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Everything posted by KittyQ

  1. I liked it, but relating the child to Brigid O'Shaunessy took a bit of a leap for me. I found it hard to imagine her character having a child, let alone taking care of one. I ended up trying to ignore that part of the back story in order to concentrate on the more "current" plot. I also found it a little challenging to view Clive Owen in Humphrey Bogart's part, but he seems to be using just enough of Bogart's mannerisms to make it easier to accept. I liked that Sam settled in and has relationships with the people in the town after that rocky start.
  2. Drew is thinking like a real criminal - it isn't about what he did, it is about someone who reported it which led to all the bad outcomes. To be sure, if the SEC really thought that the insider trading was "not a big deal", then they wouldn't have bothered bringing charges after Nina reported it. They did, so Drew's belief that if Nina had kept her mouth shut, nothing would have happened is questionable.
  3. Did I hear this correctly? Michael said Ned needs to give him his proxy (?) back because it was contingent on the information about Nina not being released, and now it was revealed (by Nina and Michael) so Ned loses out? Ned reasonably points out that he didn't reveal anything, but Michael says that the cat's out of the bag, so the deal is off. What the heck kind of deal is that? Talk about a loophole that a truck can drive through - so if anyone at all reveals that Nina told the SEC about Drew and Carly then Ned loses.
  4. Agggghhh! Spencer says that Esme got her memory back after she broke into Windermere and revisited the "scene of the crime" like that's a reason to give her son away. Doesn't he remember that crime part of the "scene of the crime" was Nik's imprisoning Esme for months? So that's the person who should have the baby? Lots of crimes going on here.
  5. Does Spencer really believe that because Esme apparently recovered her memory (based on her use of his old nickname) that allowing a person to take her son without her consent and knowledge is justified? So what! IRL people who have committed horrible crimes may lose custody of their children, but only after it is determined that they are guilty and / or unfit. I don't think that anyone has conclusively proven that Nik is Ace's father, but even if he is, what makes him a better parent? How can he even say that Esme should remember being imprisoned at Windermere by his father and still think that Nik should have Ace? You'd also think Spencer would remember the way his father raised him and realize that this is not the best way to grow up. Esme, call 911 this second! (Not that the cracker-jack PCPD will find Nik without the WSB's help). Why didn't Finn and Liz get his lawyer (Martin?) to identify an expert witness? That's the way this is done in the real world. There's no guarantee that anything they find out will help his case at all or even be admissible.
  6. Re: Nikki Haley discussion - Sunny made the most salient point which is that the question suggested a binary condition (racist / non-racist) for the whole country, which doesn't allow for the reality that the country is not monolithic in thought or behavior. I suppose Haley (and De Santis) could have answered in a more nuanced way, but I wonder if the interviewer / reporter would have let them get more than a sentence out before interrupting because that doesn't lend itself to sound bites.
  7. Exactly! Spencer believed whatever fairy tale/warning of disaster Nik tells him and just hands over Ace to Nik for the foreseeable future. Both of then should be arrested. Hell, Esme at least worried that if Spencer went to Paris Ace wouldn't be able to understand that it wasn't abandonment. Strange world when Esme is the voice of reason.
  8. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/view-host-joy-behar-scoffs-174919649.html While I don't agree with Joy on everything, I think she's not completely wrong here. It is a challenging time for everyone, not just young people, but it is hardly the worst time that people had to endure (Depression, Civil War, WW I and II, just to highlight some difficult times here in the US), and the answer is not to dwell on the unfairness of it all, but to be resilient and do what you have to do to survive and later prosper. I think Joy's comment is shorthand for that.
  9. So many screwy things, it is hard to keep track of them. 🤔 Nina asks Cyrus if "his religion" doesn't advocate for forgiveness. Did Nina forget that she went to confession seeking forgiveness, so isn't it also her religion? Granted that it isn't clear what religion Cyrus has supposedly embraced (or if he's really sincere) but it seems to be some variety of Christianity, so still adjacent to whatever religion Nina has, so it would be their common religious principle. Kristina thinks that just because Sonny would do "anything for the people he loves" that should sway other people's opinions - how dim is she? Being "good" to your loved ones while constantly breaking the law and wreaking havoc on others doesn't make you good or demonstrate that your "ethics" (I don't think she knows what those are) are reasonable. What about all the people that Sonny doesn't love? Ava is incensed that Esme got probation. Ava thought she had actually killed her husband and hid his body, but a broken window and someone wandering around a HUGE house without doing other damage or stealing anything deserves jail time? Good for Molly for pointing out that for such a small offense the sentence was appropriate. Adam is so worried about what his parents will do if he fails. He paints a picture of parents who hover over him, but where are they? Shouldn't the school have contacted them at some point? They know about the less-than-great grades but have no clue that he's spiraling out of control? I think they should show up sooner rather than later, especially now that he's in the hospital. Dex has been hanging about the hospital ever since he showed up in PC. You'd think that the young nurse (or whoever she is) would have seen him around before and know he's not staff.
