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  1. Was it established that they were at the Lanford cemetery, since the girls who invited Becky lived in--whatever town that was. (is it weird that they encouraged her to come? Wasn't part of the reason of having this soiree at a cemetery was to encourage a nightlife tradition for the "young people" in the community? Becky definitely looks at least 10 years younger IMO but not typical-college-student young, and she could have said "I have a daughter at home I need to get back to". I am way overthinking this). I really only half pay attention to this show so the Lanford part could have been mentioned without me picking up on it. "I'll pick you up at x time" without there being an established residence/address seems to be a trope in TV shows; I know I've heard it enough times to be maddened by it. As soon as the real estate agent told Darlene about the 'couple' preference, I immediately knew she'd get Ben involved. I was only surprised when Darlene turned down his offer to co-sign. I know I'm only repeating what has been mentioned numerous times, but the tire-slashing was such a shitty thing to do, especially after the "I need to start acting like an adult" speech. Besides, lots of people have security cameras these days. She & Jackie were in no hurry, though, standing outside and yakking like ha ha, isn't this funny. Great idea. That makes WAY too much sense for this show I guess.
  2. That was not Judy (aka"the skank") on a date with the Sheriff, as has been mentioned. That was a completely different person/actress.
  3. Not only dildos, but...ice dildos? How....why......It's neither funny nor sexy. Or logical. I agree, enough already with the BDSM stuff. I guess it's there to be edgy or something but they blabber on so much about it, now they have Max asking questions. Just stop. I'll keep watching, but a spark has gone out between the two seasons.
  4. Around 15 years ago, I was taking courses in a profession that had a lot of new-agey overtones. There were a couple of people I knew that used the designation “Dr." One of them even had the chutzpah to bill himself as both “Dr". before and “PhD” after his name (Like: Dr. John Smith, PhD) which was both tacky and amusing. Upon investigation, they had nothing more than a mail-order degree. I would hope Eli would be a little more ethical about his ‘degree’, but who knows. Harmon is definitely going to pop up soon, if he hasn’t already. I think the theory that B.J. is the adult Harmon is a good one. I can almost picture Judy's reaction, LOL.
  5. Normally I roll my eyes at stunt casting, but I loved Joe Walsh as Aldo's dad. A lot more than I like Aldo, actually. And I really don't remember if Aldo has two or three kids. Which is it? I do remember the two (?) creepy teenagers who showed up at the Conner house once for some reason. And we saw Mary and D.J.! But not Mark. Maybe they're contractually prohibited from having all 3 likeable characters in one episode. It would draw too much attention away from Darlene. Apparently her "spiritual journey" doesn't include not blaming others for her own hideous mistakes. Like, it was Ben's fault for "driving away" Nick, and Becky's fault for....something. Not stopping her from making an ass of herself at the theatre or something. Ugh.
  6. It also seems IMO that Jonah is developing a crush on Ruth. He's going to really try to impress her as much as possible. I think you're right about that. Good prediction.
  7. I took the opening scene (after the car crash) to be the aftermath of Helen getting her brains blown out. Marty and Wendy were standing right next to her when it happened. That wasn't glass they were picking out of their hair.
  8. Maybe they are waiting (to reshoot the opening) to see if they get renewed for another season. Although, if they're going for 20 episodes like they did in Seasons 2 & 3, they really do need to do it soon. It's really cringey. I was just remarking last week that Mark seemed under-utilized. This was IMO a much improved (well, "much" may be pushing it, but....) episode since it centered around him. Wow, maybe we'll even get a DJ and/or Mary appearance. According to IMBD, they are in tomorrow's episode, without a "credit only" attached. Maybe they are just teasing me. I'm with the others here that thought that a"Dean's List" wasn't a high school thing. Honor Roll, yes. Dean's List is a college/university honor. Maybe it's different for magnet schools. Or... Yes, yes they are. About a whole buncha things. Oblivious and lazy.
  9. Oh see, that just proves my point that it's been so long since he's been seen or referenced that I forgot his name, LOL. Thanks for the correction (not being snarky, I'm a bit of an stickler for accuracy, that'll teach me to not be lazy 🙂 )
  10. Yeah, I noticed that too,but if it isn't Darlene centered little things don't count I'll amend my previous statement about Mark being the only character I have any affection for. I had forgotten about Enrique and D.J., who I both like, but I can't remember when either one of them were last on. I think I see a pattern here (*cough* Darlene *cough*)
  11. I just watched this scene online to make sure I remembered it correctly. When Jackie was flailing around during her unhinged basketball antics, she hurt her *left* leg. At least that's the leg she grabbed, don't you usually grab your hurt leg when you injure it? A few minutes later, she's laying on the sofa with her *right* leg propped up. I know continuity is hardly this series' strong point, but sheesh. I know. I know. As emotionally invested as I am...or was...in the characters, I'm finding it harder and harder to not downright loathe them at this point. Even Dan. In fact, the only one I can think of having any affection for is Mark, and he only shows up every 2 or 3 episodes. And he can't carry the whole sordid mess.
  12. That 60 Minutes "interview" was just ridiculous. Trevor: There's hate in America and yes, I've experienced it. LeslieStahl: OOH! That's harsh! ooooh kaaaay..... And the continued and persisting harping and questioning or whether or not he had a girlfriend or wanted children was just mindboggling. Has there been an announcement on when Trevor will return to TDS? Is he doing a tour right now? Can't seem to find any concrete information on this.
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