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Posts posted by KittyQ

  1. 15 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

    My brain is really not cooperating today. Where/when did we see the nursing home? Who is there? 

    That would be the Albanian leader, isn't it? I thought that he was "retired" and living in assisted living (so he could leave whenever he wanted). 

    My impression was that Carolyn went to them, since she was finally convinced how dangerous Mansell was, once he killed Sweety. Like Sandy, Carolyn seemed to think that she was inviolable as far as Mansell is concerned, but they are both wrong.

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  2. What kind of security do they have at Pentonville, if no one apparently notices that Cyrus had his hair cut and styled without going to the prison barber? You would think that the guards would at least ask him how that came about. 

    I'm disappointed if Cyrus' enlightenment was all a scam. Why did they bother with that near-death experience with Laura if he is actually not redeemed in any way? 

    Also, Gladys is shocked, shocked that Sasha is getting drugged! What exactly did she think that shady doc was going to do to keep Sasha from behaving in a way that would get her out of Ferndale (or wherever she is)? Gladys needs to let Nina know - she can send a tip to the prison/hospital managers. Nina could become the town tipster!

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  3. On 8/22/2023 at 1:47 PM, KittenPokerCheater said:

    I wish Sonny would find out about Nina, forgive her, and then defend her when the truth inevitably comes out.  It would serve Carly right.

    That would be refreshing. Also, hilarious if Sonny (of all people) had to remind Carly that she and Drew did break the law, so they did deserve to be caught. So, whoever told the SEC about it was hardly a villain, even if their motives weren't strictly pure.

    It's like if you told the police that your neighbor was selling stolen goods. They are still the criminal, but you might have had a harder time deciding to tell on them if you really liked them than if you always thought they were a jerk.

    • Like 6
  4. 21 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Robert is only now finding out about Anna's house fire? He seriously needs a much better network.

    I guess Robert never watches the news. Or Port Charles is one of those unique places that have no TV stations or local papers (or online - like the Invader!) that cover things like house fires. I've never lived anywhere that something like that wouldn't at least get a few minutes of coverage if only to show how well the Fire Department responded.

    • Like 3
  5. On 8/2/2023 at 2:00 AM, tearsandhysteria said:

    I loved the action tonight. I felt so bad for the roomie. I was happy one guy got taken out. They knew she couldn't have gotten Sandie there any faster and just tortured her out of boredom. 

    I agree - I kept saying to myself (and my husband) - what good will torturing the roomie do? Sandie obviously isn't concerned enough to get there sooner. I guess boredom was the answer. 

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, geekburger said:

    Whoopi back in her “defend celeb” mode with both Lizzo and Oscar/Jessica. Not surprising I guess.

    You can count on Whoopi to give almost any celebrity the benefit of the doubt if there's anything questionable. Of course, there are a few exceptions, and I get the impression that those are mainly people she hasn't worked with or doesn't care for anyway. 

    The discussion about Lizzo was interesting, and I was glad that Joy pointed out that if Lizzo was doing any fat shaming, she would be a major hypocrite. I wonder if becoming such a star over a relatively short period of time*, it is possible that Lizzo hasn't learned how to differentiate between social and work expectations. 

    The Oscar/Jessica relationship issues - I can see where after going through an intense situation people can find it hard to disentangle themselves. I suppose that's why you hear of affairs happening between co-stars (think Brad and Angelina back in the day). Even if you avoid that, it still might be difficult to reconcile your past relationship with the one created while working together. 


    * By this, I don't mean that it didn't take her a long time to hone her craft and work hard, but once she did get noticed, fame came along pretty quickly.

    • Like 1
  7. Yesterday's episode - the beginning conversation between Gregory and Alexis had a weird vibe to me. Alexis says Tracy called her right after their meal together, and Gregory looked like he had his hand caught in the cookie jar. Why aren't they talking to each other like adults who are at least equals?

