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The Pearl

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Everything posted by The Pearl

  1. He also has "bad" skin -- all cratered and whatnot...his eyes are always red, and his nose has a "left" hook (ahem, that last part can have its advantages, but I digress)
  2. Is it just me or does anyone else wonder about the Ellie backstory? I thought, hmmm...you went to bed "early" (or did you pass out from drinking too much?) and awoke to your hubby being dead (of an "accidental" overdose of prescription pills). She also said he was the "life of the party" and "lit up every room he entered." Could be that they were hard partiers...the "accidental" overdose is a way to put a positive spin on it.
  3. I almost died chuckling when I saw Jovi struggling to carry that big ass box marked -- wait for it: Hollywood Makeup Mirror! LOL! PLUS several other Amazon packages! Yara's having the (spending) time of her life! LOL Their place looked cute and her explanation about STD's on Jovi's old couch was pricelessly hilarious! She's quite comical.
  4. Natalie and Mike seem to be in a power struggle to see who can get the upper hand over the other. They aren't content unless they're fighting to be right! Jesus -- exhausting!
  5. Caitlin was a bitch. Somebody had to say it.
  6. And you're being kind! Very!
  7. Zied looks like an axe murderer.....and when she asked the video game saleswoman, "Isn't he cute?" that lady struggled mightily to answer "uh-hmm." LOL
  8. This show almost leaves me speechless. There is some icky greek tragedy shit going on. Boundaries people! ______________________________________________ I simply cannot bring myself to watch this show, but was interested to see the comments. I have two close girlfriends who each married mama's boys and -- oh, the utter horror that ensued!!!!!! I've tried to watch this show and cannot stomach it....these women are total failures as human beings (of the mother variety). Ugh!
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