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  1. This came up before when I tossed this feature in for kicks. Yes, easy to do. Was not done at the time for the above reason. Could be done with a cookie toggle like screen width and light/dark and so on. Again, easy. This is just an info dump, should not be taken as will-happen, might-happen, etc.
  2. CSS files stalled when built for cache. All better.
  3. Just gonna pop-in and say that what you (all) are starting to do is shape what will be the next version of the Shows app. The show header image was just a derpy throw-in while I was doing <redacted> for mods a few months back. The external API stuff is all there with episode counts and previews and summaries and etc, etc, and is available in the backend already. Just throwing these things in willy/nilly into what is here right now is not ideal (albeit easy though). I'd actually automate the whole thing. Adding a show sets up all the automatic data pulls and presentation with mods allowed to over-ride as needed/wanted. As this is a business, there are generally costs for APIs when there is a profit to be had so there is that consideration as well when backend things spill into public things. Given the closure of the main PT site I imagine changes of the overhaul/wholesale variety will be measured and planned so as to anchor things going forward with the next version of the software AND to last a fair number of years going forward. Do not take anything I said as to mean "there will be a new shows app", "this site is going to upgrade the software soon", "this thing I want is going to be added". None of that in any way, shape, or form is true as it simply has not been discussed yet. Right now, only possibilities; until they are not.
  4. Not for nothing, but Yahoo email (and I can see this directly in the email logs on the server) can get really grumpy with too many emails from one source over a short period of time. It's not so much an "us" problem but a "Yahoo" problem. It still goes through, but they (Yahoo) purposely delay accepting the email. This site is going to use a trusted email provider for outbound-from-the-server emails in the near future to maybe smooth this over but Yahoo might still Yahoo if you know what I mean... Email is a hellscape on the provider side these days and trust is hard to come by (or create) and so here we are.
  5. Believe it or not the system allows you to adjust the editor buttons available when displayed at desktop, tablet, and phone sizes. The idea being some things are just not going to be done in an editor with a phone so no need to show those options. Note: I have not configured the editor on this site. It's either the defaults you are getting or changed before my time. <clicks a few button in the administrators center....> There you go.
  6. There is/was some conflict with the jump-to-top button and the bottom corner video ad. I've adjusted it to always display ABOVE the ad now. It may have just been inadvertent finger stuff in the corner with the jump button buried beneath the ad. Also if you are on a phone AND have some crappy throughput (this happens to me in the grocery store even if I flip to the store internet) I would not be surprised that the browser jumps to a certain location after the page fully loads (for any variety of reasons) Provided my change is not reverted by the advertiser ghosts we can let this ride and see what happens.
  7. How it works: The image is set to "cover" which centers the image vert and horz, and then ALWAYS fills the space that is available. The space available is 220 pixels in height, and the width is covered automatically with what is available. Very wide screen to phone views in descending order. I could set the height a little bit higher but then you are really pushing the content down the page. This was a derpy little perk I threw in when building out <redacted>. There are ways to set the thing more rigidly - your profile pages - the full page - you have a "cover photo" you can apply that allows you to adjust the positioning of the image and that could be done here but its really a feature that can, and should, wait for the next version of the shows app.
  8. Guys, don't worry so much about the exact pixel whatevers. If its like 600x400 that's just too low of resolution. Tiny thing. Blah. On the other hand, 4000x2000 is overkill. Just be reasonable. Landscape views. Try and keep the size of the image down as well. Anything north of 600k is not exactly ideal. Yes, your browser will cache the image and all that but still... For those in the know, these images are just set to cover, so expect so cropping when the proportions are way off. Now that said... This is tied up in a mod tool from the before-the-changes time. The only reason, more or less, nothing is happening with these images right now is that there are only <redacted> mods available. So its not a priority. I can throw a few on if you have them (takes two seconds) but I'm also pinging lead mod on this now. Done.
  9. Relatively well-sized (400x300 pixels won't cut it). More wide than tall. The rest is not my call (but the feature is still live and available for use)
  10. No but you are going to have to eat this one for now. Its a server configuration hitch or the plugin that is altering search stuff. This is, honestly, small beans right now so imma gonna note it and leave for when I make a bunch of server adjustments in the near future.
  11. There are other topics on this other issue. Should all be resolved now. All part of the cache dump and rebuild. This site receives so much traffic that it occasionally interferes with the rebuild. I just took the site offline for a moment and then did the rebuild. For the techies: cache dump and rebuild is me being some what glib. All the templates, JS, and css are compiled and then set for reading in a cacheable state. When there is a misfire, a file gets skipped and is "missing" from the "runtime" such as it is.
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