  8. In response to De Santis talking about the Florida Department of Education standards, Whoopi said that "99%" of slaves didn't "benefit" from slavery. True, but neither De Santis, nor the standards said that 99% (or even a majority) of former slaves benefitted "from" slavery. It says that in some cases, some former slaves were able to use some skills they gained while enslaved to benefit themselves at some point. 

    Like many TV personalities, Whoopi probably doesn't research beyond headlines and sound bites, so she may not be aware of how a legitimate criticism of how this particular sentence in the standards should be rewritten (to clarify that most slaves or former slaves probably couldn't use skills they used when enslaved to aid in post-slavery life) has now expanded to suggest that the whole curriculum is ok with slavery, which would be terrible, but the actual text doesn't support that. 

    The standards are online, so Whoopi or anyone else could read them if they wanted to.

  9. Maybe I'm (too) cynical, but how can Sunny keep a straight face when she asks how an immoral person could lead the country? 

    Ana - again with the drag queens - I really wish she'd come up with another complaint, because at this point the drag queen comment is getting old. I'm sure that De Santis must have been doing other things to call out.

  10. 12 hours ago, Mirabelle said:

    I'm hoping the poor soul on the other end of the line just sends him the same report in a different font. Maybe Comic Sans. 

    Great idea! I love Comic Sans - in fact, I worked on an application that used Comic Sans exclusively (it involved comic book style characters).

    • Like 2
  11. Molly and Kristina: Molly suggests that Kristina take classes and get experience running a center for at risk youth. Good advice - why didn't Kristina do any of that before getting started? Supposedly, the center is almost ready to open. With what, I ask. If this is just a building, then this is going to fail - she needs to hire people with this experience, get funding, etc. 

    Laura and Valentin: After talking to them, the taciturn guy says, "Show yourselves out". Maybe I'm provincial, but I never trust anyone I don't know well to "show themselves out" - I walk them to the door and lock it behind them. Obviously necessary to have a place for Laura and Valentin to confer, but still a strange way to end the conversation.

    Nina: Who goes around asking people to "make peace"? Don't you just either avoid them or stick to non-controversial topics? 

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  12. 4 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    I also guess Dr. Asshole is the ONLY doctor in the place and therefore no one will be able to go over his head.  Because that's how these plots work.  

    Yes; there's only space for one professional at a time in any Port Charles establishment. 


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  13. 1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

    Carly warns Nina that she'll get back everything she lost.  What exactly has Carly lost? The hotel? She didn't lose it, she gave it away with both hands. Her husband? In the time that she hasn't had him, she's had Jason and Drew. she's not hurtin' for a man. Her house? Nope she still has that. A job? Nope, Mommy gave her one for a dollar. Again, what has she lost???

    Just waiting for Carly to hold her fist up in the air and say, "As God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again! Tomorrow is another day!" Extra credit if the writers can get her to wear a bonnet when she says that. :-)

    • LOL 12
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  14. 43 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

    There are tons of wonderful children's books out there.  Why waste a pick with something that Katherine Schwarzenegger-Pratt "wrote"?

    When celebrities (or even celebrity-adjacent people) "write" children's books and they get published immediately, I wonder if it disheartens the many professional authors who have a harder time getting their work published. Also, it seems to suggest that just anyone could write a good children's book. 

    I think that many people can write passable books for kids, especially their own kids, but getting published has to be a big challenge. 

    • Like 10
  15. 5 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    Like the earth-shattering story about a biting dog in the White House?

    I was actually referring to the politicians commenting on Barbie, not the View panel talking about the dog or the daily "Dear Abby" type topics. As banal as some of those topics are, the View team has to talk about something for an hour and that's what the producers have chosen. 

    • Like 4
  16. Biden's dog biting Secret Service agents - I kept thinking, "Haven't we heard this before?" and we did - a couple of years ago with the other dog. So now two dogs have been biting people, each multiple times. If these dogs were owned by my neighbor, not the POTUS, my question would be - why haven't you gotten your dog(s) trained? Well-behaved dogs shouldn't be biting people without being provoked. Also, if you know the living conditions are busy and a bit chaotic, perhaps a different type of dog would be appropriate (assuming this isn't a dog you already own). If you do already own the dog, you should be taking measures to minimize the disruption for them. In some places, dogs that bite multiple times are considered dangerous and may even end up euthanized. Obviously, no one would like that to happen, so someone in the Biden family needs to ensure that their dogs are properly socialized and trained. 

