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Posts posted by KittyQ

  1. On 2/12/2024 at 1:02 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

    Honestly, I hope she means it.  Be the equivalent of the "I'll give you something to cry about" 1970's parent.

    That's something you never hear anymore! :-) I heard that phrase more than once in my life. 

    Anyway, Drew telling Nina that unless she's been in prison and beaten up, she doesn't know what injustice is, was a ridiculous statement (although I'm sure one that many people would make). Drew was a SEAL, he spent 3+ years in captivity by a Cassadine, took part in however many "heroic" military actions, but being beaten in prison is what broke him? I can imagine it affecting many, many people that way, but a guy who has been trained as a SEAL to give and take the most severe kind of treatment that the enemy can deliver should have been able to deal with this better. Heck, Cyrus was beaten near to death and he's up and busy going about doing whatever good or nefarious things he can. He didn't even want Sonny charged for the beating, although it was something that really should have landed Sonny in prison. 

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  2. 31 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

    Sunny rattling off the names of other brilliant, vibrant and still working octogenarians was fine, but again, these people are NOT running the country - there's a big difference between the Presidency and the acting jobs of Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino, for example.

    You are so right! Acting is one skill set that doesn't necessarily require a lot of on-the-spot decision making or delicate diplomacy. There's also a big difference between DeNiro or Pacino becoming fathers late in life and being the President. I'd be surprised if either one of them was doing most of the baby chores themselves; my impression is the mothers or nannies are doing that heavy lifting, and you can be sure that they aren't over 80. 

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  3. On 2/7/2024 at 8:53 PM, Grinaldi said:

    I get the whole grave marker for an empty grave thing but why did they have to dig a hole?

    I wondered about this too. On a practical note, why spend the money for an empty coffin and the work to dig the grave? It is expensive enough to buy a plot just for a headstone, plus the cost of the headstone. As someone else said, PC cemetery seems full of empty graves; it might be more cost effective for each family to invest in a family plot with a monument that could accommodate multiple names. As another person commented, maybe putting dates on the markers shouldn't be done until they can be sure that the person is really, truly dead, especially when there is no body. 

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  4. Sunny's litany of people who are old and are still working is impressive, but not really relevant in terms of the Presidential election. She herself said that age doesn't equate to intelligence, vitality, etc. People who are older can still be doing lots of things, but that doesn't mean that just being old means that you are vital, intelligent, etc. and can still do the job that requires a lot of all of that. People are using "old age" as shorthand for failing faculties because it is hard to convey the more complicated problems that both presumed candidates have. The problem is that both parties for whatever reason seem committed to putting up these two people who are flawed (and "old") instead of building up other choices, which I think is the point that Alyssa seems to be trying to make, even though the rest of the panel doesn't appear to want to hear it.

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  5. 8 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

    My point is that Alyssa was brought on to give her POV. There's only so many ways she can verbalize that same View, so Sunny needs to zip it with the "nopes".

    Sunny seems to do the most interrupting, but Whoopi also jumps in before someone finishes talking. I noticed this today when Chris Christie was trying to make his points about Joe Biden - Whoopi wouldn't let him finish his sentences before she started praising Biden. It's as if she (and some of the other panel members) can't see any other POV or believe that other people's criticisms of Biden have any bearing. I'm not that crazy about Christie, but he's got a lot of experience and I think he had some valid points to make. Let the man speak and then rebut if you've got facts that contradict him, but stop talking over anyone who isn't singing Biden's praises. An informed public can stand to hear opposing viewpoints. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, Haleth said:

    THANK YOU, Joy and Whoopi, for FINALLY challenging Alyssa about who she thinks the Dems should replace Biden with. That’s been making me crazy. Glad the others chimed in too. 

    The problem for me was that they wouldn't listen when she tried to name some names, they kept interrupting her before she finished saying who she thought could be a potential candidate. I think that Alyssa's point was that it does seem like the Democrats haven't considered finding anyone who could win against Donald Trump, and just because Biden won once doesn't automatically mean he'll be able to do it again. 

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  7. 16 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Laura knows that Cyrus ordered Julian to place the bomb, which killed Lulu's boyfriend and injured Lulu so badly she's been in a coma for ... 2+ years now? Laura and Sonny's mutual grandson is without a mother as a direct result. Laura's granddaughter is also without her mother and is an emotional mess. Laura does not have any fond feelings toward Cyrus. 

    While all this makes sense, the characters on this show keep harping on how "family" is the most important thing, and Laura hardly ever (if ever) rejects anyone who is part of her family. She's maintained some kind of relationship with Cyrus, despite his criminal ways and bad behavior, even if he isn't her favorite. So, I still think Sonny's exceptionally lame explanation about how nearly killing Cyrus was a "mistake" should have gotten him kicked out. 

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  8. 20 hours ago, mariah23 said:

    The She-Beast!,( ™️ GHScorpiosRule) who managed to get one up on Tracy!  Tracy!!

