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Posts posted by KittyQ

  1. 17 minutes ago, After7Only said:

    I also think she was confusing it with project 2025. 

    Why do the names of these projects and initiatives and whatnot always sound like something from 1984 or another dystopian novel and seem like they should be run by a Bond villain?


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  2. 4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    Joss doesn't pay attention to the pool when she is supposedly working, so it's not as if having a lifeguard makes a difference.

    True but at least she's theoretically ready to be a lifeguard, when she's wearing a bathing suit. Today, she's wearing street clothes, but is at the pool anyway (for the party, I assume, after the arraignment / debacle). I would love to see her have to dive in to rescue someone, but that is not going to happen. Second choice would be to hear someone at least mention that there's a different lifeguard on duty. 

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  3. 28 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

    This show has a long history of a panelist saying something totally untrue with no on the panel correcting them.  This is why I can't watch Hot Topics.

    Perhaps they could ask Sunny to deliver a correction, the way she does the "legal notes". That might be an interesting segment - "Yesterday, <X> said that <blah blah blah> which is not accurate. The fact is: <etc. etc. etc.>. Please note this update." Depending on how well the panelists research, this could take up some time!

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  4. 11 hours ago, Blissfool said:

    Today Joy said that onky 18 year old boys that are in public school must sign up for selective service. She said boys in private school do not. Is she correct? I've never heard of that. Did I mis-hear? Doesn’t seem right.

    I wasn't sure whether she said they had to sign up, or take some kind of class or test. Either way, it didn't sound correct. It may be that some places offer a kind of ROTC type activity, but as far as I know, all males of a certain age have to register. 

    Perhaps The View should have the kind of fact-checking they always advocate for debates. 

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  5. 26 minutes ago, ljr said:

    Cates said the fbi has been investigating Sonny for years and they still can’t arrest him?

    You really have to wonder about law enforcement on this show. 

    Why did they make Cates go off the deep end?

  6. 7 hours ago, JMO said:

    Kristina should definitely be in birthing classes, and either Molly, TJ or both should be with her as her coach.  This whole thing has been written as though Kristina is expected to just drop the baby off when she’s “done” with it.

    You have a great point. They are writing this as if this was an adoption of a random baby of someone they don't know (and aren't allowed to know) or a very traditional adoption of an infant given up at birth. 

    Other than complaining about Kristina for just about everything, Molly and TJ don't seem very engaged in this pregnancy - no plans, no furniture, no baby shower, even. They might as well be buying a used (but newish) car. 

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  7. 25 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

    Kristina should have just said she was a surogate and not said any more about it.  what she did say did make her look like she was saying it was hers and that she and Blaze were going to raise it together.  But at the same time Tolly overreacted as always.  

    It was a damned if you do / damned if you don't situation. Saying she was a surrogate but not saying more might have shifted the focus to that, instead of their original discussion, but not saying anything other than that it was a private issue gave the impression that the baby would be her and Blaze's. Telling the world that the baby was Molly and TJ's would have impacted their privacy - maybe they don't want to share that they have a surrogate with anyone other than family and friends, after all. For TJ and Molly to zero in on what was a pretty minor part of the interview shows that they are just looking for things to be upset about. Until the baby is born, they would be smart to play up to Kristina on everything except things that might affect the baby's health, because without a legal agreement, there's some possibility that Kristina could decide to keep the baby. Either way, look for family disruption! 

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  8. Re: conversation about Kamala Harris being the presumptive nominee, and the comment that her website was already up - I was going to ask how much lead time Kamala Harris' team had for her campaign website to be up and running so soon, but other than the "store" section, it seems like a basic donation site, and could have been repurposed from Biden's website. There are a lot of offerings for purchase at the store, though! Left over from her last campaign, perhaps? I didn't see any dates on the offerings, so maybe they also were repurposed. Otherwise, I'd have to question how the team managed to get all those items ready to manufacture so quickly with little notice.

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  9. Whoopi still thinks that Biden's stepping back from the nomination had to do with his age, and she takes exception to the ageist message that sends. For some reason, she is determined to ignore the cognitive deficiencies which were really the issue. Some older people have deficits, and some don't, so age alone isn't the problem. There are plenty of ageist examples in regular life, though, and it would be nice if Whoopi focused on that.

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  10. 1 hour ago, cinsays said:

    you don't think voting to make sure the candidate who wants to destroy democracy is enough to get you out to the polls??? 

