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Everything posted by MagicEyes

  1. Oh, good, it's time for whiny Lilly! I'll be so glad when this wedding is over because I am so tired of listening to her whine about everything.
  2. Like veneers. This probably isn't the end, though.
  3. Maybe he's wearing a flipper for this important occasion.
  4. It's going to be fun when the van gets stuck! I'm sure Statler will deal with that in healthy and productive ways.
  5. I hate that they're making us wait a week for new episodes! I'm hoping there will be some answers to some questions I have, but probably not. (See the Chimp Crazy chat thread for more if you're interested--I'm calling it "Chimp Chat."
  6. Even teenagers are having kids before (if) they get married! Everybody's doing it!
  7. I'm ready for this relationship to be over already. Ingi deserves better than this.
  8. I have a sneaking suspicion that Corona brought a lot more luggage than we have been shown.
  9. I thought about using the crying emoji here, but that seems cruel. It's possible that some day I'll be bored enough to watch this, when "Chimp Crazy" is over.
  10. I'm only here because I want to see Corona go head-over-heels down an icy street because she insists on wearing ridiculously inappropriate shoes. Put on some snow boots, free spirit!
  11. I have the same birthday as Hilary Clinton! We should have birthday parties together!
  12. I just caught a glimpse of Shekky's sparkly feet. What is going on there? Glitter boots or shiny socks?
  13. What kind of person would he be if he deprived the world of that hotness? Sarper's manly chest cannot be contained!
  14. Shekinah's face isn't going to age well. People should think more about what plastic surgery is going to look like when their skin ages.
  15. Joanne looks a little bit like someone I work with.
  16. It's nice to see this area of the country has a thriving eyebrow economy.
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