    In a show full of hard to believe plot points, this one was the hardest to believe and swallow. That Carly would have predicted Tracy's negotiation "down to the decimal point" was utter fantasy. The same person who didn't know that using insider information for trading was illegal and that it didn't matter if you made or lost money on the deal somehow was savvy enough to figure out what Tracy's end point would be? Since she already had a printed copy of the agreement ready, I wondered what she would have done if Tracy hadn't showed up and the negotiation with "the trio" stayed with the same less favorable terms (for Deception)? I guess she'd have to rewrite and reprint it, but where's the drama in that? I'm also petty enough to think that her shiny pink jacket looked very dated to me (maybe it is 'retro' now) for a fashion editor.  

    Of course, I don't want Carly to have an easy time being the magazine editor, so this really bugged me.

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  9. Did I miss the conversation where Laura asked Alexis to write an obituary for Spencer? Publications routinely have pre-written obituaries for public figures, but a private person's obituary is typically written by close relatives, or at least they contribute to it if they can't write it themselves. Since as far as anyone knew, Laura was Spencer's closest remaining relative (Nik's reappearance not being well known), why didn't Alexis work with her to compose the obituary instead of Sam?

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  10. I found it interesting that Sonny shrugged off nearly beating Cyrus to death by saying "I made a mistake" and expected Laura to still be his friend, while terminating his marriage to Nina for reporting Drew and Carly because - he cares so much about Drew, who volunteered to go to prison for Carly.  Cyrus is Laura's brother (even if he's a criminal and probably sociopath), while Carly is just Sonny's ex-wife and Drew is no relation at all to him that I know of. While Laura gave Sonny a dose of truth, she really should have slammed the door in his face (literally as well as metaphorically) the way Sonny shut Nina out for a far less egregious act.

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  11. 17 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

    Hey, if Esme is missing/ presumed dead and Nic is going to prison, can we just give Ace to Molly ( she's in the Cassadine family tree) &TJ and end the boring surrogate story?

    Oooh! That is a great idea! Maybe we could avoid the months and months of Kristina's pregnancy and Molly's helicoptering. 

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  12. RE: Muldoon's broke because of Aurora stock fiddling 

    As much as I disliked the malpractice plot, I really liked that they included someone who was financially affected by Carly's insider trading. I just wish they had made that a bigger issue and made Carly and Drew aware that their actions had very real repercussions (even fatal for some) for Aurora investors, so as much as they resented Nina's snitching, they have to realize that they did something wrong

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  13. On 1/22/2024 at 12:30 PM, statsgirl said:

    Carly to Nina: "It's entirely legal for Drew to fire you." Actually, no, the  whistleblower law protect her. But this is Carly, who thought that buying all that Aurora stock. That bodes well for Aurora.

    Meanwhile Dante says Nik is legally not kidnapping Ace.

    Why on earth do the characters on this show just take anybody's word for whether something is legal or not?  They never even say, "I'll ask my lawyer (because everyone here has one) about that and get back to you".  Only on TV do people get fired and not have to deal with paperwork ending their employment or talking with HR. I worked in an "at will" state, but I think most companies (even the little ones) tried to be sure they had their ducks in a row before firing someone because there are plenty of annoying lawsuits and bad PR that will tarnish their reputations and could cost money just to make them go away.

    I wonder how Dante figures that Nik is not kidnapping Ace? If Esme had amnesia when she gave birth, would she have put Nik's name on the birth certificate as father? Is everyone just assuming that Nik is the parent and even though he's been out of the picture for all of Ace's life, he can just come in and take him? So, anyone who showed up and said, "I'm the dad, and I'm taking this kid to Europe" would be within their rights? Esme is so freaked out that she's getting advice from everyone except the most responsible person she knows - Laura OR Kevin. Asking a psychopath and a criminal what to do is not going to end well. 

    Also, why the hell does Nina even care if she and Drew are now "even"? If I were she, I'd at least lock all my devices so neither Drew nor Carly could access anything. The "evil" me would delete material or cancel orders to wreak havoc, but that might work against me in my lawsuit, so probably not. 

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  14. 18 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    It occurred to me that Drew fired the editor who made Crimson Aurora's biggest asset and is replacing her with a woman whose only experience if magazines is reading them at the beauty parlour (most likely). On top of the insider trading conviction.

    How has the board not got rid of Drew yet? Or at least dumped their stocks in this mess of a company ?

    I guess that depends on which sycophants are on the board - It would be refreshing if the board was populated by experienced, mature characters, but it probably has members like Wiley, Charlotte, Adam's parents, Liz, and Sonny. I do wonder who the stockholders might be and how they are reacting to these kinds of shenanigans, which undoubtedly cost them money. Forget pitchforks and torches for Nina, bring them on for Drew and if Michael gets singed, so much the better! 

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  15. 2 hours ago, Acmeproducts said:

    I am looking forward to watching Jodie’s True Detective.

    I watched the first episode. It was intriguing - lots of eerie, mysterious things going on as well as some potential for more crimes. If they don't mess it up, it could be one of the better seasons of True Detective.

