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Chatty Cake

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  1. I actually enjoyed Fridays episode. Shelia is okay in small doses. The Remy actor is decent. I like him better than Will. I found it a bit comical that Bill was being a dick so Shelia sprung Remy on him. Enjoy! There’s no free lunch though. We still had to suffer through Finn spitting it out that he banged his aunt when he was 18. Stuffer is being compassionate but we know she’s going to flip shit when she finds out he fathered his cousin. At least we’ll have that next week. I’d much rather watch Remy and Luna over the Forrester Creations Crap or Ridge verbally abusing Brooke while he strings along Taylor. In fact if they decide to up Luna’s body count, I’d like to nominate Ridge. He’s horrible. Give Bill to Brooke. They were okay together despite the Katie tie.
  2. It annoyed me when Pastor Cal claimed that Michelle had turned a corner. What was he talking about? There were times she wasn’t questioning him and spoke to him in a friendly manner but she never said she was feeling attracted to him. She never admired anything about him. I have no idea why Cal said that except to guilt David into feeling bad for claiming it wasn’t a real marriage.
  3. The experts requested another meeting between Ikechi and Emem I guess for filler and ratings. Pastor Cal wanted to know if there was a chance of salvaging the mess that was their marriage? Where has he been? I thought the read she prepared for him with the folder wasn’t that good. I understood why Allen ripped the pictures and burnt her vows but he should have put it all in the garbage instead of leaving it out. Did he really break the mug? I don’t blame him for not wanting those items out there. Madison of course couldn’t call a friend for sympathy fast enough. The idiot friend had to indulge her and call Allen a psycho when Madison was the one pretending there was a chance for her and Allen while sneaking out with a married man that Allen considered a friend.
  4. I do think the drinking and partying as a group and often without their spouses isn’t doing them any favors. Still, they should be able to live in the same building and resist each other. I guess some women can’t say no to a poofy front ponytail wearing, basement dwelling, party boy, lying man child if he’s glistening at the gym in a baggy tank and shorts with his ex-girlfriend’s name peaking out.
  5. Karla has said she wished for kisses and cuddles but Juan just ignores her. I don’t know if he’s trying to get into acting or more modeling jobs but the dude has zero interest in a marriage. Getting married at first sight isn’t supposed to be “fun” but more and more couples seem to be treating it like an acting gig.
  6. I don’t know. She knew he was lying, she said it time after time. Why didn’t she leave him for that? I know it made for more drama for the show so there’s that. By the way, does anyone else think Allen has looked hotter in these last two episodes? David on the other hand looks like a sloppy mess. I thought it was cool of Allen to bring his own spices. I’m sure he brought groceries too since he cooked for everyone.
  7. I do think the ladies could have pointed out to Michelle that she never liked David and should quit acting like a victim when she treated him like crap. They need to stop coddling her! She may be mad that David turned his attention to Madison but that’s only because she wanted to be the one to dump him. She probably feels bad that David turned his attention to Madison. The ladies should also point out that unlike Michelle, Madison kept acting like Allen had a chance albeit a small one. They should also tell her that they know she is full of shit, knew right away that text was for her nasty ass and that they knew she was out drinking with him, having sex and stuffing that enormous mouth full of tacos afterward!
  8. Did Shantel have the same husband at the end? I thought the man she was with when she was head to toe bright blue seemed different from earlier scenes.
  9. I laughed at Camille and Tom in bed together discussing how safe they feel with their ADT at a couples retreat where everyone is coming and going and it’s all being captured by a camera crew. Part of me thinks Michelle can stop with her anger at being the victim of a cheating scandal from a husband that she had nothing with. I also doubt that her and Madison were friendly other than the filmed outings for the wives. Still, David should have ended the marriage early instead of blatantly lying and pretending for the cameras. Allen on the other hand kept giving Madison chances for an out because he knew she wasn’t into it but she kept him hanging on as though there was a chance. I also think Allen thought of David as a friend. Karla was right, David and Madison are both dirty. It seems like more happens when the cameras are down and the couples are out drinking.
  10. Boz needs to stop with this baby storyline. If Keely knows the history she shared with viewers then he should not be alright with her trying to get pregnant. This is making him look like a jerk. I really hope this is Dorits last season. There is nothing entertaining about her. Grabbing Sutton’s purse and saying she owed it to her was so odd. Why did Dorit think she should be gifted that purse? For being interrupted by Sutton? Awkward and beyond rude. They end the episode with Kyle and Dorit discussing their separations again. Neither tells us anything.
  11. Even then I could see her sitting next to the bed saying “Ridge, I am going to get your company back. Come home please”
  12. Plus he hasn’t even been her grandpa for a full year yet and he treated her like crap until she was reformed to his liking. Grandpa my ass!
  13. Where’s cousin daddy and his dilemma? Why do we have to endure the Forrester Fucked Over By Their Own Stupidity Team with guest star Pepe La Pew and their constant meetings? By the way Carter if you are going to steal a company you have to have the stomach for your own shady behavior and believe that the pigs you stole from deserve it. When is Brooke going to have enough of Ridge treating her like crap? She knows he’s banging his number 2. Why is she still begging?
  14. Why does Michael have to kiss Victors ass? I hope Michael goes to the Abbott’s and tips them off. He also could have pointed out to Victor that Nikki corrupted Jack by being a drunken slob on the night that Victor is so mad about. Kyle needs to tell Victor that he will seduce every one of his granddaughters that are of age.
  15. Why can’t Bravo stick with crew members named Ben or Kate? I can’t even remember the bosuns name let alone spell it.
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