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Posts posted by KittyQ

  1. Yesterdays show: 

    Carly asks the Pentonville warden: "What kind of prison are you running here?" Does Carly think that she's talking to a hotel manager? Of course, having prisoners getting beaten is horrible and should never happen, but Carly seems to think that a direct complaint will result in prison reform. 

    Port Charles PD: Now here's where someone should wonder what kind of doofus police department they have there. 1) Cody shouldn't have been allowed to observe the interview of the doctor BUT when they were done, they should have given him a heads up to get out of the way, otherwise some kind of altercation could happen (oh my!). 2) PCPD is remarkably efficient in showing up to arrest Sasha when they seem to be out to lunch for most other emergencies.

    3) Carly still complaining about Drew being in jail for the crime he (and she) committed - didn't the person who notified the SEC know he could have been killed??? I think IRL, such  relatively low-level insider trading would result in fines and sanctions, not prison time. He isn't Bernie Madoff, after all.

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  2. 17 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

    When I was in college, I ran into a good number of guys who had recently read or were reading The Art of War.  I think it's just a phase a lot of guys go through.  Makes them all feel grown up and manly.  LOL.  The fact that Sunny is impressed by it makes me roll my eyes so hard.  


    Yes, also some people read it for a class they're in, although I'd expect that more in one of the military academies where they study military strategy going back centuries.

    I agree, being impressed that her son has read this book (which is not exactly as obscure as it used to be) is a bit much (unless he was never much of a reader before). When I was in school, I took a class on Eastern religions and read some of the classics in that field, but that hardly makes me a "scholar" who is better than anyone who reads popular fiction or non-fiction.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Altho the golden bachelor seems like a perfectly nice man, I wish the women would decide they don’t need a man to make them happy and would take off together to have adventures as girlfriends. 

    Those kind of people don't sign up for a show like The Bachelor, I think. How many women applied for the show, I wonder. 

    I will say that the guy seemed much more personable than I expected. 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, ciarra said:

    Drew was the first to be controlled by Victor, using Tarot cards. 

    Aha. So each Tarot card has some meaning other than the traditional ones used in Tarot readings? I can see using the cards to control someone, but I would think it takes time to set up the actions related to the cards in order for it to be effective. When did Victor do this with Charlotte?

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  5. 1 hour ago, jsbt said:

    So wait, why is the test tube mutant child gaslighting or stalking Anna or whatever? What is this all about?

    I want to know what the Tarot cards have to do with it. Are the writers harking back to Raymond Shaw's trigger in The Manchurian Candidate? That would be interesting. 

    • Like 3
  6. 20 minutes ago, Artsda said:

    Michael thinks going to a club bad for immune system but working at a hospital is ok? He's there to support Eddie? The same person he thinks turned Drew in? 

    Michael wrt Willow - you're right, a hospital is FULL of sick people, who are spreading germs everywhere! Lots of people leave the hospital with some kind of illness after a short stay.

    Well maybe Michael figure that even if Ned turned Drew in, Eddie didn't, so that's ok.  :-)

  7. 9 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Gah, can you imagine trying to date Sunny’s son?  Poor girl tries to make nice and Sunny calls it manipulative. Sunny is going to be the MIL from hell.

    Yes! Heavens, in that anecdote about the gf Gabe brought home, it seemed that the girl could do nothing right - so you're a reader? What do you read? (Does Gabe really read philosophy [or whatever] for fun?) So she says she read Sunny's memoir and then Sunny thinks that was just to get in good with her. So what? At least she tried. After all, it isn't like Sunny wrote "Pride and Prejudice".  Maybe she should have said her favorite book was "Fifty Shades of Gray" or that she only reads graphic novels. That might be more authentic, but I doubt Sunny would appreciate that either. While part of the point of dating is to find out whether the couple (and in some ways their families) are compatible, the most important opinions belong to the dating couple. Everyone should at least give a good faith effort, though. 

    In my family, there have been BFs/GFs who were heartily disliked by everyone except the person dating them, but we at least tried get along with them. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I haven't watched the show. While I can make an effort and try to understand why Molly is the way she is, hateful and resentful and in need to get her head shrinked by some psychiatrist, what in the ever loving hell is TJ's problem?