    I'm guessing that for many people, it would depend on what the alternative is. With age and health considerations in play, people may wonder if they are voting for the President or ultimately for the Vice President, should anything happen. So for some people, the whole ticket (for both parties) is worth looking at, probably for the first time in some years.

    And maybe some (Joy and Whoopi) might be ok with a POTUS who would not be "actively" running the country and depend on a group of unelected counselors to develop policies and make decisions are large percent of the time (based on their frequent comments that they don't care about Biden's cognitive or physical limitations), but that might be an issue for other voters. 

    I can understand why some people don't want to make a choice if they feel they have two unpleasant options, although the saying "Not to decide is to decide" can be very applicable. If there was a great third option (maybe even for a write-in campaign, as Chris Christie suggested), I wonder how many would choose that instead of skipping the top of the ticket when voting this year. 

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  11. 29 minutes ago, maggiemae said:

    IMO the younger generations do not understand how that was. Even if they were alive when Reagan was shot. Not the same times.

    We are in very serious times now, like in the 60's. But many, many Americans don't remember that let alone know about it and process it.

    I think many Americans remember - I know I do. I remember JFK, MLK, RFK assassinations, along with the shooting of George Wallace and the riots and demonstrations that went on. It was a tense and unsettling time. I don't think we have a map for how to survive it, though.

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  12. 5 hours ago, TimWil said:

    Black women aren’t a monolith.

    There seems to be a number of people who believe that any ethnic group (like Black women) are going to act in the same way, all the time. It is annoying because they deny the individuality of people. We all have our own histories that affect how we see and react to the world, and we all have our own concerns and beliefs. Yet there are those who want to treat us all as if we march in lockstep with everyone else who shares some characteristics. 

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  13. Joy criticizing DT saying "Fight, fight, fight" right after he was shot - I have to wonder how Joy would react if she was shot and nearly killed. What would she say? I don't think you can criticize what a shooting victim says moment after the incident. Personally, I thought (until I heard the audio) that he might have been using another F-word - and I wouldn't have blamed him. (Again, not a DT fan here - I just think that you need to give people space in the midst of a life-threatening crisis)

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  14. 16 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

    That is my point.  So now the View cohosts are supposed to not feel the way they felt before the shooting?

    Feeling and saying aren't always the same thing. They may feel strongly negative about DT, but not saying things that might be inflammatory is probably a good idea. Also, it didn't seem to me that anyone on the show has changed their view of him. 

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  15. On 2/6/2023 at 4:39 AM, Tachi Rocinante said:

    I'm waaay behind.

    The production values of this show are top-notch, and the acting is excellent.  They are giving me just enough story to keep me interested.

    I thought it was Jasper that won the $250K?

    I'm farther behind than you. :-) We were trying to figure out the money angle. Was it Jasper who won or someone else who was related to Flynne and Burton? Based on how Jasper seemed to consider taking some of the payoff money, I doubt it was him. I thought that the lottery win was meant to cover the payment from the future, explaining how the Fishers came into some money - I assume that someone the person who "officially" won would turn over some of the money. But that doesn't explain how Burton can afford to pay $250K / week to the town villain - I'd have to guess that more money got moved into someone's bank account, but then why the original subterfuge? Surely the discrepancy between the win and the ongoing money would be noticed. 


    On 10/28/2022 at 12:54 PM, dwmarch said:

    The future villain on the other hand... BEES NUTS. Got 'em! This ignores the logistical challenge of finding a swarm of angry, deadly bees that are sympathetic to your cause. Well, maybe she can control them with some future tech.

    I think she met the other woman at her refuge amongst her own bee hives. She talked about the bees for a bit, too, before she decided to eliminate the disappointing hire. I wondered how she felt sacrificing so many bees, as (at least in our timeline) bees die after stinging, since their stingers stay behind when they fly off. If there's such a loss of bees overall in the world, using her bees to kill someone seems profligate.

    This show is confusing but also intriguing. 

  16. 1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

    I don't think he's fully off them yet.  He was still taking the 1/4 dose ones and Ava only "yesterday" told the pharmacist to give him full on placebos in hopes that he'll immediately have a breakdown.  Which is stupid because what if he had a 3 month supply of the 1/4 ones and hasn't gone back for a refill yet.  

    If Sonny had my insurance plan, he'd have to have ordered his refills sooner than this. :-) I don't think Ava can bank on him being totally out in enough time to take the placebo right away. Also, wouldn't there be some residual medication still in his system? 

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  17. 1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I don't know why Joss has a job at the pool that she gets paid for for not doing it while someone else who is as qualified could be there actually working as opposed to flirting with police cadet.