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  16. 6 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

    ( Things I want to see happen, but knows they never will: Jason returns and hooks up with Nina, causing Sonny and Carly's heads to explode  Team #NinJa)


    That would be great! Other things that won't happen, but should if the show had any relationship to real life: Carly has an editorial meeting and the employees ask her questions that she can't answer and the first edition she puts out gets roundly criticized; Spencer gets arrested for assisting in a kidnapping; an Amber Alert is put out and Nik is caught and goes to jail (as he should); Adam realizes that he isn't cut out to be a doctor and instead gets a job playing guitar at Charlies.

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  17. Wait - Nina just talked about getting the Legal department involved (aside: I had no idea that Crimson/Aurora/whatever even had such a thing as a legal department because until now it looks like Drew and Michael run it less efficiently than a lemonade stand) - but she thinks Drew will just shutter Crimson unless she resigns? I'm thinking that Drew would be vulnerable to any number of shareholder lawsuits if he did that. Because it isn't just his money at risk - it is also the money of a lot of other people who don't give a damn about what Nina did or how much time Drew spends with his kid. 

    Edited to add that every single one of these people should have their lawyers on speed dial!

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  18. 38 minutes ago, jqdeco said:

    I know this is a soap opera and no one needs an education or experience to become an executive, but at least give Crimson to Maxie. She used to work there.

    Also no one needs to have a high school understanding of business in order to keep their companies afloat. I'm sure running a successful publication is something anyone could do, so Drew firing Nina without going through any kind of regular business process or an experienced replacement is not going to have any kind of negative effect on the company or revenues. The shareholders should be looking for Drew with pitchforks and torches after all the random decisions.

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  19. Sunny needs to brush up on syllogisms. While talking about Nikki Haley, she made a comment about racists and white people that implied a conclusion that doesn't follow. While some racists are white people, and some white people are racist, not all white people are racists, and while some Americans are racist, and some racists are Americans, not all Americans are racist, so concluding that the country is (and has always been) racist is faulty. 

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  20. I liked it, but relating the child to Brigid O'Shaunessy took a bit of a leap for me. I found it hard to imagine her character having a child, let alone taking care of one. I ended up trying to ignore that part of the back story in order to concentrate on the more "current" plot. 

    I also found it a little challenging to view Clive Owen in Humphrey Bogart's part, but he seems to be using just enough of Bogart's mannerisms to make it easier to accept. I liked that Sam settled in and has relationships with the people in the town after that rocky start. 

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  21. Drew is thinking like a real criminal - it isn't about what he did, it is about someone who reported it which led to all the bad outcomes. To be sure, if the SEC really thought that the insider trading was "not a big deal", then they wouldn't have bothered bringing charges after Nina reported it. They did, so Drew's belief that if Nina had kept her mouth shut, nothing would have happened is questionable.

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  22. 14 minutes ago, Artsda said:

    Why does Ned need to lose anything? He did nothing wrong, he was wrongly accused and attacked.  

    Did I hear this correctly? Michael said Ned needs to give him his proxy (?) back because it was contingent on the information about Nina not being released, and now it was revealed (by Nina and Michael) so Ned loses out? Ned reasonably points out that he didn't reveal anything, but Michael says that the cat's out of the bag, so the deal is off. What the heck kind of deal is that? Talk about a loophole that a truck can drive through - so if anyone at all reveals that Nina told the SEC about Drew and Carly then Ned loses. 

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  23. Agggghhh! Spencer says that Esme got her memory back after she broke into Windermere and revisited the "scene of the crime" like that's a reason to give her son away. Doesn't he remember that crime part of the "scene of the crime" was Nik's imprisoning Esme for months? So that's the person who should have the baby? Lots of crimes going on here.

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  24. Does Spencer really believe that because Esme apparently recovered her memory (based on her use of his old nickname) that allowing a person to take her son without her consent and knowledge is justified? So what! IRL people who have committed horrible crimes may lose custody of their children, but only after it is determined that they are guilty and / or unfit. I don't think that anyone has conclusively proven that Nik is Ace's father, but even if he is, what makes him a better parent? How can he even say that Esme should remember being imprisoned at Windermere by his father and still think that Nik should have Ace?

    You'd also think Spencer would remember the way his father raised him and realize that this is not the best way to grow up. 

    Esme, call 911 this second! (Not that the cracker-jack PCPD will find Nik without the WSB's help).

    Why didn't Finn and Liz get his lawyer (Martin?) to identify an expert witness? That's the way this is done in the real world. There's no guarantee that anything they find out will help his case at all or even be admissible.

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  25. Re: Nikki Haley discussion - Sunny made the most salient point which is that the question suggested a binary condition (racist / non-racist) for the whole country, which doesn't allow for the reality that the country is not monolithic in thought or behavior. I suppose Haley (and De Santis) could have answered in a more nuanced way, but I wonder if the interviewer / reporter would have let them get more than a sentence out before interrupting because that doesn't lend itself to sound bites.

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