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dr. gailey

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Everything posted by dr. gailey

  1. How can they fear a backlash when some celebrities have run as Republicans and won. They voted for the orange idiot, stand by it. Don't try to hide now.
  2. What Jediblahblah is failing to realize is most people don't care about people being conservatives in Hollywood. There are plenty like Whoopie pointed out. The problem is the idiot orange fool that is about to be president. There hasn't been backlash like this for other Republican presidents because they didn't run campaigns on hate and all that other vile stuff he did and said. I don't plan on watching anything related to that fool and I continue to side eye the fuck out of the folks who voted for him.
  3. Nina has been married to psychos twice since coming out a f her coma, I hate Lulu but I am on her side anytime against Nina. I don't know who the hell thought people want to see a woman whose eggs were stolen and fertilized with a man's sperm that killed her brother, fight his ass for custody over another useless child. End this mess already and call it a day.
  4. Jelly and Frank aren't working overtime to give Samff or Jasamff shit. They are all for trying to sell Franco no matter the cost. Those half-assed apologies weren't for Sam's benefit. They were for Franco. Otherwise they wouldn't have had Sam say all the stuff she said in a damn dream instead of it being real. They have to make Jasam be okay with Franco cause Liz is a package deal with Jake. They have to make Jason cool with having his kid around his sick ass. They could have easily fixed that shit by changing Jake to Lucky's since they insist on him being a deadbeat dad. This way he is still offscreen and no one cares what Liz does with her kids and her relationship with Franco. They could easily keep Jasam away from Franco. Act like he was Claudia. Sam went almost her whole run on the show never sharing scenes with her until that damn birthday party when Michael killed her.
  5. Jelly does the impossible. They make me root for people I hate. I hate everything about the Franco mess and I have not watched one bit. I hate Lulu but I am on her side no matter how crazy she looks. I lost all interest in Valentin the minute he crossed paths with Nina. Hate her useless ass and I hope Lulu beats her annoying ass. Charlotte can die with Avery as far as I am concerned. Knew Sam wouldn't be mad at Maxie nor learn the sex of that baby.
  6. Today was totally in character for Maxie when it comes to Sam. She has her heart in the right place. She is going to fuck this baby reveal up just like she messed up Jasam's engagement. She lost Sam's ring over the balcony, found it in a sewer and then lost it again. Sam never saw it and Jason wasted major bucks. I beat money Maxie is going to get the wrong cake. Sam will think she is having another boy. Come delivery time a girl pops out if Jelly wants to drag this out some more.
  7. I meant uncle in that post. Damn auto correct. Point still stands.
  8. Sam had a baby with Michael's biological father and his adoptive father. So hell no to them ever hooking up. Much as I used to like a good Saxie scene, I still can't bring myself to watch this shitfest. I will stick with a clip. Spin City reruns are on deck for tomorrow. Saxie have had a discussion about how the sex was with Lucky.
  9. I veto Dante and Sam. She has already slept with his dad and uncle. She also gave birth to his sister. They also share a brother. Sam has done her keeping it in the family time. Dante is going to have to find a new woman. I am okay with them being friends. That is it.
  10. I have no problem with Sam saying the stuff she said to Alexis. Yes Jason threatened to kill her for the Jake incident. I was pissed at his ass when he did it. The shit was null and void to me the next day when he ran his punkass over the next day when Sam called. He never laid on hand on her. Much less held a knife to her throat. If anything this shit is comical as I remember the lectures Alexis used to give Sam on dating bad boys when she herself has been with most of the same ones Sam has. She also had kids with must of them too.
  11. Seriously they had a pregnant Sam shivering outside in the winter when they are right outside fucking Kelly's. I know they don't like folks sharing scenes but that shit was stupid. Alexis could have spoken with Anna and then stopped over at a table where Jasam could have been eating lunch or something. They were using the same damn set. Especially since they were talking yet again about Sonny. They aren't even trying to give them a hint of romance.
  12. I refuse to watch this shit. How the fuck is Franco suspended for two days while Tom is fired for what he did to Emily? If that is the basis for getting fired, then Franco shouldn't even be allowed anywhere in town after what he did to Monica's son, grandson and daughter in law. This show is so bad.
