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Posts posted by KittyQ

  1. 5 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    Like the earth-shattering story about a biting dog in the White House?

    I was actually referring to the politicians commenting on Barbie, not the View panel talking about the dog or the daily "Dear Abby" type topics. As banal as some of those topics are, the View team has to talk about something for an hour and that's what the producers have chosen. 

    • Like 4
  2. Biden's dog biting Secret Service agents - I kept thinking, "Haven't we heard this before?" and we did - a couple of years ago with the other dog. So now two dogs have been biting people, each multiple times. If these dogs were owned by my neighbor, not the POTUS, my question would be - why haven't you gotten your dog(s) trained? Well-behaved dogs shouldn't be biting people without being provoked. Also, if you know the living conditions are busy and a bit chaotic, perhaps a different type of dog would be appropriate (assuming this isn't a dog you already own). If you do already own the dog, you should be taking measures to minimize the disruption for them. In some places, dogs that bite multiple times are considered dangerous and may even end up euthanized. Obviously, no one would like that to happen, so someone in the Biden family needs to ensure that their dogs are properly socialized and trained. 

    Barbie - I haven't seen Barbie and I am very unlikely to see it, but Whoopi's comment that "It’s a movie about a doll" is disingenuous. As if a movie about a doll couldn't have a theme that some people might object to. Maybe the Barbie movie is just a dumb movie with nothing to make the viewer think about, but that seems unlikely. Even Whoopi recognized that, to a degree when she said, "And it’s meant to make you just think or pause, it’s not meant to do anything but give you a good time."  If it is meant to make you think or pause, then why wouldn't someone take time to do that, even if it is about a doll (or a dog, or a video game, or comic book heroes)?

    Whether it is worth actually commenting on is another question. Whoopi would have been clearer if she said something like, "Is it worth discussing this movie when we have a more urgent issue like <fill in the blank> to figure out?" 

  3. (I don't live in Florida, and have no personal stake in the schools there)

    I think that the hosts only read the headlines and listened to sound bites about the Florida Social Studies standards (and maybe De Santis did too, because he sounded foolish), because based on the document (the one that the headlines and sound bites reference) on the Florida Department of Education website*, just about all the topics Whoopi and Sunny listed are included in the educational standards, not being overlooked, removed or deleted. I know that talk shows like The View aren't full of researchers doing deep dives on all topics they discuss, but it would be nice if they could resist offering knee jerk responses based on minimal information once in a while. Jumping on the media bandwagon doesn't provide viewers with useful information. 


    *Anyone can find it by going to the Florida Dept. of Education website and looking in the Academics topic.

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  4. 5 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

    Yes, but do you furtively take a flask out of your pocket and add some to your coffee?  Otherwise you're doing it wrong.  

    Like a daytime Irish Coffee? All he needed was some whipped cream. 🥃

    It is a trope "hinting" at a developing problem, and kind of a cliche. 

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  5. On 5/26/2023 at 8:23 AM, Thalia said:

    Apparently none of the girls read the book ALIVE before the crash, because I was surprised by the way they just chowed down on Javi. 

    Probably on the next semester's reading list. Oh well.

    • LOL 2
  6. 1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

    There is no way that Sasha should be in Ferncliff at this point.  Is this the best that the writers can come up with for her mat leave?  As soon as she's off the pills, she'll be fine again.

    So Sasha was arrested and within days (hours??) is going to be sent to Ferncliff? No court hearing? No defense attorney appointed? Heck, no one has yet even heard the manipulated statement the skeevy doctor recorded. Port Charles legal system here is like the old school Soviet Union. 

    And yet.... the hard-time penitentiary Pentonville lets Heather Webber (an actually criminally insane murderer) walk around free. Also Cyrus Renault - even if he's become "born again", he's still convicted of murder, etc. Yet he also wanders around as if its a college dorm. 

    6 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

    So, Curtis is paralyzed? Maybe they can bring crack neurosurgeon Dr. Griffin Munro back for a brief return to save the day, between his crying spells. 

