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Everything posted by Breedom

  1. I think this thread is now live chat, but love reading the comments. Yup. Nutcase loves to pretend she is helpless and confused. "Will this effect my mom?" --- Most everyone felt so sorry for her. Not me! I felt it was a manipulative move. Josh keeps coming back to Nutty, after all the red flags he's getting . . . she will never give Mike a divorce, the way she stood up and embraced Mike and then just sort of shooed away Josh when he approached to hug her, her running back to Mike and asking Mike to help her "be with child", etc. Good Lord. Josh, I really like you but -------- is there something wrong with you? This girl has no feelings for you! Mama Debbie goes for the jugular. Miss Debbie stood her ground and held her own. Mama: "I'm getting laid!" Big freaking deal. Not much depth there, folks. I didn't enjoy Miss Debbie's attacks on Mike though. I wish John would have said more but he was pretty subdued.
  2. Exactly!!! My mom came to the US from Europe many years ago and she never referred to herself as a "poor European girl." She made a good life for herself on her own. Nutcase sees herself as a helpless "blonde foreigner" with everyone trying to take advantage of her. Bull. California is a very diverse state. No one is singling you out. Man, take responsibility for your own self and your over-the-top dramatic behavior and stop insulting people because you can't do that. I wish they hadn't spent so much time with Tyray. I'm looking forward to see what happens with Miss Debbie.
  3. Here we go again with Nutcase. Poor Josh. His friend says he likes to fix people. Josh, you are over your head with this one. Nutcase needs to go away somewhere alone and only have contact with a therapist; she is in need of some deep intensive therapy. Josh was trying to calm her down backstage, but she couldn't shut her mouth long enough for him to get a sentence in. WHY DOESN'T THE REST OF THE CAST SEE that this woman is unhinged? Why, oh why, are they all speaking up for her and trashing Josh? Why was she getting praised for her acting "skills" when no one can understand a word she's saying? Being in the US, English is used here in the movie industry, NC, in case you didn't know. At most, if I remember, one person may have told her this -- but the others are just acting so amazed at her amazing talent. So who is leading her on here? Yet these other cast members pretend they are innocent. Nutcase, please go away and stop trying to milk every person you come in contact with. Financially and emotionally. You gotta go, girl, and learn some life skills.
  4. I can't imagine someone going on television looking like Debbie. No makeup, odd crazy hair and no doubt dressed in the same clothes she runs her errands in. The other women were all decked out, but Debbie made absolutely zero effort. She's both. I hope Mike is invited to next weeks show and Josh finds out this nutcase clearly tried to manipulate Mike. Her constant "I want child" is just . . . crazy! She's sooooooooooo mixed up.
  5. Why don't people see through Nutcase? She plays the pathetic victim, "poor Ukranian girl" as she put it - talking over everyone. Josh is trying to be as much of a gentlemen as he can with this basketcase. LA isn't what she thought it would be - she actually thought someone would "discover" her on the street and she'd become a big movie star. Because she's that special and beautiful. Good Lord. What a dramatic over-acting mess. And she makes it very, very clear that it is SHE who is the liar, not Josh. Why is everyone attacking Josh, though? She's blowing up his phone, and she also had a choice as to not accept his help (car/apartment). So, what's a girl to do? Well -------- go back to Mike and start badgering him. When he rejected her, she ping-pongs back to Josh. Nutcase, who is the common denomiator in these failed relationships? It's YOU, girl. YOU. She''s off her rocker. Also ----- Mother Chantelle's backside was quite something.
  6. Agree with the first part. I started to dislike her during the Tell-All. But her hair! Long, bleached, ultra frizzy just isn't a good look. Thin it out. Or get it cut in a sleek updated look. Put it up. Buy some hair products to tame all that! She's just all hair, much like Kulani. I never remember Kulani ever styling her hair, it was just all over the place and not in a good way. If she was slender, I think it would have looked better but on a larger person, it was too much.
  7. I almost threw up when Nutcase met up with Mike, seemingly immediately after breaking up with Josh. This lady uses people for her own survival and has no qualms about doing so. Mike, don't fall for it. She's once again playing you. Even when she, with her mom were sitting at a table with Mike, she was looking down, miserably. She was only excited to see him and "save her marriage" for her own selfish benefit. Her excitement didn't include just being present with Mike and enjoying being with him. Girl, go get the help you need and leave other people alone. The next 90 Day segment promo's show Jasmine and Gino, dumbell Ed and I think Angela. Why won't these people just go away? Their storylines are always frozen in time, coming back over and over again with the same issues. No one evolves on this show.