  13. When Monica got her job back the first thing she should have done was fire his ass. Yet they had him save the hospital so they had to be thankful to him. The only bright spot was Monica dissing him.
  14. Why is Tom's job at GH a surprise. I mean Franco works there as an art therapist and the only thing he did was have Monica's grandson raped and sexually assaulted her daughter in law.
  15. One thing I know for certain, Sonny wouldn't butt into Jasam's problems cause he doesn't care about anything but himself. I don't have a problem with Jason being mad about this Shells shit. He is out here trying to clear Sonny's name while he is out there getting sex. I wish he would drop all of this shit and focus on his family.
  16. Danny with his banana split was the only thing I liked about today's show. He got family time for about a minute before they managed to drag Jasam away to talk about the only things they can talk about these days, Sonny and Alexis. I will be so glad when this drinking and bombing story is over cause I am bored out of my mind with this show.
  17. This Nell shit is bad because we just had this same shit play out with Hayden and drunk guy. It also does them no favors when they are trying their hardest to cleanup and downplay what Franco did to Sam. Yet they have him going after Tom.
  18. When does Jedi get a few weeks off. I am sick of her ass. She fights just to have something to do.
  19. I am trying to enjoy this pregnancy because Ron fucked her first one up royally. I am still mad that Sam didn't kill Heather, Franco and Todd. Then to send that poor baby off to live with shrieking Tea.
  20. Jax never learns. He needs to think long and hard before he ever invades The Vagina of Doom. Only bad things come out of that hole. Glad Sam didn't accept Franco's apology. She should have hit him for good measure. Why do they lie like Jason is working. You know he is like Tommy on Martin. You ain't got no job, man. Unless we count him wiping Sonny's ass for the millionth time.
  21. They inherited a whole show of characters. It is up to them to write stories that don't make the audience want to throw a fucking brick into the set. They have choices in how to write Franco. They didn't have to write him taunting Sam about saying hi to Danny and going out for coffee. They didn't have to write him going into her hospital room and asking did she have a boo boo and can he help make it better. He didn't have to call her and Jason barn animals. They could have easily wrote him being genuinely sorry and kept his ass out of Sam's space. Michael Easton has been on this show as at least 5 characters in less than 5 years. They could have killed Franco and brought Roger back as someone else. It wasn't that hard considering they have done the same for that Nelle actress.
  22. The original plan was to trash Sam that whole summer. She was to seduce Ric. Then FCW happened and Ric H spilled the beans about Sic sex. That is when rewrites started to happen. They were too far gone to stop Sic sex from happening but they changed the way it went down cause Kelly's fans campaigned hard to stop it from happening. They were fine with Jasam breaking up, they didn't want Sam and Alexis destroyed in the process. As far as Nic goes, Sam's relationship with him wasn't greater than he had with Alexis. He was full of shit anyway cause he was mad about Lusam hurting Liz when his ass turned around and had an affair with her behind Lucky's back. Then look what he did this last year to Sam and Danny regarding Jason. I wouldn't care if Krolly found out about Sic sex. If anything Kristina would still side with Sam after telling Alexis she shouldn't have tried to interfer in Sam's love life like she did with her and Parker. Molly would probably be pissed but forgive especially as nce Sam and Ric's relationship is still shaky but city vil for her sake.
  23. If they did change Julian from being Sam's dad, I still think her dad was Stavros. It would explain so much and it would have made since for Nik to have found out and why he fucked her over for Liz with the Jason thing. That I could buy more than him doing it for money.
  24. The only people fine with her now are the Jasam fans that are scared that if they bitch to much to Jelly and Frank to much that they will break them up or something. Sam fans want her to be able to react to the shit that has happened to her. This Zen Sam shit has gone on for years now and I, for one, am sick of this shit.
  25. This election just proved to me how full of shit she is. How is she going to say she teaches her boys not to make sexist comments and touch girls in an inappropriate manner but turn around and vote for a man that did all of that and basically spits on her religious beliefs. All because he promises to pick judges based on her policy beliefs but can't be trusted cause he lies like he breathes.
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