    They never show her being the least bit attentive to whoever might be in the pool. Her excuse this time was that no one was in the pool, but does she think that they'll not go in just because she's away?


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  18. 1 hour ago, Ellis Bell Lives said:

    Sunny:  Motive for shooter?  "50 rounds of ammunition"  It's a box of ammo.  Do you buy one potato chip, Sunny?

    Right? It isn't as though they sell ammunition on a piece basis. Imagine: "I'd like one bullet, please". 

    It is obvious that Sunny as well as others is trying to make this purchase sound as though the shooter bought the equivalent of an armory. If the shooter was going to the shooting range, as he apparently told his father, this would have been a reasonable amount to buy. I've known people who go target shooting who shoot multiples of that amount in one day. 

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  19. 16 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

    Okay, unpopular opinion but Joy needs to retire.  The fact that she kept cutting Sarah off when she was saying that most Americans hadn't experienced this level of political violence before was super annoying.  I get that Joy lived through the 60s and can vividly remember when there was an attempt on Reagan, but the majority of American adults today do not.  The 60s were sixty years ago.  Reagan was forty-three.  So yes, for the majority of Americans (myself included, I'm 42), this is the worst its been.  And this isn't a one off.  Joy's been doing this for years, bringing up stuff that's so old (how they didn't discuss periods when she was in school 70 years ago, for example) that it's no longer relevant to the discussion.  

    I think that Joy's comments about past assassinations and attempts were reasonable, but not allowing Sara to finish talking wasn't. Would it have been too hard to allow Sara to say what she had to say and then add something like, "This reminds me so much of the 60's when we saw assassinations and shootings against politicians and public figures"? Certainly, no one would like a return of that. 

    16 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

    They haven't said anything that isn't being said all over the place. If anything they are milder than a lot of cable shows.

    Maybe they aren't as bad as others, but why contribute to the already overheated rhetoric that can lead to things like this shooting? 

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  20. Since everyone said how glad they were that the assassination attempt failed, and expressed their sorrow for the family of the spectator that was killed, I wonder if any of the ladies will dial back on their comments about Trump, and bring the commentary back to a place where political differences can be discussed in a calm and nuanced way (particularly Sunny, Ana, and Joy).

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  21. Catching up with yesterday's show.

    Maya Angelou quote - while this has truth, repeating it constantly makes it easy to ignore. Also, it starts to sound like those old time "words of wisdom", like "fool me once, shame on me..." and "What's past is prologue..."

    Aspiring comedian - Sunny's example is that her husband told her he could support the family for 3 years while she pursued her dream, so everyone should be able to pursue their dreams. I didn't hear whether the husband/BF of the aspiring comedian said that he could support them both with just his income (although it sounded as if he didn't want to, anyway). If you don't have that kind of financial support, it is hard to justify quitting your day job. 


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  22. 22 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Portia's question to Jordan about TJ being a victim of Heather's was dumb. TJ was kidnapped by Cyrus, held, beaten, and Cyrus is out of prison, walking free. 

    But great, we're going to have another day of Portia raising her voice and clutching pearls. 

    Jordan must have been too surprised by Portia's question to answer it effectively, the way you did. :-) Portia is going around like Laura is personally going to sneak Heather out of jail and sic her on Trina. I was glad Jordan at least made some logical points about the limits of the law and being reasonable instead of hysterical. Portia, did you know that Trina works with someone who is a murderer and also attempted murder? I guess that's ok, because Ava never threatened Trina (or at least not yet). 

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  23. Why does Portia assume that Heather would go free? It's known that she did the murders, but even with some extenuating circumstances, wouldn't she be guilty by reason of insanity and still be incarcerated somewhere?

    Also, Elizabeth brought up the example of Franco (most of which I missed) who apparently committed murders and terrorized people because he had a brain tumor. Somehow, that all worked out, didn't it? Not to mention those who've committed murders without the influence of a tumor or toxic poisoning - <cough> Sonny <cough> - somehow, they are exempt from Portia's scorn? Perhaps only because he's never "threatened" Trina. 


    Willow and Drew are getting a whole lot of kissing done, with and without their assumed partners. Poor Sasha, she's in an awkward spot. 

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  24. Ummm, Sunny, the "Commander in Chief" should be treated with "the utmost respect"? Does that apply to any Commander in Chief, or only the one(s) you personally prefer? Because I can think of one that wasn't treated with the utmost respect by the View panel. Disclaimer: I'm not a fan of him by a long shot, either, but be consistent in your own behavior if you make these kinds of statements.

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