  8. I had a friend who I was constantly trying to figure out as to why she acted like she did. That's when I found out about this disorder. She also told outlandish stories and major lying was a normal and constant thing for her. Couldn't believe anything she said.
  9. I didn't watch too much this season, but Nikki is TOO MUCH. Not at all attractive and I don't see any guy being interested in someone that looks like her. I'm sorry, girl. You are so over-the-top with the whole look - the lips, the long bleached hair, the dead-eyes. From what I saw I liked Justin but I may have missed important data on his personality since I know others don't like him. I'm glad he got out of this relationship. Being in a relationship shouldn't be that hard. Jasmine and Nikki should get together. Two peas in a pod of histeria. Girls, calm the hell down.
  10. I thought they showed this "never before shown" snippet. Probably enacted for the show and to show us more lunacy on Jasmine's part. Gino is in this for the money. No guy wants to be humiliated over and over again. He always looks so uncomfortable around this lunatic, but other times when she's not there he acts completely different.
  11. Jasmine, I'm so tired of you. I liked you at first, but your constant ugly wailing is predictable and ridiculous. Grow up and act like a sensible woman. So Gino had a bachelor party and you didn't like his behavior. Big deal. Move on. The histrionics and screaming like that in front of everyone; do you have no filter? Pride? Are you going to go into a frenzy over every other challenge in your life from now to eternity? Do your kids want to see you acting like an embarrassing fool? Speaking of such, how come the kids are never mentioned in any kind of depth? Did they disappear? They aren't a factor in your universe. You are looking out for one person and that is you. Shawn, do your job and start asking.
  12. I haven't been watching these until yesterday - Tom getting his teeth done? Yuk. Just like Darcy did and I remember thinking he must be appalled by it. But no, apparently he was 100% supportive since he did it himself. I guess I don't understand the whole concept of veneers. I hope I'm getting these shows right. Bini and Ari: I thought it was distasteful to see Ari's mom sitting in the chair pretending to put dollar bills into Bini's belt area as he as doing his practice stripper performance. Lady, this is your daughter's husband. Keep your hands to yourself.
  13. Why is Chantel back? I hated her from the beginning. Her segment is NOISE. Lots and lots of noise and I am not tuning in to watch a bunch of morons screech and act like unsophisticated teenagers. Especially the guy. Jeez. You are not cute by trying to be so over the top. It makes you look ridiculous. If I had a kinder heart I would feel sorry for him. I agree. When I heard it was going for $2150 per month I questioned if I got the location right. And wasn't the ocean right there? There is NO WAY this could go for $2150 a month. As a native Californian who lives 45 minutes from the beach, this info is just not accurate.
  14. I wish that Jovi punched him and he fell overboard. I was disappointed that Jovi remained relatively calm after Ed's betrayal. There was that one moment when he got up and went for Ed and then later he sat next to him. That was the extent of it. Let's get some drama and give Ed what he so very much deserves. Ed is a back-stabbing and pathetic little POS with insurmountable issues that will never go away. Why Liz keeps trying to make things work with this loser is beyond me.
  15. Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine. She had it done because she wanted it done for some odd reason that had nothing to do with Gino. Just like when she said she got her butt implants not only for herself, but for Gino too. I'm sure it was never brought up and Gino admitted that he doesn't care. So Jasmine, you did it for you and Dane. Gino wasn't in the equation.
  16. All for the show. There was a camera shot of her butt when she was packing for her trip, and it looked massive. In other words, there is absolutely no way ANYONE would not notice that major of an enhancement. Bull that Gino never noticed. It's all to create some drama and a story line. Now we find out that Dane paid $2K. Sure thing. So we'll get to see some more fake drama next week. Ashley seems like a vibrant, intelligent woman. She seems to me like someone who would value a working guy who could pull his own weight, dresses well and can spring for a nice dinner. (At the very least!!) I would go into a depression having to deal with someone every day with such low energy and shows no emotion. I need to see "life" in a partner or someone that matches my own energy.