    What about Jeff Webber? I don't know if he's a neurosurgeon, but everyone is a specialist in everything here. That would give Liz a chance to reconnect with him.

    • Like 6
  7. Joy might want to visit the Trinity test site sometime. This is the actual site where the atom bomb test was done. It is only open to the public two days a year, once in the spring, once in the fall. It is fascinating to be at the exact spot where the nuclear age was manifested. 

  8. The panel opined about the problems with having only two major parties, but then jumped on Alyssa for saying that she would probably write in a candidate rather than choose either Biden or Trump. They argue that she'd be "throwing away" her vote, but if she honestly doesn't support either of the candidates, why should she have to pick from two bad choices? Plenty of other people will do that, as they have done before, even in the recent elections IMO. Maybe if enough people write in names, it will show the major parties that they aren't putting up the best candidates. 

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  9. Aside from the "Dean's List" misinterpretation, Sunny thinks that the Supreme Court could have said something about "Legacy" admissions - but Affirmative Action was a legal issue that had been put in place by the court, and Legacy admissions are based on school policies. There's no requirement for a school to respect legacy applications; they can choose to do that or not. Legacy admissions seem to be going out of fashion now, which could be good news for applicants to a school they have no family history with but may be a bit of a letdown later on if those graduates would like to see their kids attend the same school. 


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  10. 45 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    Sunny thinks students get on the dean’s list when parents contribute money to schools rather due to their own hard work? That’s pretty cynical.  (I wonder what Gabe’s grades are like.)

    The show hasn't been on here yet, so I'm not sure what the context is for this, but this does seem very cynical view. I went to college in the last century so maybe things are very different now, but I was on the Dean's list a few times and my parents couldn't possibly contribute money to the college. Based on my experience, I have no reason to believe that the Dean's List is based on anything other than grades. 

    Maybe Gabe hasn't been on the Dean's List and Sunny thinks he should have been, so she has developed this theory. It is a very negative perspective and I think it would be tiring to constantly think that you (or your kid) are always being taken advantage of by people who game the system.

    If your degree is based on constant payouts and cheating, what is the value of it? The point is to learn and acquire skills of your own. If you don't do that, then you've done disservice not only to yourself, but to the reputation of everyone who has gotten a degree from that school. 

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  11. Molly needs to make an appointment with whatever psychiatrist/counselor is still in PC - although stay away from Sasha's gambling addict doctor!

    Good for Sonny pointing out that Kristina still has her foundation to run and there are challenges there she needs to work out. 

    • Like 6
  12. 1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    The panel was so busy asking Will Hurd what he thought about other candidates that he didn’t get time to say anything about what his policies would be. 

    It seems like they are going with the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" philosophy. Unless that person is talented and has good ideas for governing that can be implemented, you might end up with a well-meaning but ineffective leader who's only there because s/he isn't the person you dislike. Unfortunately, the interview with Will Hurd didn't give much information about what he would do and why he's a compelling candidate. 

  13. 9 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    And I am also watching and judging as an old and, I hope, more mature person. 

    Me too. :-) There is plenty to second-guess with the older versions of the characters. Taissa is going to some kind of therapy, but doesn't seem to tell her therapist about the most important things, and I'd think that if you are is such trouble, you'd do that. Also, how long has it been since the election? Why is she not having to meet with people and reporters, especially after a big car accident? I think that would be news!

    • Like 2
  14. 2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    No one has any understanding of what fraud is.

    On GH, fraud is defined as "telling me something that isn't true or not telling me something that I think I should know" known elsewhere as lying, deception, or not telling something I don't want to share. 

    I was also interested in seeing that there are now 2 characters with amnesia on the show, and they deal with it differently. It seems that Ned has reverted to an identity he'd already created for himself, while Esme is trying to distance herself from what people tell her she did as "herself". 

    • Like 1
  15. On 4/24/2023 at 4:04 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

    If someone told me that she destroyed a transmitter that probably would have facilitated a rescue, and we were standing next to a toilet cliff, I would play nice until we returned to the cabin.