    I wondered that as well. After Kristina offered her congrats, TJ's expression looked like she had delivered some kind of threat or insult. I, too, asked myself, what his problem was. He should try to be part of the solution, not the problem. As the jack-of-all-trades doctor at GH, shouldn't his psychiatric experience helped him to figure out the interpersonal dynamics between the sisters?

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  9. 19 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Charlotte has always called Valentin, papa. Since the moment she arrived on the show. It's got nothing to do with her going to a European boarding school. It's the way Valentin raised her, speaking "French" with her.

    Her backstory, IIRC, was her living in Montreal with Claudette until they both came to PC. Montreal is a bilingual city.

    I have a grandniece who calls her parents "mama" and "papa" - that's the way she was brought up. My siblings and I were brought up saying "mommy" and "daddy", but my in-laws called their parents "mother" and "father". So calling Valentine "papa" doesn't seem that odd to me, but Valentine's reaction to what has to be a HUGE, WAVING, red-flag is irresponsible. He knows that his family is full of psychopaths and criminals, why would he even take a chance that his daughter might develop those traits and not attempt to correct them?

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  10. 9 hours ago, shok said:

    True, but who gets to make the decision as to whether the job is being done adequately? There can be widely diverging ideas on that.

    Party Leaders - aren't they the people who normally deal with the members when there are questions about their behavior or fitness? Also, I'm not talking about things that would be difficult to discern - obviously not being able to follow discussions and participate in committees, regular absenteeism, frequently falling asleep, etc.  From the Constitution: "Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, " - emphasis is mine.

  11. Why does Whoopi seem to equate diminished mental facilities with psychopathology? She persists in muddying the discussion with things that are not equivalent.

    You can be a sociopath or narcissist and have great mental abilities, and you can be a great humanitarian but not have mental acuity. It would be wonderful if all representatives were humanitarians and mentally able, but unfortunately, that's not the common case. Effective leaders need to be able to attend to business all the time and be able to understand issues and articulate solutions. They also need to be able to inspire confidence and support from their constituents. Older people are more likely to suffer from memory loss and difficulty focusing than younger people, but even some younger people with severe health issues can have these problems as well. 

    Anyone of any age who is not able to do the job adequately should leave it to someone else. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, js9548 said:

    What was Anna referring to with her pirate and peg leg comment? i guess I did not understand. 

    I'm guessing some kind of penis-related joke along the lines of a man having a "third leg" but it was not well-thought out, IMO. Also, not funny. Joy is better with the double entendre comments; Ana isn't really all that funny, although she can be witty on occasion. 

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  13. On 9/1/2023 at 8:57 AM, Jordan61 said:

    This is my problem with the new series, as well. One of the things that made the original Justified work so well was Raylan's history with Harlan. He knew everyone (or at least their families) and they knew him (or at least Arlo). He knew how they thought, how they operated, he knew the out of the way hollers, and hunting cabins where someone might be hiding out, and backroads that weren't on any map.

    I know this series is based on a story where Raylan is not actually a character. They shoehorned him in to the series so they could call it Justified, and it shows.

    After I watched this latest series, I read the book it is based on, and you can see where Raylan was substituted for the original character, Raymond Cruz. The problem is, I think, that Cruz has a different personality than Raylan, so the choices Cruz makes that propel the story forward don't really "fit" Raylan. It's as if he's wearing someone else's suit, with no alterations made to accommodate his different body. The relationship with Carolyn which seemed to come out of nowhere is awkward with Raylan. It is strange in the book, too, but more in keeping with the character's way of life. The people who developed this show also shoehorned in Raylan's daughter (also real-life daughter) which didn't do it any favors. Maybe the actress will develop, but in this case it came across as more of a "take your kid to work" situation to me - she always seemed to be "playing" with her dad, not inhabiting her character. I know, she's supposed to be a teenager, a bit rebellious, but her expressions always seemed like she was just saying the lines. 