  10. I know she's speaking extemporaneously, but Whoopi's speeches need to be more internally consistent. Everyone applauded when she talked about Black History month, but by the end, I couldn't tell whether she thought there should be a "Black History" month or if it should be subsumed into general "American History" because calling it out separately doesn't necessarily place contributions of black people into the larger context of the country's history. She seemed to make points in both directions. I really enjoyed the Colman Domingo segment. I'd only seen him in Fear the Walking Dead, so it was good to see him in a different role.
  11. Veronica Mars! That's who needed to be in this show instead of Darby. Veronica had vulnerabilities and secrets, yet still was able to do real detective work. Dang, I wish they had used that character. Much more of a challenge for Andy and Ray.
  12. So, Esme might go to prison for breaking and entering (first offense, with minor damage and no theft) while Sonny brutally beats Cyrus (zillionth offense, with no justification and likely to try to kill him to prove some kind of point) and is likely to get off? More of the screwy PC legal system, which seems like something someone is just making up as they go along. Good for you Adam - this erratic behavior is one way to guarantee that your parents are notified. Don't get help - just keep flailing around because that always works. Diane won't get involved with Robert because he wants to prosecute Sonny? If I'm Robert, I'm thinking "Whew! Dodged that bullet!" She'd be constantly trying to subvert Robert's job in favor of her clients. Clearly, she can't separate her personal and professional lives.
  13. That is a very "traditional" perspective. Blame the woman because the man is her "victim" - he can't help himself. It is all her fault. It is one reason that some people place so many restrictions on women; by existing, the woman is a source of temptation, and men can't restrain themselves. As if looking at a woman is like looking directly at the sun without eye protection. It is surprising that Sunny seems to hold this perspective, considering how she's so vocal about "accountability".
  14. So Sonny gets to go home because Cyrus was a "bad guy"? Is that the way the law in PC works? You can break the law and commit crimes with little or no consequences as long as the victim isn't pure as the driven snow? What if the perpetrator is just as bad as the victim (ex. Sonny vs. Cyrus)? Shouldn't that be a draw, and Sonny has to be charged as much as if he'd beaten up an "innocent" person (admittedly hard to find one in PC).
  15. There are probably plenty of people who were glad that Ricky didn't show up to deliver an acceptance speech. :-)
  16. Screenplay award banter was humorous but sounded more like it was written by AI or through a translation program than studio execs. At least it sounded very like the scam emails I get everyday.
  17. Elizabeth Debicki (sp?) is so tall, even barefoot. I wonder if she took off her shoes for comfort or to not tower over so many people.
  18. I thought maybe some image cropping might be needed at some point.
  19. Sonny and Lois acting so offended was hilarious. Sonny knew what he did, and even if Lois didn't know precisely what happened, looking at his knuckles (and knowing his penchant for violence) should have been enough to give her the picture. So surprised when once of the very few PCPD officers comes to arrest him? Really? Maybe some would think that because it was his son (the one he previously shot), it would be harder, but I think another cop might be less thoughtful in arresting him - no "sorry I have to do this", or anything like that. And as much as I think Cyrus is faking his new faith, he wasn't wrong when he told Laura that her "friend" Sonny is no better than the "old" (aka current) Cyrus. Which Laura, as the mayor, really should know. Everyone who has lived somewhere there are known mobsters knows that some of these guys can be personally charming, personally generous, and all that, but won't hesitate to hurt you in a second if you cross them. They are like pet wolverines or bears - don't ever kid yourself that they are dangerous.
  20. If only Nina hadn't told the SEC to look into that insider trading! Then Sonny wouldn't have had to beat up Cyrus (not that Sonny will be charged with assault or anything like that).
  21. As a personal observation - one of the worst times to confess a transgression to someone is New Year's Eve, with all the typical drinking as well as the tendency to review and regret (and self-pity) that comes along with it. Probably best to stay away from St. Patrick's Day, Cinco de Mayo, and Thanksgiving as well. Another observation - this whole episode could have been titled "Pots vs. Kettles".
  22. Too bad no one who had any degree of self-reflection was there when Sonny accused Nina of "ratting" out Carly and Drew out of "spite". Isn't spite the reason that most of them have been doing anything? Michael spying and planning to "rat out" Sonny out of spite, Michael blackmailing Nina out of spite, Drew and Michael freezing out Ned out of spite, Carly holding back information about Willow's parentage out of spite, and on and on... Again, everyone glossed over the fact that Carly and Drew did actually commit a crime, although to be fair, you can't expect Sonny the mobster to find fault in that. Everyone else should at least acknowledge it, though.
  23. Drew "blew up" the Australia deal and now he's come to the realization that he's been "too nice"? He really shouldn't be in business. He's also now decided that it is all Ned's fault that he went to Pentonville. Did he catch Esme's amnesia? :-)
  24. Well, there is that. :-) I hope that there's a bathroom somewhere on the lobby level for the people who work there, like the doorman.
  25. To be honest, I'd be with them, too. Why go up x-number of flights of stairs in the dark to sit in my dark apartment when I could stay in the lobby with company. Perhaps I'd eventually have to make that trek in the dark, but if I could go up with a group, that would be better. Hard no on the Gut Milk for me, though - don't care for milk of any kind, so it would have to be more than "lightly alcoholic" to persuade me.
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