used bad fish or chicken or whatever. Then he would blame Hannah for not storing it properly or something. You can't get him replaced then and there so you have to wait until the charter is over. But you can turn to the camera and say you would never use their charter service again. Since they are repeat customers I think that would leave a mark.
  13. That's the rub. You hate to get in a fight with the chef or any other food handler. That is why you don't fight with the waiter because he will spit in your food. So confrontation might not work unless you want Bobby to make you Sloppy Joes. Or maybe Malia can make you Sloppy Seconds.
  14. Actually Reality TV shows are notorious for making a mess and then not fixing it. The crew often is very rough when filming especially when it is in your home. You have to watch every moment because they will break stuff out of laziness and carelessness. Dorinda is one of the few Housewives in all of the franchise who actually makes food for the girls. I only remember the woman in Jersey and Shannon in the OC. And of course Harry Hamlin fed them his meat on Beverly Hills but he is quite promiscuous in sharing his meat so that doesn't really count. Dorinda seems much more of a homebody than the rest of these parasites.
  15. I was wondering about that. Why was she standing there? Is that the new skinny girl bra? Does she have a product placement deal? She really is a very unpleasant person. No wonder she can't keep a guy.
  16. I like your style. I think that is a better way to do it. I see where there was a fight next week. I hope somebody lays Adam out. Man does he ever deserve it. If he sucker punches Wes he needs to go down hard.
  17. I was very impressed with Captain Sandy again this episode. I loved how she let Wes pilot the boat. I can see why she is a popular captain. Am I crazy or have there been more mishaps and bad weather on this season? It seems that there is a problem every episode. As as oniongate goes if I were the primary I would reflect it in the gratuity. Not for the rest of the crew. I would ask how many people share. Calculate the correct tip. Then subtract one share and tell the Captain that I am tipping everyone except the chef. Now I know when they gave an extra tip for Danny last year they put it in the pot. So if they did include him everyone would get less and would be pissed at him as they should be. If I were on this charter and he pulled this crap I have a simple solution.....I would kick the crap out of him. He needs an attitude adjustment and harsh words are just not going to cut it. You can screw around with the girls on the charter but don't screw around with my money.
  18. Jill is the classic yenta. I know it rubs some people the wrong way but in New York we are used to it so we don't take it too seriously. I was a big Bethenny fan when she was duking it out with Jill. Now my attitude has changed as I realize they are both horrible just in different ways. I do think Jill would bring a lot back to the show. They need to rethink the line up and expand it a little. Even if she was just a friend of the show to start. She can be a sniper from the side. Luann could use the support. It would be interesting to see how the rest of them would line up.
  19. I have a question. If there is a black out....will Dorinda ask him to hang up her coat?
  20. This is all part of her campaign to get sole custody. Stories in the media. Sobbing on TV. Having her flying monkey repeat her stories when she can not because of court restrictions. Swearing out a complaint. It is all part of her plan. Lets see how it goes in a court of law. If it gets that far. It didn't happen in the divorce. She settled before Jason got to tell his side. There is a pattern here. And it is not the male pattern baldness of most of the other phony boyfriends on this show.
  21. Charged. Not convicted. Not tried. Not anything. Their case was so weak that they offered a plea bargain of going to therapy for a couple of weeks and they would drop everything like Bethenny drops a man after a reality show season ends. Jason refused the deal because he wants his day in court unlike the divorce when Bethenny settled after she testified and he didn't get to tell his side of the story. My prediction is that the case will be dropped. The NYC district attorney as a lot more important things to do then to help Bethenny's attempt to get sole custody.
  22. I read on Page Six today that Bethenny had Jason arrested because he called Cookie.........Bernadette. What a horrible man
  23. I have sailed on Norwegian and in fact most of the major cruise lines. Many moons ago my wife worked for the trade organization so she had a good idea about the various lines. I even like Carnival but them I have low tastes and am easily pleased. I couldn't stand the pool area so we just stayed in the spa all day when we weren't out on an excursion. I particularly enjoyed Princess but all of them seemed to be a lot more fun than these people are having on this very expensive yacht. I see in the previews that Adam ignored the food preferences of one of the guests. That is a deal breaker for me. If you are allergic and this dummy just decides to ignore it then he needs to get fired. If the captain refuses to fire him then she should get fired. No excuses. No plea bargains. Out.
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