    The other thing that made this series less satisfying is that the book was set back in the 1980s and the action reflected that. Just adding some mobile phones and newer cars didn't make the behavior and attitudes of the characters seem modern. I would have liked it all better if the writers/producers had taken the bones of the story and really updated it and adjusted it to Raylan's unique way of doing things. If they decide to do another one, I hope that they take time to do it better.

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  14. Pretending to be something you aren't for a partner? Unless you are actually able to keep pretending to do or like whatever it is for the rest of your life (assuming you hope for a life-long commitment) - this is a big mistake and can backfire in a big way. Life is not like a rom-com or romance novel where this would be cute thing to do. However, being willing to take a crack at doing something (like Alyssa's skiing) is fair and reasonable. You may find that you like it, and it suits you. At the very least, the partner should appreciate the effort and if he/she doesn't then perhaps that's one of the signs that the relationship has an expiration date, so enjoy what you can and then let both of your look for more compatible people. 

    • Like 6
  15. 49 minutes ago, After7Only said:

    Anyone else catch Anna’s shade with her statement about people getting jobs they aren’t qualified for based off their daddy’s name?   I’m 99.99% sure she was referring to SWSNBN.   Sunny couldn’t stop giggling 🤭

    I guess their thoughts went immediately there because they worked with her, but TBH, my first thought was Chelsea Clinton.  I think of celebrities' kids' jobs in the same way I think about celebrity "authors", especially those who write children's books - they get the gig due to their name, but holding onto it requires at least some intelligence and skill. I sometimes wonder how many quietly leave those jobs at some point. 

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  16. Sunny keeps saying that a Presidential candidate who is single (and we assume male) might end up with a "Ginni Thomas". Is this something we should worry about? Maybe he'd end up with an "Eleanor Roosevelt" or a "Mary Lincoln", or maybe a "Barbara Bush" - any of those women may have influenced their husbands in ways we have no knowledge of, but we don't elect First Ladies; you get what you get when you elect the President. I would imagine that politicians are well aware that their choice of mate or companion will reflect on them for good or bad and keep that in mind when they are dating someone. 

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  17. I thought it was interesting that Joy said, "You wanted the job, so do your job, Mayor" when talking about NY Mayor Adams talking about the influx of (illegal?) immigrants. I don't have specific references, but my impression is that in the past she and the rest of the panel haven't been too critical of the mayor, so this was a bit of a surprise to me. (FWIW, I agree with her here - this issue goes with the job, so he needs to deal with it and not try to pass the buck to someone else).

    Escaped prisoner - when I saw the video of the prisoner escaping, the first thing that it reminded me of was American Ninja Warrior - those contestants do that kind of moves all the time. Was this guys a watcher of that show?  Again, Joy surprises with her idea that having a legal handgun might be a good idea. She says that she never said anything against legal handguns whenever she spoke about mass shootings, and maybe that's true, but I don't recall her ever saying anything positive (or even neutral) about them either. 

  18. I don't think that Sunny having gone to private schools is that big of a deal or makes her a hypocrite because for the most part it is the parents' choice of what school they send their kids to. That would be on Sunny's parents, but if Sunny chose to send her own kids to private schools instead of public schools, then that indicates that she has no confidence that a public-school education would be good enough for her kids. The question is why; why do people choose a private school over a public school? Get the answer to that question and you have a good idea of what needs to be done to improve public education. Money can be a big part of it, but just having more money doesn't make a private school superior - it is what that money is spent on and the focus of the school that makes the difference. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    Loved the mic drop when Alyssa was spouting her agist bigotry and Joy reminded her she’s the same age as Mitch McConnell. 

    I haven't seen the show yet, but in general when talking about jobs that involve a lot more responsibility, it makes sense to have older workers demonstrate that they can still fill the requirements without too much outside assistance. Should an 80+ year old firefighter still be going into burning buildings, or should an 80+ surgeon be operating without either of these people showing that the effects of age or illness haven't caused their abilities to diminish? 

    Think about older drivers who make simple but dangerous mistakes like pushing the accelerator instead of the brake and putting people at risk. Should we just let them go on because it would be agist to require them to show they can still be responsible?