    Barbie - I haven't seen Barbie and I am very unlikely to see it, but Whoopi's comment that "It’s a movie about a doll" is disingenuous. As if a movie about a doll couldn't have a theme that some people might object to. Maybe the Barbie movie is just a dumb movie with nothing to make the viewer think about, but that seems unlikely. Even Whoopi recognized that, to a degree when she said, "And it’s meant to make you just think or pause, it’s not meant to do anything but give you a good time."  If it is meant to make you think or pause, then why wouldn't someone take time to do that, even if it is about a doll (or a dog, or a video game, or comic book heroes)?

    Whether it is worth actually commenting on is another question. Whoopi would have been clearer if she said something like, "Is it worth discussing this movie when we have a more urgent issue like <fill in the blank> to figure out?" 

  17. (I don't live in Florida, and have no personal stake in the schools there)

    I think that the hosts only read the headlines and listened to sound bites about the Florida Social Studies standards (and maybe De Santis did too, because he sounded foolish), because based on the document (the one that the headlines and sound bites reference) on the Florida Department of Education website*, just about all the topics Whoopi and Sunny listed are included in the educational standards, not being overlooked, removed or deleted. I know that talk shows like The View aren't full of researchers doing deep dives on all topics they discuss, but it would be nice if they could resist offering knee jerk responses based on minimal information once in a while. Jumping on the media bandwagon doesn't provide viewers with useful information. 


    *Anyone can find it by going to the Florida Dept. of Education website and looking in the Academics topic.

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  18. 5 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

    Yes, but do you furtively take a flask out of your pocket and add some to your coffee?  Otherwise you're doing it wrong.  

    Like a daytime Irish Coffee? All he needed was some whipped cream. 🥃

    It is a trope "hinting" at a developing problem, and kind of a cliche. 

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  19. On 5/26/2023 at 8:23 AM, Thalia said:

    Apparently none of the girls read the book ALIVE before the crash, because I was surprised by the way they just chowed down on Javi. 

    Probably on the next semester's reading list. Oh well.

    • LOL 2
  20. 1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

    There is no way that Sasha should be in Ferncliff at this point.  Is this the best that the writers can come up with for her mat leave?  As soon as she's off the pills, she'll be fine again.

    So Sasha was arrested and within days (hours??) is going to be sent to Ferncliff? No court hearing? No defense attorney appointed? Heck, no one has yet even heard the manipulated statement the skeevy doctor recorded. Port Charles legal system here is like the old school Soviet Union. 

    And yet.... the hard-time penitentiary Pentonville lets Heather Webber (an actually criminally insane murderer) walk around free. Also Cyrus Renault - even if he's become "born again", he's still convicted of murder, etc. Yet he also wanders around as if its a college dorm. 

    6 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

    So, Curtis is paralyzed? Maybe they can bring crack neurosurgeon Dr. Griffin Munro back for a brief return to save the day, between his crying spells. 

    What about Jeff Webber? I don't know if he's a neurosurgeon, but everyone is a specialist in everything here. That would give Liz a chance to reconnect with him.

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  21. Joy might want to visit the Trinity test site sometime. This is the actual site where the atom bomb test was done. It is only open to the public two days a year, once in the spring, once in the fall. It is fascinating to be at the exact spot where the nuclear age was manifested. 

  22. The panel opined about the problems with having only two major parties, but then jumped on Alyssa for saying that she would probably write in a candidate rather than choose either Biden or Trump. They argue that she'd be "throwing away" her vote, but if she honestly doesn't support either of the candidates, why should she have to pick from two bad choices? Plenty of other people will do that, as they have done before, even in the recent elections IMO. Maybe if enough people write in names, it will show the major parties that they aren't putting up the best candidates. 

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