    I would like to think that I would too, but realistically, the shock of hearing that someone destroyed the best chance of rescue not by accident, but on purpose, because she liked the attention might make me react without thinking.

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  16. 3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    LOL that Felicia could break into the safe with a stethoscope. I know that's the old-timey yegg way to do it, so of course the show leans into that.

    Right! I would think modern safes could not be broken into with a stethoscope, because they use electronics for locks*, but hey, it's General Hospital, so I'm sure everyone has access to a stethoscope. :-)

    *Basing this mainly on hotel room safes, which are probably cheap but modern.

    • LOL 3
  17. Did I hear that Ava's mother is Delia Ryan's daughter, or did I just put together some random info to draw that conclusion: Mason mentions Ryan's bar, and Ava says her mother's name is Delia and she hasn't seen her in years.

    Interesting if they seem to be bringing in characters from defunct soaps.

    • Useful 3
  18. Sunny's explanation of the Pew research was confusing. (Again, using poll numbers to extrapolate to the whole country is misleading in general, because poll respondents tend to be self-selected and poll questions can skew responses.) Anyway, she said that they said the only 10% of the population are "true independents", meaning they would vote for either party at some point. Maybe this was a mistake in terms, but unless a person is enabled to vote (being a citizen, registered to vote, and not dead), their opinion should not matter, so saying 10% of the population would vote in a particular way is meaningless in terms of potential voting outcomes. 10% of voters at least covers people who might vote one way or another.

    The second thing that was strange to me were the figures she quoted, saying 95% would lean Republican and 94% lean Democratic. Again, perhaps an error in speaking, but those figures add up to more than 100% of whatever group was being polled. Perhaps the point was that other than the 10% true independents, about 94% - 95% of voters would tend to lean to one of the two major parties. 

    I have no idea if any of the polled figures are accurate, but when reporting the results, they should be clear. These numbers that Sunny gave were confusing.



    • Applause 2
  19. 45 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

    I believe the first reality TV show was The Loud Family. 1973. 

    I think you are right. That was created / intended to be a documentary of a "typical" California family. I think that the various dramas in the family set the template for future reality shows, like The Real World. I think the later shows tended to manufacture the drama rather than let it unfold naturally. 

    • Like 1
  20. 2 hours ago, Suicidy said:

    Why is a detective arresting a shoplifter?  Doesn't he have more serious crimes to investigate, like stealing corporate secrets? 

    Why didn't the inventory control tag set off an alarm at the store?

    I wondered about the tag too. You'd think it would set something off.

    Obviously, PC exists in a universe where shoplifting is still a crime (unlike many other places in the past few years), but having a detective show up instead of a regular policeman seems strange, unless Sasha being a local celebrity makes her entitled to slightly more courtesy. 

    • Like 4
  21. On 7/14/2023 at 1:20 PM, PatsyandEddie said:

    T.J. wouldn’t have allowed in to O.R. at all. Plus, how many residencies is he doing at the same time? He seems to  be everywhere. Can’t the writers google anything ?

    I felt sorry for Kristina today. Both Molly and TJ were rude. I understand they are very stressed but they were OTT.

    Also, TJ gets to deliver diagnoses and outcomes to patients. I was surprised that the surgeon was even allowed to appear. 

    Why are Molly and TJ so antagonistic towards Kristina? I don't recall anything lately that caused the negative feelings. It's sensitive situation, and Kristina is probably naive to think this would be an easy answer, but they have been very dismissive and rude. 

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  22. On 6/24/2023 at 9:57 AM, Moxie Cat said:

    If Lord John means that the two (deceased) sisters knew, he means that the three remaining are himself, Jamie, and Claire...but he knows Bree also knows, so that's four people alive who know. (Plus Murtagh knew, which he didn't realize.) But didn't Lady Dunsany (William's grandmother) know also, or at least suspect? I thought his math was confusing - I was trying to figure it out too.

    I can't recall offhand the name of the man who Geneva was supposed to marry (other than Lord Ellsmere), but didn't he know or suspect very heavily that William was not his son. He died the day William was born, I thought. Perhaps he is one of the two that knew. 

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