    Just because Joy can work 4 or 5 days a week for a couple of hours per day doesn't mean that she would be able to work in Government, especially as the Minority Leader in the Senate. She can do this job adequately, but whether she could handle anything that requires more stamina or mental acuity hasn't been shown.

    Anyone, regardless of age, who can't show they can fulfill the requirements and responsibilities of a challenging job (particularly one that affects the lives of so many people) should be asked to resign.

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  20. 1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

    Drew didn’t rescue Liesl. He tagged along while others did. Even if he did save her, what does that have to do with his insider trading charge? 

    For some reason, some people think that if you've done something good (even if it is completely unrelated to the issue) then you shouldn't be responsible for whatever crime you've committed. Might as well claim that because Drew likes kids and puppies he should be given a pass on the insider trading - also he shouldn't be in jail because whoever turned him in had some ulterior motive (as if many, many people who "drop a dime" on someone don't also have ulterior motives).

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  21. On 8/28/2023 at 6:59 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

    Kelly's has been a PC staple for over 40 years--long before Ruby owned it, and yes, everyone goes there and always has.  Carly acting like her magical aura has somehow brought 'the poors' out is so ridiculous.  Also, I guess that large ELQ order the other day was for the 'salt of the earth' employees.  Get bent, Caroline.


    Right - back when it was run by people who were actually named "Kelly". 

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  22. On 5/22/2023 at 9:46 AM, carrps said:

    Not much to add to the above. Except that Sally and John were not at the airport.

    Sally's phone conversation with Gene was peculiar. First, she asks him to come pick her and John up at the airport (when she clearly wasn't at the airport, but more near the airport). Then, when Gene says he has a meeting and for Sally to meet him at his house, she's able to get alternative transportation. Is this because her original plan was to get Gene away from home so Barry couldn't find him, at least for a while? If that was the idea, then why go to his house? Perhaps she thought she could persuade Barry to not kill Gene? She still has the kid with her though, so that could be traumatizing for him. I guess as with many of Sally's plans, it was pretty half-baked. 

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  23. The setting is so very strange; it is as though the house was plopped down in the middle of a plot of land with nothing at all on it - no grass, no trees, not even any kind of desert flora. Compare this location to the locations in "Dark Winds", for example, where some of the people live pretty far off the grid in the southwest - granted DW is more "realistic" in all ways than "Barry", but at least there is some environmental context for living "in the middle of nowhere", while in "Barry", this looks like a dire fantasy setting, similar to the memory / hallucinational settings Barry experienced before.

    I started thinking about this and wondered if the idea was that this setting is just how Barry and Sally perceive their existence. Even if, in reality, they are living in a modest house in a non-descript town somewhere far from LA, with a regular landscape and all, they see it all as if it were really this desolate flat location where they are isolated from regular life and living because their most important goal is to stay low and off the radar of the dangerous people they were involved with. However, even official Witness Protection wouldn't put someone in such a place*. 


    * I don't have personal experience of this, just drawing on what I saw on "In Plain Sight".

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  24. On 5/7/2023 at 8:16 PM, Irlandesa said:

    I still struggle with Sally's choice to leave with Barry, live in the desert, and procreate with him.  But the biggest stumper of them all for me was her decision to wear a wig instead of dying her hair dark at this point.  Just practically, it'd make sense if she did that.

    I wondered the same thing about Sally's hair. I could see wearing a wig at first, but eight years on? She also wears the wig at home, which is strange. Dying her hair would at least make her life a little easier, since there would be a little less active deception because her appearance would be consistent. Even her kid wonders why she "wears hair on top of her hair". Dying it would at least let her explain that she just prefers the other color to her natural color.

  25. 4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    Tracy and Finn play their game, Brook Lynn rushes in and confronts Tracy about destroying Deception.

    Tracy said she's working with some other company that Lucy supposedly stole "The Deceptor" idea from.  Could it be Pikeman? Are they suddenly all over the place? Is Cyrus the power behind the plot to ruin Deception? 🙂

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