  17. If I wasn't told by production, I would have never known she even had kids. Her world revolves around her and what she wants. Her interest is looking like a Kardashian and using Gino's $$ to get it. The kids aren't a priority from what I see.
  18. I like Jasmine's new bangs, but she no longer looks like herself. She was prettier before. I'm looking forward to next week when Gino discovers that she spent the $10K on her butt job rather than a wedding dress. BUT. Gino, can you get furiously angry for once? Please don't be a doormat one more time. She is walking all over you. This is like a theft, baby. Like Michael, Angela's guy, STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. At best, give her a few dollars and tell her she can go to Ross and pick up something. Period. Jasmine is like a child; you don't reward bad behavior.
  19. Ed going up on the stripper's stage made me cringe. Very unappealing. I don't care that Kulani met Dallas and I don't care that Asuelo is hurt. He caused it. I don't think he fully understands the scope of his cheating. He was apologetic, but that was it. Did he offer anything other than an apology? To me, an "I'm sorry" doesn't carry much weight. Not when you are a serial cheater. He was in heaven at the strip club. I think this guy has a new addiction.
  20. Rob's "fiance" needs to learn how to be gracious and kind. That energy was so negative that I couldn't see how Rob could put up with her. Yes, she's tired. OK. We are all tired after a long flight - but no excitement, just complaining non-stop. I felt bad for Rob and the disappointment he must have felt with this complainer. Agree with all of this, Stuckathome. He was another one that had no energy and is trying from the get-go to be the leader of the pack. "The man." Ain't gonna work. How could she (can't remember the names yet) ever entertain the thought of being with this dud? Then the way he was sitting slumped over on her couch, like a bag of rotten potatoes. I could easily visualize this guy hanging around the house all day doing nothing and expecting "his woman" to support him. So far, this guy has "loser" written all over him.
  21. I still can't stand Kulani, but she needs to leave Asuelo. She seems to now be in what appears to be more of a normal relationship (although she's still married) . . . and now that she has a taste of it, there is no way IMO that she would want to go back to Asuelo. Girl, admit that it just isn't working and it's not going to. Move on and be happy. Nothing of interest happening during this last show. Not much of Ed and Liz or Angela or Michael. It would have been more of the same anyway . . . Molly gone, I'm not interested in Jovi and Yara.
  22. Yup. I don't think anyone was authentically impressed. He just looked foolish and he should feel embarrassed.
  23. Yup. Exactly. Everyone, including Shawn didn't call out anything against her and they had a boatload of ammunition to do so. Most likely they didn't want to offend her highness because her husband died so she was treated with kid gloves. I still can't get Nicola's huge grin out of my mind. Well, good luck to Meisha and her daughters. Jasmine is cringe-worthy. Nothing is off the table with her. We do know who she really is. And her contacting Dane when she landed at the airport was a huge red-flag. She can't let go of this guy and she's making it obvious, yet Gino mildly lets his disapproval out when he really needs to seriously put his foot down. This woman will go running back to him in an instant after even the smallest of arguments between her and Gino. That's a big no-no in relationships, yet . . . until Dane gets into a serious relationship and his SO puts an end to it, it will continue.
  24. That's what I don't get - did he watch the show? I was most disappointed that people didn't go on the attack with Amanda and not shown more support for Razman. The show becomes more watch-worthy if the cast members chime in honestly. But there was a lot of silence going on except for a few cast members who tried to steal the show. Namely, Christian, who found it INCREDIBLY important to mention how very extroverted and people-loving he is multiple times. Like he is so very special and unique. How many times are you going to mention this, Chris? He doesn't have the charisma he thinks he has. Amanda, sitting all smug . . . girl, you also aren't the big catch you think you are. Why she thinks she is is beyond me. She's just an ordinary girl with no depth or personality. She got extremely lucky with Razman but she is too dumb to know it.
  25. Normally when one of the cast members decides to run the show, their comments are stupid. But with Statler, I don't mind her comments. Anyone at any time who wants to critique Nicola I'm good with. I just wish more would chime in; he's the biggest jerk I've ever seen on the show, especially with that grin. Amanda's comments aren't welcome. I just hope everyone gangs up on her on Part 2 because she deserves it for her cold-hearted ruthlessness towards Razvan.
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